Precoding for Spatial Modulation Against Correlated Fading Channels
- insufficient separation and/or
- a direct line-of-sight channel component (i.e., Rician fading)
- 这个问题,即 the unequal error vulnerability of the antenna and symbol bits against adverse fading channel effects,,已经在一些早期的工作中被处理,如[3]-[6]。
- 尽管他们没有直接考虑这个问题,但是其他替代方法,比如 [6] 基于 trellis-coding 的方法,也显示了对这些影响的健壮性。然而,在所有这些解决方案中,收发器中增加了编码器-解码器对,结果延迟和计算复杂度显著增加。
- Recently, another line of work in [7]、[11] has addressed the signal shaping by precoding at the transmitter to provide transmit diversity and performance improvement for SM systems. Here, the precoder is designed to shape the constellation observed at the receiver in a way to enhance the minimum Euclidean distance or the bit-error probability.
- In [12]–[14], similar precoding strategies based on amplitude scaling have also been proposed for space-shift keying (SSK) [15], which is a special form of SM where only the transmit antenna dimension is used to bear information, making the receiver to only detect which antenna was emitting power.
- However, regardless of the fact that they are employed in SM or SSK, these precoders are designed
only for time-invariant channels
and for cases wherethe full channel information is available at the transmitter
. - In [10] and [11], partial channel state information (CSI) is also considered where the transmitter is assumed to know an erroneous version of the channel. However, these works still rely on fixed or block-fading channel realizations and do not consider time-varying or correlated fading channels.