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Scott W. Ambler-敏捷建模-UMLChina讲座-音频和幻灯

热度:14   发布时间:2024-02-27 11:42:27.0




Scott W. Ambler,对象技术和敏捷方法专家。他是Ronin International的总裁,该公司是一家专门提供面向对象过程指导、体系结构建模和 Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)开发的咨询公司。Scott W. Ambler著有多本对象技术畅销书。

Scott W. Ambler学习武术,有刚柔流空手道(徒手)的黑带和Kobudo(器械)的绿带,此外还学习太极拳和瑜伽。他酷爱风景和野生摄影以及国际旅行。








My Latest Thoughts,下载:http://umlchina.com/chat/slide/AmblerMyLatestThoughts.ppt


(09:03:00)tuff604与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:I can't hear anything. :(


(09:05:17)*wrest与所有人说:wait a meoment

(09:06:35)*wrest与所有人说:why no voice


(09:06:52)[*umlchina_seminar]与*MichaelVizdos说:Have you install the voice plug-in?

(09:07:41)tuff604与所有人说:no voice

(09:07:45)[*umlchina_seminar]与*MichaelVizdos说:MichaelVizdo是Scott ambler的公司ronin-intl的副总裁

(09:10:55)tuff604与所有人说:still can't hear voice

(09:11:08)*wrest与所有人说:yes, sure

(09:11:37)*UpbeatJason与所有人说:hello, every one


(09:15:24)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:guess we're all early

(09:16:08)*UpbeatJason与所有人说:i think so ^_^



(09:19:50)*wrest与所有人说:can anyone hear the voice?

(09:19:56)*UpbeatJason与所有人说:i can

(09:20:14)*wrest与所有人说:it's fine now




(09:20:50)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:Yes I can hear

(09:21:21)tuff604与所有人说:yes, I got the ppt


(09:21:41)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:ok good

(09:21:44)tuff604与所有人说:ten minutes is ok

(09:21:47)tuff604与所有人说:for me

(09:22:12)tuff604与所有人说:keeping , I like to hear u are there.

(09:22:56)[*umlchina_seminar]与*ScottAmbler说:we can hear you clear

(09:26:08)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:can you hear me still?




(09:26:28)*chehy与[*umlchina_seminar]说:Is there any relationship between AM and UML?


(09:27:29)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:Nice to hear your voice :) and welcome to China

(09:29:08)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:Chehy asked: Is there any relationship between AM and UML?


(09:30:33)[*umlchina_seminar]与所有人说:chehy是scott ambler书籍的译者



(09:32:18)VoiceOfScottAmbler与所有人说:page 2












(09:44:23)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:so then what are the most important modeling?

(09:45:01)*chehy与所有人说:scott ambler在回答问题


(09:46:30)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:up to the application,OK, thanks

(09:47:16)*outmyth与所有人说:can these modelings address the whole unified process?same?



(09:52:32)sealw与所有人说:Great idea, applying agile thoughts on modeling



(09:53:12)*chehy与所有人说:UML 2


(09:53:56)VoiceOfScottAmbler与所有人说:UML 2 have some gap holes in business modeling

(09:54:17)sealw与所有人说:OMG think only Object, but RDB is the reality

(09:55:11)sealw与所有人说:OMG should think in UML(use case way)


(09:56:07)sealw与所有人说:slide 10


(09:57:37)sealw与所有人说:how data people and model people can work together

(09:58:02)sealw与所有人说:data people think data is most important think

(09:58:04)*chehy与所有人说:enterprise issues

(09:58:11)sealw与所有人说:important thing


(09:59:11)*chehy与所有人说:fourth philosophy





(10:01:11)sealw与所有人说:have to respect the reality of various technologies




(10:01:56)sealw与所有人说:communicate is important


(10:02:31)sealw与所有人说:we should learn English to communicate with Scott


(10:04:12)*chehy与所有人说:when to apply each choice

(10:04:15)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:agile modelers r generalist

(10:04:35)*chehy与所有人说:learn English to communicate with Scott

(10:04:55)*chehy与所有人说:slide 15



(10:05:29)*chehy与所有人说:database refactoring

(10:05:51)sealw与所有人说:not adding or taking anythin away

(10:05:52)delson与*chehy说:just good enough 咋译?

(10:05:53)*chehy与所有人说:is the same thing you refactor

(10:06:01)*chehy与所有人说:database schema


(10:06:12)sealw与所有人说:db refactoring is really hard

(10:06:31)sealw与所有人说:schema is coupled tightly

(10:07:01)*chehy与所有人说:if you take a walk at all the data theories

(10:07:22)*chehy与所有人说:to improve the design and the coupling

(10:07:30)sealw与所有人说:reduce the coupling of db schema

(10:07:57)*chehy与所有人说:this is why the refactoring is hard

(10:07:57)VoiceOfScottAmbler与所有人说:AD is mainly to de-coupling

(10:08:05)sealw与所有人说:introduing a look up table

(10:08:17)sealw与所有人说:many methods to improve

(10:08:38)*chehy与所有人说:slide 18

(10:09:21)sealw与所有人说:refactoring example

(10:09:22)*chehy与所有人说:international post code

(10:09:48)*chehy与所有人说:refactor the database schema

(10:10:07)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:how to evaluating our design between object-driven and data-driven? r there some good practices?

(10:10:10)*chehy与所有人说:on the left panel side

(10:10:20)sealw与所有人说:zip code int

(10:10:52)*chehy与所有人说:add a triger


(10:11:10)*chehy与所有人说:zipcode & postcode column

(10:12:00)*chehy与所有人说:zipcode ==> postcode

(10:12:01)sealw与所有人说:replace zipcode with postcode


(10:13:00)sealw与所有人说:db refactoing tools


(10:13:56)*chehy与所有人说:dba refactor the database

(10:14:13)sealw与所有人说:db refactor is a viable concept

(10:14:58)sealw与所有人说:regression test is the guard

(10:15:10)sealw与所有人说:not break anything

(10:15:58)*chehy与所有人说:the next slide


(10:16:13)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:work together is pretty important,but it's difficult in practice

(10:17:18)sealw与所有人说:production and retire phase is also important

(10:18:24)tuff604与所有人说:why put tailored rup on rup diagram?



(10:19:27)*chehy与所有人说:tailor your rup to meet your organization's needs

(10:19:41)tuff604与*chehy说:thank u

(10:19:46)sealw与所有人说:Do you Test First on building DB schema?

(10:20:08)tuff604与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:where to find out the detail of EUP?



(10:20:55)sealw与所有人说:dbunit is for seed data

(10:20:57)*chehy与所有人说:this kind of tools is not finished


(10:21:22)sealw与所有人说:db people don't work with code

(10:21:39)sealw与所有人说:db people need such tools

(10:21:46)sealw与所有人说:to support Test First





(10:22:55)*ruanweifeng与sealw说:Agile Modeling (AM) Site 中文站什么时候开




(10:23:48)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:MichaelVizdos是ronin-intl的Vice President



(10:24:28)*ruanweifeng与*chehy说:Agile Modeling (AM) Site 中文站什么时候开




(10:24:54)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:would you like a break now




(10:25:27)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:OK, see you 5 minutes later

(10:25:34)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:ok, on break



(10:26:03)[*umlchina_seminar]与*ScottAmbler说:Just keep the phone connection )





(10:27:41)VoiceOfScottAmbler与[*umlchina_seminar]说:刚才Professor说到是否有人愿意翻译AM网站内容,说不定umlchina 愿意组织 )

(10:28:09)*zhobin与*chehy说:what is ncicios


(10:28:37)*UpbeatJason与所有人说:I'd leave, thank you ScottAmbler, thanks umlchina, thanks everybody. bye

(10:28:41)fczucanzhon与所有人说:ncic ios ict是什么意思

(10:28:46)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:thanks for coming!

(10:28:53)sealw与fczucanzhon说:Scott关于O/R mapping的文章非常经典

(10:28:57)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:want to get started again?

(10:29:13)sealw与fczucanzhon说:Thank you, Scott

(10:29:14)[*umlchina_seminar]与*ScottAmbler说:OK. start again! )

(10:29:14)VoiceOfScottAmbler与所有人说:OK, we are ready now

(10:29:22)*outmyth与*MichaelVizdos说:how to evaluating our design between object-driven and data-driven? r there some good practices?

(10:29:26)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:a good url is www.agiledata.org/essays/mappingObjects.html

(10:30:49)sealw与所有人说:that is a classic article

(10:31:29)*chehy与所有人说:need to be constrained or not to be

(10:31:36)*zhobin与*chehy说:username and password?

(10:32:29)sealw与*ScottAmbler说:What do you think are bad smells of DB schema?

(10:32:33)*ruanweifeng与所有人说:How do the software fit together?



(10:33:52)*chehy与所有人说:poor naming condition

(10:34:12)sealw与*ScottAmbler说:If you use trigger to refactoring, can schema get worse and worse?



(10:35:19)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:how do u think of some open source O/R mapping framworks such as hibernate,jdo, it's hot topic now



(10:37:41)fczucanzhon与*chehy说:username and password

(10:37:58)*chehy与所有人说:any other questions?

(10:38:11)[*umlchina_seminar]与*ScottAmbler说:When will Object Primer 3rd be available

(10:38:43)fczucanzhon与*chehy说:ftp username and password


(10:38:57)sealw与*ScottAmbler说:Your Process Patterns is good.


(10:39:20)sealw与*ScottAmbler说:Chinese version is coming soon

(10:39:45)*chehy与所有人说:what is the new modelling trend in north america?


(10:41:28)sealw与*ScottAmbler说:PIM to PDM is hard.

(10:43:27)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:do u agree ejb container can be replace by some lightweight ioc container such as spring,pico

(10:43:52)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:or both work together?

(10:44:38)sealw与*outmyth说:different container fits different situation

(10:44:53)*chehy与所有人说:any questions?

(10:45:06)*chehy与所有人说:How to make the appropriate role classification in agile modelling?


(10:47:28)*chehy与所有人说:anyone has questions?

(10:47:34)*outmyth与京枝说:tell us something about your new book "Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture"

(10:48:58)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:i love practical style,thanks,welcome to beijing

(10:49:40)sealw与所有人说:Do you think the distributed component architcture is the future of Enterprise Achitecture?

(10:52:50)*chehy与所有人说:is there any chance that conflict will appear if we always adhere to the AM principles?

(10:52:54)*chehy与所有人说:i.e. is there any inherent conflict in AM principles?

(10:53:08)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:how to make our choice between a collocated and distributed architcture


(10:54:34)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:base on requirement?

(10:55:20)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:any more questions?

(10:55:48)*chehy与所有人说:xUnit & Ant & CVS, any other tools?


(10:56:25)*chehy与所有人说:in AM

(10:56:29)sealw与所有人说:i use junit, ant and cvs

(10:57:32)sealw与所有人说:paper and whiteboard is good for modeling

(10:57:41)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:And how do you think the tools of both together and Rational XDE Developer in code generating?



(10:58:55)sealw与所有人说:Cockburn suggest a whiteboard with printing function

(11:00:04)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:how do you think the vision of executable UML today? :)

(11:00:57)*ruanweifeng与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:What Has Changed XP, DSDM,?

(11:01:39)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:hehe, programmers are still here now,thanks

(11:03:19)*chehy与所有人说:what kind of people is appropriate for doing AM modelling

(11:03:43)sealw与所有人说:modeling skills

(11:03:52)sealw与所有人说:communication skills

(11:03:56)sealw与所有人说:open mind

(11:04:08)sealw与所有人说:ability of working with others

(11:05:19)sealw与所有人说:the question is not "do we need modeling?"

(11:05:31)sealw与所有人说:the question is "how we do modeling"

(11:06:19)sealw与所有人说:i think agile modeling is a viable way

(11:06:46)sealw与所有人说:quick feed back

(11:06:55)sealw与所有人说:quick evolution


(11:08:14)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:Any idea of how [modeling tools like Rational Rose] make itself better to fit agile modeling? )

(11:08:24)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:take a look at www.agilemodeling.com/practices.htm for a description of how to model

(11:08:55)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:Any idea of how modeling tools vendor like Rational make their tools better to fit agile modeling?

(11:11:41)sealw与所有人说:bad link: http://www.agilechina.org/agilemodeling/practices.htm

系统: 麦克风被您交给VoiceOfScottAmbler。

(11:12:51)*chehy与所有人说:Why AM is not so popular here in china now

(11:13:25)sealw与*chehy说:ok, the server has problem

(11:13:56)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:2004 will be "Ambler's Year" in China I think, Mr. Scott ambler got Jolt award this year.

(11:14:29)*chehy与所有人说:congratulations to Mr. Scott ambler


(11:14:58)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:And his website got the "best website" award

(11:15:07)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:i've just been nominated

(11:15:17)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:we'll find out who won next week

(11:16:02)sealw与*chehy说:hope you can win



(11:17:37)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:would you tell us that how is your normal day life?

(11:18:13)*sunqingyong与所有人说:I'm later? Is it completed?

(11:19:52)sealw与所有人说:every day is special day

(11:19:55)*chehy与所有人说:How can we quickly master such an aesthetic modelling techniques

(11:20:01)VoiceOfScottAmbler与*ScottAmbler说:nice, thank you


(11:20:22)sealw与所有人说:thanks to Scott

(11:20:27)sealw与所有人说:thanks to umlchina

(11:20:40)*ScottAmbler与所有人说:yes thanks for inviting for me

(11:20:45)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:Thanks Mr. Scott ambler, Mr. Michael Vizdos


(11:21:12)sealw与所有人说:Chiness is shy, hehe

(11:21:23)*chehy与所有人说:many thanks to Mr. Scott ambler & Mr. Michael Vizdos

(11:21:49)sealw与所有人说:Welcome to China





(11:22:48)*outmyth与*ScottAmbler说:thanks umlchina

(11:22:50)*chehy与所有人说:thanks for your precious time



(11:22:53)[*umlchina_seminar]与VoiceOfScottAmbler说:OK! Thanks everybody!

(11:22:57)delson与所有人说:谢谢,Scott, UMLchina!

(11:22:59)sealw与*ScottAmbler说:Thank you
