

热度:11   发布时间:2024-03-06 20:47:52.0


幸运的是,有一些工具可以帮助找到参数的最佳组合。 Ray Tune 是分布式超参数调优的行业标准工具。Ray Tune包括最新的超参数搜索算法,与TensorBoard等分析库集成,并通过Ray’s distributed machine learning engine本地支持分布式训练。

在本教程中,我们将向大家展示如何将Ray Tune集成到Py Torch培训工作流程中。我们将从Py Torch文档this tutorial from the PyTorch documentation 中扩展本教程,用于训练CIFAR10图像分类器。

As you will see, we only need to add some slight modifications. In particular, we need to

wrap data loading and training in functions,


make some network parameters configurable,


add checkpointing (optional),


and define the search space for the model tuning



ray[tune]: Distributed hyperparameter tuning library

  • 分布式超参数调参库
  • torchvision: For the data transformers


Setup / Imports


from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import os
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils.data import random_split
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from ray import tune
from ray.tune import CLIReporter
from ray.tune.schedulers import ASHAScheduler



Data loaders


def load_data(data_dir="./data"):transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(),transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))])
?trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root=data_dir, train=True, download=True, transform=transform)
?testset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root=data_dir, train=False, download=True, transform=transform)
?return trainset, testset


Configurable neural network


class Net(nn.Module):def __init__(self, l1=120, l2=84):super(Net, self).__init__()self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, l1)self.fc2 = nn.Linear(l1, l2)self.fc3 = nn.Linear(l2, 10)
?def forward(self, x):x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))x = self.fc3(x)return x


The train function

Now it gets interesting,因为我们从Py Torch文档中引入了一些对示例的更改。

我们将训练脚本包装在函数train_cifar中 train_cifar(config, checkpoint_dir=None, data_dir=None)配置参数将接收我们希望使用的超参数。checkpoint_dir参数用于恢复检查点。data_dir指定我们加载和存储数据的目录,因此多次运行可以共享相同的数据源。


net = Net(config["l1"], config["l2"])
if checkpoint_dir:model_state, optimizer_state = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"))net.load_state_dict(model_state)optimizer.load_state_dict(optimizer_state)


optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=config["lr"], momentum=0.9)



Adding (multi) GPU support with DataParallel


device = "cpu"
if torch.cuda.is_available():device = "cuda:0"if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:net = nn.DataParallel(net)

通过使用设备变量,我们确保当我们没有可用的GPU时,培训也能工作。Py Torch要求我们显式地将数据发送到GPU内存,如下所示:

for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):inputs, labels = datainputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)

该代码现在支持对CPU、单个GPU和多个GPU进行培训。 值得注意的是,Ray还支持fractional GPUs,因此我们可以在试验中共享GPU,只要模型仍然适合GPU内存。 我们稍后再谈。


Communicating with Ray Tune

The most interesting part is the communication with Ray Tune:

with tune.checkpoint_dir(epoch) as checkpoint_dir:path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint")torch.save((net.state_dict(), optimizer.state_dict()), path)
tune.report(loss=(val_loss / val_steps), accuracy=correct / total)

在这里,我们首先保存一个检查点,然后向RayTune报告一些度量。 具体来说,我们将验证损失和准确性送回RayTune。 然后,Ray Tune可以使用这些度量来决定哪些超参数配置导致最佳结果。 这些指标也可以用于早期停止性能不佳的试验,以避免在这些试验上浪费资源。

检查点保存是可选的,但是,如果我们想使用诸如Population Based Training的高级调度程序,这是必要的。 此外,通过保存检查点,我们可以稍后加载经过训练的模型并在测试集上验证它们。


Full training function


def train_cifar(config, checkpoint_dir=None, data_dir=None):net = Net(config["l1"], config["l2"])
?device = "cpu"if torch.cuda.is_available():device = "cuda:0"if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:net = nn.DataParallel(net)net.to(device)
?criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=config["lr"], momentum=0.9)
?if checkpoint_dir:model_state, optimizer_state = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"))net.load_state_dict(model_state)optimizer.load_state_dict(optimizer_state)
?trainset, testset = load_data(data_dir)
?test_abs = int(len(trainset) * 0.8)train_subset, val_subset = random_split(trainset, [test_abs, len(trainset) - test_abs])
?trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_subset,batch_size=int(config["batch_size"]),shuffle=True,num_workers=8)valloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(val_subset,batch_size=int(config["batch_size"]),shuffle=True,num_workers=8)
?for epoch in range(10):  # loop over the dataset multiple timesrunning_loss = 0.0epoch_steps = 0for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):# get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]inputs, labels = datainputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)# zero the parameter gradientsoptimizer.zero_grad()# forward + backward + optimizeoutputs = net(inputs)loss = criterion(outputs, labels)loss.backward()optimizer.step()# print statisticsrunning_loss += loss.item()epoch_steps += 1if i % 2000 == 1999:  # print every 2000 mini-batchesprint("[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f" % (epoch + 1, i + 1,running_loss / epoch_steps))running_loss = 0.0# Validation lossval_loss = 0.0val_steps = 0total = 0correct = 0for i, data in enumerate(valloader, 0):with torch.no_grad():inputs, labels = datainputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)
?outputs = net(inputs)_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)total += labels.size(0)correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
?loss = criterion(outputs, labels)val_loss += loss.cpu().numpy()val_steps += 1
?with tune.checkpoint_dir(epoch) as checkpoint_dir:path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint")torch.save((net.state_dict(), optimizer.state_dict()), path)
?tune.report(loss=(val_loss / val_steps), accuracy=correct / total)print("Finished Trainin



?Test set accuracy


通常,机器学习模型的性能是在一个没有用于训练模型的数据的搁置测试集上进行测试的。 我们还将其包装为一个函数:

def test_accuracy(net, device="cpu"):trainset, testset = load_data()
?testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=4, shuffle=False, num_workers=2)
?correct = 0total = 0with torch.no_grad():for data in testloader:images, labels = dataimages, labels = images.to(device), labels.to(device)outputs = net(images)_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)total += labels.size(0)correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
?return correct / total

该函数还需要device 参数,因此我们可以在GPU上进行测试集验证。


Configuring the search space

最后,我们需要定义RayTune的搜索空间。 下面举一个例子:


config = {"l1": tune.sample_from(lambda _: 2**np.random.randint(2, 9)),"l2": tune.sample_from(lambda _: 2**np.random.randint(2, 9)),"lr": tune.loguniform(1e-4, 1e-1),"batch_size": tune.choice([2, 4, 8, 16])


sample_from()函数可以定义自己的示例方法以获得超参数。 在本例中,L1和L2参数应该是4到256之间的2的幂,所以要么是4、8、16、32、64、128或256。 应在0.0001到0.1之间均匀采样lr(学习率。 最后,批处理大小是2、4、8和16之间的选择。

 在每一次试验中,Ray Tune现在将随机地从这些搜索空间中抽取一个参数组合。 然后,它将并行训练一些模型,并在其中找到性能最好的模型。 我们还使用ASHAScheduler,它将提前终止执行不良的试验。

 我们用functools.partial包装train_cifar函数来设置常量data_dir参数。 我们还可以告诉RayTune每个试验应该有哪些资源:

gpus_per_trial = 2
# ...
result = tune.run(partial(train_cifar, data_dir=data_dir),resources_per_trial={"cpu": 8, "gpu": gpus_per_trial},config=config,num_samples=num_samples,scheduler=scheduler,progress_reporter=reporter,checkpoint_at_end=True)


可以指定CPU的数量,然后可用,例如。 以增加PyTorch数据加载器实例的num_workers。 在每个试验中,选定的GPU数对PyTorch是可见的。 审判不能访问尚未为他们请求的GPU-所以您不必关心使用同一组资源的两个审判。

这里我们也可以指定分数GPU,所以像gpus_per_trial=0.5这样的东西是完全有效的。 然后,试验将相互共享GPU。 只需要确保模型仍然适合GPU内存。

在对模型进行训练后,我们将找到性能最好的模型,并从检查点文件加载训练好的网络。 然后,我们获得测试集的准确性,并通过打印报告一切。


def main(num_samples=10, max_num_epochs=10, gpus_per_trial=2):data_dir = os.path.abspath("./data")load_data(data_dir)config = {"l1": tune.sample_from(lambda _: 2 ** np.random.randint(2, 9)),"l2": tune.sample_from(lambda _: 2 ** np.random.randint(2, 9)),"lr": tune.loguniform(1e-4, 1e-1),"batch_size": tune.choice([2, 4, 8, 16])}scheduler = ASHAScheduler(metric="loss",mode="min",max_t=max_num_epochs,grace_period=1,reduction_factor=2)reporter = CLIReporter(# parameter_columns=["l1", "l2", "lr", "batch_size"],metric_columns=["loss", "accuracy", "training_iteration"])result = tune.run(partial(train_cifar, data_dir=data_dir),resources_per_trial={"cpu": 2, "gpu": gpus_per_trial},config=config,num_samples=num_samples,scheduler=scheduler,progress_reporter=reporter)
?best_trial = result.get_best_trial("loss", "min", "last")print("Best trial config: {}".format(best_trial.config))print("Best trial final validation loss: {}".format(best_trial.last_result["loss"]))print("Best trial final validation accuracy: {}".format(best_trial.last_result["accuracy"]))
?best_trained_model = Net(best_trial.config["l1"], best_trial.config["l2"])device = "cpu"if torch.cuda.is_available():device = "cuda:0"if gpus_per_trial > 1:best_trained_model = nn.DataParallel(best_trained_model)best_trained_model.to(device)
?best_checkpoint_dir = best_trial.checkpoint.valuemodel_state, optimizer_state = torch.load(os.path.join(best_checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint"))best_trained_model.load_state_dict(model_state)
?test_acc = test_accuracy(best_trained_model, device)print("Best trial test set accuracy: {}".format(test_acc))
if __name__ == "__main__":# You can change the number of GPUs per trial here:main(num_samples=10, max_num_epochs=10, gpus_per_trial=0)




Downloading https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/beginner_source/data/cifar-10-python.tar.gz
Extracting /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/beginner_source/data/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/beginner_source/data
Files already downloaded and verified
== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.0/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=0
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: None | Iter 1.000: None
Resources requested: 2/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (9 PENDING, 1 RUNNING)
| Trial name          | status   | loc   |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | RUNNING  |       |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | PENDING  |       |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | PENDING  |       |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | PENDING  |       |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | PENDING  |       |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | PENDING  |       |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | PENDING  |       |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | PENDING  |       |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | PENDING  |       |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | PENDING  |       |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 |
+---------------------+----------+-------+--------------+------+------+-------------+[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m Files already downloaded and verified
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.295
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.310
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.193
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.302
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.296
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.326
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.303
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.083
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 1.995
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1,  2000] loss: 2.377
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.078
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.149
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.149
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.020
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.161
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.157
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.052
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 0.883
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 0.927
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1,  4000] loss: 1.186
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.684
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.760
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.758
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.660
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.775
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.770
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.624
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.542
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.2841date: 2020-10-09_19-56-48done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.881975656604767node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 41.3854501247406time_this_iter_s: 41.3854501247406time_total_s: 41.3854501247406timestamp: 1602273408timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 8.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=0
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: None | Iter 1.000: -1.881975656604767
Resources requested: 20/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (10 RUNNING)
| Trial name          | status   | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING  | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.88198 |     0.2841 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 |         |            |                      |
+---------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.499
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.559
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.552
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.488
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.581
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.579
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.448
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.389
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1,  6000] loss: 0.793
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [2,  2000] loss: 1.870
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.435
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.386
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.427
[2m[36m(pid=1165)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.390
[2m[36m(pid=1118)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.465
[2m[36m(pid=1104)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.462
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.341
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.302
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1, 12000] loss: 0.353
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1, 12000] loss: 0.311
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1, 12000] loss: 0.345
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [2,  4000] loss: 0.938
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1,  8000] loss: 0.594
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00003:accuracy: 0.2563date: 2020-10-09_19-57-13done: trueexperiment_id: 5c01db6fb7974f6087f128418068ab25experiment_tag: 3_batch_size=4,l1=4,l2=128,lr=0.0055155hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.9565512576580049node_ip: 1165should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 65.84106469154358time_this_iter_s: 65.84106469154358time_total_s: 65.84106469154358timestamp: 1602273433timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00003== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 8.9/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=1
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: None | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 20/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (10 RUNNING)
| Trial name          | status   | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING  | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.88198 |     0.2841 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | RUNNING  | |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING  |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING  |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 |         |            |                      |
+---------------------+----------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00005:accuracy: 0.0986date: 2020-10-09_19-57-13done: trueexperiment_id: 8d41531f8ac84a2fa81eb0d04bb4809aexperiment_tag: 5_batch_size=4,l1=4,l2=128,lr=0.042192hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 2.3523551787376404node_ip: 1118should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 66.13440608978271time_this_iter_s: 66.13440608978271time_total_s: 66.13440608978271timestamp: 1602273433timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00005Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00000:accuracy: 0.1073date: 2020-10-09_19-57-13done: trueexperiment_id: 71350ebb3b9b4c2ca892c43094b6e672experiment_tag: 0_batch_size=4,l1=8,l2=128,lr=0.021016hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 2.306087596511841node_ip: 1104should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 66.43020415306091time_this_iter_s: 66.43020415306091time_total_s: 66.43020415306091timestamp: 1602273433timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00000Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.4484date: 2020-10-09_19-57-14done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.505290996646881node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 67.45768523216248time_this_iter_s: 67.45768523216248time_total_s: 67.45768523216248timestamp: 1602273434timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00007[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1, 12000] loss: 0.270
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1, 14000] loss: 0.260
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1, 14000] loss: 0.301
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1, 14000] loss: 0.288
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.2704date: 2020-10-09_19-57-21done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 2loss: 1.9036258604049683node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 74.83478355407715time_this_iter_s: 33.44933342933655time_total_s: 74.83478355407715timestamp: 1602273441timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 2trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 7.3/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=3
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: -1.9036258604049683 | Iter 1.000: -1.9565512576580049
Resources requested: 14/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (7 RUNNING, 3 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.90363 |     0.2704 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.50529 |     0.4484 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 |         |            |                      |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [2,  2000] loss: 1.427
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1, 14000] loss: 0.227
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1, 10000] loss: 0.476
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1, 16000] loss: 0.260
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1, 16000] loss: 0.223
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1, 16000] loss: 0.245
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [3,  2000] loss: 1.876
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [2,  4000] loss: 0.711
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1, 16000] loss: 0.196
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1, 18000] loss: 0.226
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1, 18000] loss: 0.194
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1, 18000] loss: 0.216
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1, 12000] loss: 0.396
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [2,  6000] loss: 0.462
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [3,  4000] loss: 0.927
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [1, 20000] loss: 0.171
[2m[36m(pid=1101)[0m [1, 20000] loss: 0.200
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1, 18000] loss: 0.170
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [1, 20000] loss: 0.188
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [2,  8000] loss: 0.345
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.3206date: 2020-10-09_19-57-52done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 3loss: 1.9260577551841735node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 105.59961199760437time_this_iter_s: 30.76482844352722time_total_s: 105.59961199760437timestamp: 1602273472timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 3trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 7.3/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=3
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: -1.9036258604049683 | Iter 1.000: -1.9565512576580049
Resources requested: 14/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (7 RUNNING, 3 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.92606 |     0.3206 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.50529 |     0.4484 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 |         |            |                      |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [1, 20000] loss: 0.148
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1, 14000] loss: 0.339
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00008:accuracy: 0.1883date: 2020-10-09_19-57-56done: trueexperiment_id: 528c728f0abd4dde8df53627aa7b3cc9experiment_tag: 8_batch_size=2,l1=4,l2=8,lr=0.00016296hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.984449322938919node_ip: 1101should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 109.06154918670654time_this_iter_s: 109.06154918670654time_total_s: 109.06154918670654timestamp: 1602273476timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00008Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.3722date: 2020-10-09_19-57-56done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.6620629720330238node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 109.24619793891907time_this_iter_s: 109.24619793891907time_total_s: 109.24619793891907timestamp: 1602273476timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00006Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00009:accuracy: 0.3066date: 2020-10-09_19-57-58done: falseexperiment_id: 448a03d8183b48e4a732b9974760de96experiment_tag: 9_batch_size=2,l1=32,l2=256,lr=0.00013449hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.8606878761410712node_ip: 1119should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 111.55251812934875time_this_iter_s: 111.55251812934875time_total_s: 111.55251812934875timestamp: 1602273478timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00009== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=4
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: -1.9036258604049683 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 12/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (6 RUNNING, 4 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.92606 |     0.3206 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.66206 |     0.3722 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.50529 |     0.4484 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.86069 |     0.3066 |                    1 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [2, 10000] loss: 0.275
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [4,  2000] loss: 1.842
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2,  2000] loss: 1.660
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.4374date: 2020-10-09_19-58-05done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 1.5289554242562502node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 118.45757269859314time_this_iter_s: 118.45757269859314time_total_s: 118.45757269859314timestamp: 1602273485timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=4
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: None | Iter 2.000: -1.9036258604049683 | Iter 1.000: -1.881975656604767
Resources requested: 12/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (6 RUNNING, 4 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.52896 |     0.4374 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.92606 |     0.3206 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.66206 |     0.3722 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.50529 |     0.4484 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.86069 |     0.3066 |                    1 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2,  2000] loss: 1.796
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5087date: 2020-10-09_19-58-08done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 2loss: 1.3934748243197799node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 121.18621754646301time_this_iter_s: 53.72853231430054time_total_s: 121.18621754646301timestamp: 1602273488timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 2trial_id: 77a44_00007[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1, 16000] loss: 0.298
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2,  4000] loss: 0.801
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [4,  4000] loss: 0.914
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2,  2000] loss: 1.454
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2,  4000] loss: 0.886
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [3,  2000] loss: 1.292
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2,  6000] loss: 0.528
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1, 18000] loss: 0.264
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.3437date: 2020-10-09_19-58-23done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 4loss: 1.8035019870758056node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 136.0801386833191time_this_iter_s: 30.48052668571472time_total_s: 136.0801386833191timestamp: 1602273503timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 4trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=4
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.8035019870758056 | Iter 2.000: -1.6485503423623742 | Iter 1.000: -1.881975656604767
Resources requested: 12/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (6 RUNNING, 4 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.52896 |     0.4374 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.8035  |     0.3437 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING    |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   |         |            |                      |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.66206 |     0.3722 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.39347 |     0.5087 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.86069 |     0.3066 |                    1 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2,  4000] loss: 0.730
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2,  6000] loss: 0.570
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [3,  4000] loss: 0.647
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2,  8000] loss: 0.389
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2,  8000] loss: 0.417
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2,  6000] loss: 0.476
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [5,  2000] loss: 1.852
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [3,  6000] loss: 0.428
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2, 10000] loss: 0.306
[2m[36m(pid=1140)[0m [1, 20000] loss: 0.237
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2, 10000] loss: 0.326
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2,  8000] loss: 0.349
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2, 12000] loss: 0.255
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [5,  4000] loss: 0.934
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [3,  8000] loss: 0.325
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00004:accuracy: 0.1024date: 2020-10-09_19-58-49done: trueexperiment_id: 2ca91983c1654f39a11db9cdd1e47f10experiment_tag: 4_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=256,lr=0.064762hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 1loss: 2.346003741002083node_ip: 1140should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 161.9359531402588time_this_iter_s: 161.9359531402588time_total_s: 161.9359531402588timestamp: 1602273529timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 1trial_id: 77a44_00004== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=5
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.8035019870758056 | Iter 2.000: -1.6485503423623742 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 12/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (6 RUNNING, 4 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.52896 |     0.4374 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.8035  |     0.3437 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.66206 |     0.3722 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.39347 |     0.5087 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.86069 |     0.3066 |                    1 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2, 12000] loss: 0.271
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2, 10000] loss: 0.276
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2, 14000] loss: 0.213
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.3035date: 2020-10-09_19-58-53done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 5loss: 1.8839821341514587node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 166.10145020484924time_this_iter_s: 30.02131152153015time_total_s: 166.10145020484924timestamp: 1602273533timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 5trial_id: 77a44_00002[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [3, 10000] loss: 0.254
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2, 14000] loss: 0.228
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2, 12000] loss: 0.230
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2, 16000] loss: 0.187
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5319date: 2020-10-09_19-59-00done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 3loss: 1.3139552696928383node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 173.1586651802063time_this_iter_s: 51.972447633743286time_total_s: 173.1586651802063timestamp: 1602273540timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 3trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.3/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=5
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.8035019870758056 | Iter 2.000: -1.6485503423623742 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 10/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (5 RUNNING, 5 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.52896 |     0.4374 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.88398 |     0.3035 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.66206 |     0.3722 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.31396 |     0.5319 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.86069 |     0.3066 |                    1 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [6,  2000] loss: 1.907
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2, 16000] loss: 0.198
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2, 14000] loss: 0.192
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2, 18000] loss: 0.166
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [4,  2000] loss: 1.200
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2, 18000] loss: 0.177
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [6,  4000] loss: 0.960
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [2, 20000] loss: 0.148
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2, 16000] loss: 0.164
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [4,  4000] loss: 0.599
[2m[36m(pid=1119)[0m [2, 20000] loss: 0.152
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.2862date: 2020-10-09_19-59-22done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 6loss: 1.9193087907791138node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 195.79263925552368time_this_iter_s: 29.69118905067444time_total_s: 195.79263925552368timestamp: 1602273562timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 6trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.3/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=5
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.8035019870758056 | Iter 2.000: -1.6485503423623742 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 10/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (5 RUNNING, 5 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.52896 |     0.4374 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.91931 |     0.2862 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.66206 |     0.3722 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.31396 |     0.5319 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.86069 |     0.3066 |                    1 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2, 18000] loss: 0.147
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.4589date: 2020-10-09_19-59-27done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 2loss: 1.448237135411054node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 199.99908256530762time_this_iter_s: 90.75288462638855time_total_s: 199.99908256530762timestamp: 1602273567timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 2trial_id: 77a44_00006[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [4,  6000] loss: 0.403
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00009:accuracy: 0.4358date: 2020-10-09_19-59-33done: trueexperiment_id: 448a03d8183b48e4a732b9974760de96experiment_tag: 9_batch_size=2,l1=32,l2=256,lr=0.00013449hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 2loss: 1.5461469007849693node_ip: 1119should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 206.13924598693848time_this_iter_s: 94.58672785758972time_total_s: 206.13924598693848timestamp: 1602273573timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 2trial_id: 77a44_00009== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 6.3/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.8035019870758056 | Iter 2.000: -1.4971920180980116 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 10/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (5 RUNNING, 5 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.52896 |     0.4374 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.91931 |     0.2862 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.44824 |     0.4589 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.31396 |     0.5319 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | RUNNING    | |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [2, 20000] loss: 0.130
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [7,  2000] loss: 1.967
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3,  2000] loss: 1.454
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [4,  8000] loss: 0.310
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3,  4000] loss: 0.715
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [7,  4000] loss: 0.997
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [4, 10000] loss: 0.248
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.5459date: 2020-10-09_19-59-44done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 2loss: 1.2801105223743245node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 217.948983669281time_this_iter_s: 99.49141097068787time_total_s: 217.948983669281timestamp: 1602273584timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 2trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.8035019870758056 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 8/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (4 RUNNING, 6 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.28011 |     0.5459 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.91931 |     0.2862 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.44824 |     0.4589 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.31396 |     0.5319 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3,  6000] loss: 0.488
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5309date: 2020-10-09_19-59-50done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 4loss: 1.3358730784237385node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 223.8010766506195time_this_iter_s: 50.64241147041321time_total_s: 223.8010766506195timestamp: 1602273590timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 4trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.8/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: None | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 8/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (4 RUNNING, 6 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.28011 |     0.5459 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 1.91931 |     0.2862 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.44824 |     0.4589 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.33587 |     0.5309 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.2505date: 2020-10-09_19-59-52done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 7loss: 2.00418664560318node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 225.23884892463684time_this_iter_s: 29.44620966911316time_total_s: 225.23884892463684timestamp: 1602273592timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 7trial_id: 77a44_00002[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3,  2000] loss: 1.219
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3,  8000] loss: 0.356
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [5,  2000] loss: 1.144
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3,  4000] loss: 0.632
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [8,  2000] loss: 1.980
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3, 10000] loss: 0.283
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [5,  4000] loss: 0.566
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3,  6000] loss: 0.410
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [8,  4000] loss: 1.014
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3, 12000] loss: 0.236
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [5,  6000] loss: 0.390
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3,  8000] loss: 0.304
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3, 14000] loss: 0.198
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.2253date: 2020-10-09_20-00-21done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 8loss: 2.1314156931877135node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 254.41000890731812time_this_iter_s: 29.171159982681274time_total_s: 254.41000890731812timestamp: 1602273621timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 8trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.7/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 8/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (4 RUNNING, 6 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.28011 |     0.5459 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.13142 |     0.2253 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.44824 |     0.4589 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.33587 |     0.5309 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [5,  8000] loss: 0.297
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3, 10000] loss: 0.245
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3, 16000] loss: 0.173
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [9,  2000] loss: 2.112
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [5, 10000] loss: 0.235
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3, 12000] loss: 0.203
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3, 18000] loss: 0.154
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5628date: 2020-10-09_20-00-40done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 5loss: 1.2729537689715624node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 273.7186484336853time_this_iter_s: 49.917571783065796time_total_s: 273.7186484336853timestamp: 1602273640timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 5trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.7/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 8/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (4 RUNNING, 6 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.28011 |     0.5459 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.13142 |     0.2253 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.44824 |     0.4589 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.27295 |     0.5628 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [9,  4000] loss: 1.053
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [3, 20000] loss: 0.141
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3, 14000] loss: 0.170
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [6,  2000] loss: 1.095
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.17date: 2020-10-09_20-00-51done: falseexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 9loss: 2.1584741218566896node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 284.08941316604614time_this_iter_s: 29.679404258728027time_total_s: 284.08941316604614timestamp: 1602273651timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 9trial_id: 77a44_00002== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.7/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 8/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (4 RUNNING, 6 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.28011 |     0.5459 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.15847 |     0.17   |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.44824 |     0.4589 |                    2 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.27295 |     0.5628 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3, 16000] loss: 0.149
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.4727date: 2020-10-09_20-00-55done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 3loss: 1.4226891365654766node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 287.9995017051697time_this_iter_s: 88.00041913986206time_total_s: 287.9995017051697timestamp: 1602273655timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 3trial_id: 77a44_00006[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [6,  4000] loss: 0.556
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3, 18000] loss: 0.136
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [10,  2000] loss: 2.212
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4,  2000] loss: 1.392
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [6,  6000] loss: 0.376
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [3, 20000] loss: 0.114
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4,  4000] loss: 0.679
[2m[36m(pid=1164)[0m [10,  4000] loss: 1.133
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [6,  8000] loss: 0.279
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4,  6000] loss: 0.458
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.5798date: 2020-10-09_20-01-21done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 3loss: 1.1820625860116911node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 314.0342721939087time_this_iter_s: 96.08528852462769time_total_s: 314.0342721939087timestamp: 1602273681timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 3trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.7/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=6
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 8/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (4 RUNNING, 6 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.18206 |     0.5798 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | RUNNING    | |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.15847 |     0.17   |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.42269 |     0.4727 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.27295 |     0.5628 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00002:accuracy: 0.1292date: 2020-10-09_20-01-21done: trueexperiment_id: 2cf1c1fc6eaf4ed5961e07d3ec779432experiment_tag: 2_batch_size=8,l1=32,l2=16,lr=0.013123hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 10loss: 2.2377114813804626node_ip: 1164should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 314.6153542995453time_this_iter_s: 30.525941133499146time_total_s: 314.6153542995453timestamp: 1602273681timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 10trial_id: 77a44_00002[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [6, 10000] loss: 0.232
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4,  8000] loss: 0.342
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4,  2000] loss: 1.100
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5459date: 2020-10-09_20-01-30done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 6loss: 1.3732997598737477node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 323.68818259239197time_this_iter_s: 49.969534158706665time_total_s: 323.68818259239197timestamp: 1602273690timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 6trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.2/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.18206 |     0.5798 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.42269 |     0.4727 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.3733  |     0.5459 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4, 10000] loss: 0.271
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4,  4000] loss: 0.556
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [7,  2000] loss: 1.034
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4, 12000] loss: 0.229
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4,  6000] loss: 0.364
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4, 14000] loss: 0.196
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [7,  4000] loss: 0.541
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4,  8000] loss: 0.274
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4, 16000] loss: 0.169
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [7,  6000] loss: 0.368
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4, 10000] loss: 0.215
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4, 18000] loss: 0.150
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [7,  8000] loss: 0.273
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [4, 20000] loss: 0.135
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4, 12000] loss: 0.182
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [7, 10000] loss: 0.217
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4, 14000] loss: 0.158
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.576date: 2020-10-09_20-02-19done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 7loss: 1.24756854121387node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 372.3224792480469time_this_iter_s: 48.63429665565491time_total_s: 372.3224792480469timestamp: 1602273739timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 7trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.569687532749772 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.18206 |     0.5798 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.42269 |     0.4727 |                    3 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.24757 |     0.576  |                    7 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.4961date: 2020-10-09_20-02-20done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 4loss: 1.3667119354642927node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 373.32873916625977time_this_iter_s: 85.32923746109009time_total_s: 373.32873916625977timestamp: 1602273740timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 4trial_id: 77a44_00006[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4, 16000] loss: 0.134
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5,  2000] loss: 1.317
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [8,  2000] loss: 1.013
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4, 18000] loss: 0.120
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5,  4000] loss: 0.660
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [8,  4000] loss: 0.521
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5,  6000] loss: 0.438
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [4, 20000] loss: 0.108
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [8,  6000] loss: 0.350
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5,  8000] loss: 0.331
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [8,  8000] loss: 0.267
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.6009date: 2020-10-09_20-02-54done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 4loss: 1.1593985119301593node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 407.62501096725464time_this_iter_s: 93.59073877334595time_total_s: 407.62501096725464timestamp: 1602273774timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 4trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -2.1314156931877135 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.1594  |     0.6009 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.36671 |     0.4961 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.24757 |     0.576  |                    7 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5, 10000] loss: 0.271
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [8, 10000] loss: 0.218
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5,  2000] loss: 0.967
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5, 12000] loss: 0.221
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5664date: 2020-10-09_20-03-08done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 8loss: 1.3161735702279955node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 421.1367325782776time_this_iter_s: 48.81425333023071time_total_s: 421.1367325782776timestamp: 1602273788timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 8trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.1594  |     0.6009 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.36671 |     0.4961 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.31617 |     0.5664 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5,  4000] loss: 0.496
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5, 14000] loss: 0.186
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [9,  2000] loss: 0.986
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5,  6000] loss: 0.332
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5, 16000] loss: 0.164
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [9,  4000] loss: 0.503
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5, 18000] loss: 0.144
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5,  8000] loss: 0.243
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [9,  6000] loss: 0.342
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [5, 20000] loss: 0.129
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5, 10000] loss: 0.204
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [9,  8000] loss: 0.266
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5, 12000] loss: 0.167
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.5285date: 2020-10-09_20-03-45done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 5loss: 1.2945664445526899node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 458.353075504303time_this_iter_s: 85.02433633804321time_total_s: 458.353075504303timestamp: 1602273825timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 5trial_id: 77a44_00006== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.1594  |     0.6009 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29457 |     0.5285 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.31617 |     0.5664 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [9, 10000] loss: 0.213
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5, 14000] loss: 0.144
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6,  2000] loss: 1.270
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5803date: 2020-10-09_20-03-56done: falseexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 9loss: 1.3147958470012993node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 469.72292470932007time_this_iter_s: 48.58619213104248time_total_s: 469.72292470932007timestamp: 1602273836timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 9trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.1594  |     0.6009 |                    4 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29457 |     0.5285 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.3148  |     0.5803 |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6,  4000] loss: 0.624
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5, 16000] loss: 0.127
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [10,  2000] loss: 0.949
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6,  6000] loss: 0.430
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5, 18000] loss: 0.112
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [10,  4000] loss: 0.502
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6,  8000] loss: 0.323
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [5, 20000] loss: 0.099
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [10,  6000] loss: 0.346
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6, 10000] loss: 0.258
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.6221date: 2020-10-09_20-04-28done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 5loss: 1.0875221006242093node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 501.5412850379944time_this_iter_s: 93.91627407073975time_total_s: 501.5412850379944timestamp: 1602273868timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 5trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=7
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.08752 |     0.6221 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29457 |     0.5285 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.3148  |     0.5803 |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6, 12000] loss: 0.211
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [10,  8000] loss: 0.253
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6,  2000] loss: 0.827
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6, 14000] loss: 0.177
[2m[36m(pid=1098)[0m [10, 10000] loss: 0.210
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6,  4000] loss: 0.448
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6, 16000] loss: 0.160
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00007:accuracy: 0.5713date: 2020-10-09_20-04-45done: trueexperiment_id: 1e0a3b1304eb470898956b381db607e6experiment_tag: 7_batch_size=4,l1=128,l2=16,lr=0.002029hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 10loss: 1.2877456236266531node_ip: 1098should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 518.6297419071198time_this_iter_s: 48.90681719779968time_total_s: 518.6297419071198timestamp: 1602273885timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 10trial_id: 77a44_00007== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 5.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 6/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (3 RUNNING, 7 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.08752 |     0.6221 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29457 |     0.5285 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | RUNNING    | |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6, 18000] loss: 0.143
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6,  6000] loss: 0.297
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [6, 20000] loss: 0.127
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6,  8000] loss: 0.235
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6, 10000] loss: 0.184
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.5484date: 2020-10-09_20-05-10done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 6loss: 1.2631257870631292node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 543.5542225837708time_this_iter_s: 85.20114707946777time_total_s: 543.5542225837708timestamp: 1602273910timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 6trial_id: 77a44_00006== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.08752 |     0.6221 |                    5 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.26313 |     0.5484 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6, 12000] loss: 0.157
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7,  2000] loss: 1.256
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7,  4000] loss: 0.631
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6, 14000] loss: 0.131
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7,  6000] loss: 0.407
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6, 16000] loss: 0.121
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7,  8000] loss: 0.311
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6, 18000] loss: 0.101
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7, 10000] loss: 0.243
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [6, 20000] loss: 0.094
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7, 12000] loss: 0.203
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.61date: 2020-10-09_20-06-01done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 6loss: 1.1592615005358762node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 594.7056727409363time_this_iter_s: 93.1643877029419time_total_s: 594.7056727409363timestamp: 1602273961timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 6trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.15926 |     0.61   |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.26313 |     0.5484 |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7, 14000] loss: 0.176
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7, 16000] loss: 0.156
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7,  2000] loss: 0.802
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7, 18000] loss: 0.141
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7,  4000] loss: 0.393
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [7, 20000] loss: 0.123
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7,  6000] loss: 0.282
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.5369date: 2020-10-09_20-06-34done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 7loss: 1.2813393794611097node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 627.4627993106842time_this_iter_s: 83.90857672691345time_total_s: 627.4627993106842timestamp: 1602273994timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 7trial_id: 77a44_00006== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.15926 |     0.61   |                    6 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.28134 |     0.5369 |                    7 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7,  8000] loss: 0.206
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8,  2000] loss: 1.200
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7, 10000] loss: 0.171
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8,  4000] loss: 0.602
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7, 12000] loss: 0.138
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8,  6000] loss: 0.407
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7, 14000] loss: 0.121
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8,  8000] loss: 0.296
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7, 16000] loss: 0.109
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8, 10000] loss: 0.247
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7, 18000] loss: 0.098
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8, 12000] loss: 0.205
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [7, 20000] loss: 0.086
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8, 14000] loss: 0.175
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8, 16000] loss: 0.152
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.6115date: 2020-10-09_20-07-35done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 7loss: 1.1567747425308288node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 687.9970579147339time_this_iter_s: 93.29138517379761time_total_s: 687.9970579147339timestamp: 1602274055timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 7trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.7237946317078545 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.15677 |     0.6115 |                    7 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.28134 |     0.5369 |                    7 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8, 18000] loss: 0.136
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8,  2000] loss: 0.721
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [8, 20000] loss: 0.122
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8,  4000] loss: 0.373
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.5222date: 2020-10-09_20-07-58done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 8loss: 1.3225798389766366node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 711.2751452922821time_this_iter_s: 83.8123459815979time_total_s: 711.2751452922821timestamp: 1602274078timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 8trial_id: 77a44_00006== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3225798389766366 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.15677 |     0.6115 |                    7 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.32258 |     0.5222 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8,  6000] loss: 0.246
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9,  2000] loss: 1.150
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8,  8000] loss: 0.191
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9,  4000] loss: 0.587
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8, 10000] loss: 0.153
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9,  6000] loss: 0.383
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8, 12000] loss: 0.128
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9,  8000] loss: 0.297
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8, 14000] loss: 0.116
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9, 10000] loss: 0.239
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8, 16000] loss: 0.098
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9, 12000] loss: 0.200
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8, 18000] loss: 0.093
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9, 14000] loss: 0.173
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9, 16000] loss: 0.155
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [8, 20000] loss: 0.083
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9, 18000] loss: 0.135
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.6234date: 2020-10-09_20-09-07done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 8loss: 1.1474703996328957node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 780.5215935707092time_this_iter_s: 92.52453565597534time_total_s: 780.5215935707092timestamp: 1602274147timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 8trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3193767046023162 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.14747 |     0.6234 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.32258 |     0.5222 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [9, 20000] loss: 0.122
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9,  2000] loss: 0.652
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.5382date: 2020-10-09_20-09-21done: falseexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 9loss: 1.2859820882213302node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 794.5377962589264time_this_iter_s: 83.26265096664429time_total_s: 794.5377962589264timestamp: 1602274161timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 9trial_id: 77a44_00006== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3193767046023162 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.14747 |     0.6234 |                    8 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.28598 |     0.5382 |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9,  4000] loss: 0.336
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10,  2000] loss: 1.142
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9,  6000] loss: 0.233
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10,  4000] loss: 0.570
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9,  8000] loss: 0.178
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10,  6000] loss: 0.395
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9, 10000] loss: 0.143
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10,  8000] loss: 0.299
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9, 12000] loss: 0.118
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10, 10000] loss: 0.228
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9, 14000] loss: 0.104
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10, 12000] loss: 0.196
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9, 16000] loss: 0.093
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10, 14000] loss: 0.169
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10, 16000] loss: 0.151
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9, 18000] loss: 0.083
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10, 18000] loss: 0.132
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [9, 20000] loss: 0.078
[2m[36m(pid=1126)[0m [10, 20000] loss: 0.118
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.6124date: 2020-10-09_20-10-40done: falseexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 9loss: 1.2186276267750566node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 873.050055027008time_this_iter_s: 92.52846145629883time_total_s: 873.050055027008timestamp: 1602274240timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 9trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=8
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3193767046023162 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.21863 |     0.6124 |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.28598 |     0.5382 |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00006:accuracy: 0.5454date: 2020-10-09_20-10-45done: trueexperiment_id: 696157fc029f42e781f0779431a5902fexperiment_tag: 6_batch_size=2,l1=8,l2=8,lr=0.00035961hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 10loss: 1.290222985061258node_ip: 1126should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 878.2885060310364time_this_iter_s: 83.75070977210999time_total_s: 878.2885060310364timestamp: 1602274245timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 10trial_id: 77a44_00006== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.6/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=9
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3193767046023162 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 4/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (2 RUNNING, 8 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.21863 |     0.6124 |                    9 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | RUNNING    | |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29022 |     0.5454 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10,  2000] loss: 0.564
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10,  4000] loss: 0.304
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10,  6000] loss: 0.210
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10,  8000] loss: 0.165
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10, 10000] loss: 0.132
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10, 12000] loss: 0.107
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10, 14000] loss: 0.096
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10, 16000] loss: 0.089
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10, 18000] loss: 0.082
[2m[36m(pid=1145)[0m [10, 20000] loss: 0.071
Result for DEFAULT_77a44_00001:accuracy: 0.6152date: 2020-10-09_20-12-10done: trueexperiment_id: f3958015aa1f4ab2a11c7e4fc8b68da6experiment_tag: 1_batch_size=2,l1=256,l2=128,lr=0.00046168hostname: 234fef3cc6b0iterations_since_restore: 10loss: 1.3026221742785826node_ip: 1145should_checkpoint: truetime_since_restore: 963.3746852874756time_this_iter_s: 90.32463026046753time_total_s: 963.3746852874756timestamp: 1602274330timesteps_since_restore: 0training_iteration: 10trial_id: 77a44_00001== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=10
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3193767046023162 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 2/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (1 RUNNING, 9 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc             |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | RUNNING    | |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.30262 |     0.6152 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |                 |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29022 |     0.5454 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |                 |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |                 |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-----------------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+== Status ==
Memory usage on this node: 4.1/240.1 GiB
Using AsyncHyperBand: num_stopped=10
Bracket: Iter 8.000: -1.3193767046023162 | Iter 4.000: -1.3512925069440156 | Iter 2.000: -1.448237135411054 | Iter 1.000: -1.919263457131386
Resources requested: 0/32 CPUs, 0/2 GPUs, 0.0/157.76 GiB heap, 0.0/49.41 GiB objects
Result logdir: /var/lib/jenkins/ray_results/DEFAULT
Number of trials: 10 (10 TERMINATED)
| Trial name          | status     | loc   |   batch_size |   l1 |   l2 |          lr |    loss |   accuracy |   training_iteration |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00000 | TERMINATED |       |            4 |    8 |  128 | 0.0210161   | 2.30609 |     0.1073 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00001 | TERMINATED |       |            2 |  256 |  128 | 0.000461678 | 1.30262 |     0.6152 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00002 | TERMINATED |       |            8 |   32 |   16 | 0.0131231   | 2.23771 |     0.1292 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00003 | TERMINATED |       |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.00551547  | 1.95655 |     0.2563 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00004 | TERMINATED |       |            2 |  256 |  256 | 0.0647615   | 2.346   |     0.1024 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00005 | TERMINATED |       |            4 |    4 |  128 | 0.0421917   | 2.35236 |     0.0986 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00006 | TERMINATED |       |            2 |    8 |    8 | 0.000359613 | 1.29022 |     0.5454 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00007 | TERMINATED |       |            4 |  128 |   16 | 0.00202898  | 1.28775 |     0.5713 |                   10 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00008 | TERMINATED |       |            2 |    4 |    8 | 0.000162963 | 1.98445 |     0.1883 |                    1 |
| DEFAULT_77a44_00009 | TERMINATED |       |            2 |   32 |  256 | 0.000134494 | 1.54615 |     0.4358 |                    2 |
+---------------------+------------+-------+--------------+------+------+-------------+---------+------------+----------------------+Best trial config: {'l1': 128, 'l2': 16, 'lr': 0.0020289809406172947, 'batch_size': 4}
Best trial final validation loss: 1.2877456236266531
Best trial final validation accuracy:



为了避免浪费资源,大多数试验已及早停止。 性能最好的试验达到了大约58%的验证精度,这可以在测试集上得到确认。



接下来,给大家介绍一下租用GPU做实验的方法,我们是在智星云租用的GPU,使用体验很好。具体大家可以参考:智星云官网: http://www.ai-galaxy.cn/,淘宝店:https://shop36573300.taobao.com/公众号: 智星AI




