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SWIG 打包C++数组供python调用 tcy

热度:7   发布时间:2024-02-23 09:42:39.0
用途:   该模块定义将普通C指针包装为数组的宏;不提供任何安全性;仅提供用于创建,销毁和修改原始C数组数据内容的功能     
1.2.%array_functions(type, name)  用途:创建四个函数,供你创建销毁辅值及读数组元素函数:type *new_name(int nelements)  //创建新动态数组分配内存type *delete_name(type *ary)  //销毁数组type name_getitem(type *ary, int index)  //读数组元素void name_setitem(type *ary, int index, type value)  //设置设置元素说明:type可是任何类型;name不应该与接口文件中有重名示例:        void print_array(double x[6]) {  int i;  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { printf("[%d] = %g\n", i, x[i]);  }  }  包装:        %module example  %include "carrays.i"  %array_functions(double, doubleArray);  void print_array(double x[10]);  python测试:         a = new_doubleArray(10)               # Create an array  for i in range(0, 10):  doubleArray_setitem(a, i, 2 * i)     # Set a value  print_array(a)                                  # Pass to C  delete_doubleArray(a)                    # Destroy array  
1.3.%array_class(type, name)  用途:将指针包装为类;在基于类接口内包装*类型指针;常与代理类结合使用    
结构:struct name {  name(int nelements);                      // Create an array  ~name();                                           // Delete array  type getitem(int index);                    // Return item  void setitem(int index, type value);  // Set item  type *cast();                                      // Cast to original type  static name *frompointer(type *);     // Create class wrapper from  existing pointer  };  实例:%module example  %include "carrays.i"  %array_class(double, doubleArray);  void print_array(double x[10]);  python操作:        import example  c = example.doubleArray(10)  # Create double[10]  for i in range(0, 10):  c[i] = 2 * i                               # Assign values  example.print_array(c)             # Pass to C  
1.4.注意:%array_functions,%array_class宏不会将C数组封装在特殊数据结构或代理中没有边界检查或任何形式安全性。如需要应该考虑使用特殊数组对象而不是裸指针%array_functions,%array_class不应与char或char *类型一起使用SWIG对这些类型默认作为字符串处理   
#pragma once
//1.1.example.hvoid add(float *rst_arr, const float *arr, int rst_size, int size);//1.2.Example.cpp
#include "Example.h"void add(float *rst_arr, const float *arr, int rst_size, int size)
{float n = 0;for (int i = 0;i < rst_size; i++){if (i < size)rst_arr[i] = arr[i] + 100;elserst_arr[i] = n + 100;n += 1;}
//自定义数组辅助函数%module Example//定义模块名%{
#include "Example.h"
%}#include "Example.h"
using namespace std;%inline%{static float *new_floatArray(size_t nelements) { return (new float[nelements]());
}static void delete_floatArray(float *ary){delete[] ary;
}static float floatArray_getitem(float *ary, size_t index) {return ary[index];}
static void floatArray_setitem(float *ary, size_t index, float value) {ary[index] = value;
}%}void add(float *rst_arr,const float *arr, int rst_size, int size);
//用carray.i%module Example//定义模块名
%include "carrays.i"
%array_functions(float, floatArray);%{
#include "Example.h"
%}#include "Example.h"
using namespace std;%}void add(float *rst_arr,const float *arr, int rst_size, int size);
//自定义数组辅助类(推荐)自动释放指针%module Example//定义模块名%{
#include "Example.h"
%}#include "Example.h"
using namespace std;%inline%{class FloatArrClass
private:size_t size;float *p_float;public:size_t getSize(){return size;}float *getFloatPointer(){return p_float;}float *new_floatArray(size_t nelements) {return (new float[nelements]());}void delete_floatArray(float *ary) {delete[] ary;}float floatArray_getitem(float *ary, size_t index) {return ary[index];}void floatArray_setitem(float *ary, size_t index, float value) {ary[index] = value;}void floatArray_setitem(float *ary, size_t index, float value) {ary[index] = value;}//swig不支持设置arr[]下标重载FloatArrClass() { size = 0; }FloatArrClass(size_t n) { size = n; p_float = new_floatArray(n); }FloatArrClass(const FloatArrClass &o) { size = o.size; p_float = o.p_float; }~FloatArrClass() {if (p_float != NULL) { delete_floatArray(p_float); p_float = NULL; }}
};  %}void add(float *rst_arr,const float *arr, int rst_size, int size);
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# from Swig.Camera import add,HalconClass
import numpy as np
import sys,os,shutildef copyfile(b=True):if b==False:returnpypath=r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Fastener\Swig'cpath=r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ProjectSwigWin\x64\Release'filename=r'Example'cfile_py=cpath+'\\'+filename+'.py'cfile_pyd=cpath+r'\ProjectSwigWin.pyd'pyfile_py=pypath+'\\'+filename+'.py'pyfile_pyd=pypath+r'\_'+filename+'.pyd'print(cfile_py)if os.path.isfile(cfile_py):shutil.copyfile(cfile_py,pyfile_py)else:print('not camera.py',cfile_py)returnif os.path.isfile(cfile_pyd):shutil.copyfile(cfile_pyd,pyfile_pyd)else:print('not camera.pyd')returncopyfile()
from Swig import Example  as obj#数组测试:
def test_Add_C_PulsPulse(obj,obj1,obj2,rst_arr,arr,n=6):obj1=obj1 if obj1 else objobj2 = obj2 if obj2 else objfor i in range(n):           #初始化数组obj1.floatArray_setitem(rst_arr, i, 0)obj2.floatArray_setitem(arr, i, i)obj.add(rst_arr,arr, n, n)#rst_arr=arr+100print('test arr:')for i in range(6):             #显示数组元素print("[%6.2f %6.2f]" % (obj.floatArray_getitem(rst_arr, i), obj.floatArray_getitem(arr, i)))# 自定义函数或用carray.i
rst_arr = obj.new_floatArray(n)
arr = obj.new_floatArray(n)test_Add_C_PulsPulse(obj,None,None,rst_arr,arr,n)