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5.7 Applications to differential equations (微分方程中的应用)

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本文为《Linear algebra and its applications》的读书笔记


  • Applications to differential equations
  • Decoupling a Dynamical System 解耦动力系统
  • Complex Eigenvalues

Applications to differential equations

In many applied problems, several quantities are varying continuously in time, and they are related by a system of differential equations:

Here x1,...,xnx_1,..., x_nx1?,...,xn? are differentiable functions(可导函数) of ttt , with derivatives x1′,...,xn′x_1',..., x_n'x1?,...,xn? , and the aija_{ij}aij? are constants. The crucial feature of this system is that it is linear. To see this, write the system as a matrix differential equation

x′(t)=Ax(t)(1)\boldsymbol x'(t)=A\boldsymbol x(t)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1)x(t)=Ax(t)           (1)where


A solution of equation (1) is a vector-valued function that satisfies (1) for all ttt in some interval of real numbers, such as t≥0t \geq 0t0.

Equation (1) is linear because both differentiation of functions(方程求导) and multiplication of vectors by a matrix are linear transformations. Thus, if u\boldsymbol uu and v\boldsymbol vv are solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'=A\boldsymbol xx=Ax, then cu+dvc\boldsymbol u + d\boldsymbol vcu+dv is also a solution, because

(Engineers call this property superpositionsuperpositionsuperposition(解的叠加) of solutions.) Also, the identically zero function is a (trivial) solution of (1).

The set of all solutions of (1) is a subspacesubspacesubspace of the set of all continuous functions with values in Rn\mathbb R^nRn.

Standard texts on differential equations show that there always exists what is called a fundamental set of solutions(基础解系) to (1). If AAA is n×nn\times nn×n, then there are nnn linearly independent functions in a fundamental set, and each solution of (1) is a unique linear combination of these nnn functions. That is, a fundamental set of solutions is a basis for the set of all solutions of (1), and the solution set is an nnn-dimensional vector space of functions.

If a vector x0\boldsymbol x_0x0? is specified, then the initial value problem(初值问题) is to construct the (unique) function x\boldsymbol xx such that x′=Ax\boldsymbol x' = A\boldsymbol xx=Ax and x(0)=x0\boldsymbol x(0)=\boldsymbol x_0x(0)=x0?.

When AAA is a diagonal matrix, the solutions of (1) can be produced by elementary calculus. For instance, consider

that is,


The system (2) is said to be decoupleddecoupleddecoupled(解耦) because each derivative of a function depends only on the function itself. From calculus, the solutions of (3) are x1(t)=c1e3tx_1(t)= c_1e^{3t}x1?(t)=c1?e3t and x2(t)=c2e?5tx_2(t)= c_2e^{-5t}x2?(t)=c2?e?5t , for any constants c1c_1c1? and c2c_2c2?. Each solution of equation (2) can be written in the form

This example suggests that for the general equation x′=Ax\boldsymbol x' = A\boldsymbol xx=Ax, a solution might be a linear combination of functions of the form

x(t)=veλt(4)\boldsymbol x(t)= \boldsymbol ve^{\lambda t}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (4)x(t)=veλt        (4)for some scalar λ\lambdaλ and some fixed nonzero vector v\boldsymbol vv.

Observe that


Since eλte^{\lambda t}eλt is never zero, x′(t)\boldsymbol x'(t)x(t) will equal Ax(t)A\boldsymbol x(t)Ax(t) if and only if λv=Av\lambda\boldsymbol v = A\boldsymbol vλv=Av, that is, if and only if λ\lambdaλ is an eigenvalue of AAA and v\boldsymbol vv is a corresponding eigenvector. Thus each eigenvalue–eigenvector pair provides a solution (4) of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x' = A\boldsymbol xx=Ax. Such solutions are sometimes called eigenfunctions\boldsymbol {eigenfunctions}eigenfunctions(特征函数) of the differential equation. Eigenfunctions provide the key to solving systems of differential equations.

The circuit in Figure 1 can be described by the differential equation

where x1(t)x_1(t)x1?(t) and x2(t)x_2(t)x2?(t) are the voltages across the two capacitors at time ttt . Suppose resistor R1R_1R1? is 1 ohm, R2R_2R2? is 2 ohms, capacitor C1C_1C1? is 1 farad, and C2C_2C2? is .5 farad, and suppose there is an initial charge of 5 volts on capacitor C1C_1C1? and 4 volts on capacitor C2C_2C2?. Find formulas for x1(t)x_1(t)x1?(t) and x2(t)x_2(t)x2?(t) that describe how the voltages change over time.
Let AAA denote the matrix displayed above. For the data given,


The eigenvalues of AAA are λ1=?.5\lambda_1 = -.5λ1?=?.5 and λ2=?2\lambda_2 = -2λ2?=?2, with corresponding eigenvectors

The eigenfunctions

both satisfy x′=Ax\boldsymbol x' = A\boldsymbol xx=Ax, and so does any linear combination of x1\boldsymbol x_1x1? and x2\boldsymbol x_2x2?. Set

and note that x(0)=c1v1+c2v2\boldsymbol x(0)= c_1\boldsymbol v_1+ c_2\boldsymbol v_2x(0)=c1?v1?+c2?v2?.

leads easily to c1=3c_1 = 3c1?=3 and c2=?2c_2 = -2c2?=?2. Thus the desired solution of the differential equation is

Figure 2 shows the graph, or trajectory, of x(t)\boldsymbol x(t)x(t), for t≥0t \geq 0t0, along with trajectories for some other initial points.

In Figure 2, the origin is called an attractor(吸引子), or sink(汇), of the dynamical system because all trajectories are drawn into the origin. The direction of greatest attraction is along the trajectory of the eigenfunction x2\boldsymbol x_2x2? (along the line through 0\boldsymbol 00 and v2\boldsymbol v_2v2? corresponding to the more negative eigenvalue, λ=?2\lambda=-2λ=?2). Trajectories that begin at points not on this line become asymptotic(渐近的) to the line through 0\boldsymbol 00 and v1\boldsymbol v_1v1? because their components in the v2\boldsymbol v_2v2? direction decay so rapidly.

If the eigenvalues in Example 1 were positive instead of negative, the corresponding trajectories would be similar in shape, but the trajectories would be traversed away from the origin. In such a case, the origin is called a repeller(排斥子), or source(源), of the dynamical system, and the direction of greatest repulsion is the line containing the trajectory of the eigenfunction corresponding to the more positive eigenvalue.

Decoupling a Dynamical System 解耦动力系统

When AAA is diagonalizable, suppose the eigenfunctions for AAA are

with v1,...,vn\boldsymbol v_1,...,\boldsymbol v_nv1?,...,vn? linearly independent eigenvectors. Let P=[v1...vn]P =[\boldsymbol v_1\ \ ...\ \ \boldsymbol v_n]P=[v1?  ...  vn?], and let DDD be the diagonal matrix with entries λ1,...,λn\lambda_1,...,\lambda_nλ1?,...,λn?, so that A=PDP?1A = PDP^{-1}A=PDP?1. Now make a change of variable, defining a new function y\boldsymbol yy by


y(t)\boldsymbol y(t)y(t) is the coordinate vector of x(t)\boldsymbol x(t)x(t) relative to the eigenvector basis

Since PPP is a constant matrix, the left side of (5) is Py′P\boldsymbol y'Py. Left-multiply both sides of (5) by P?1P^{-1}P?1 and obtain y′=Dy\boldsymbol y' = D\boldsymbol yy=Dy, or

The change of variable from x\boldsymbol xx to y\boldsymbol yy has decoupled the system of differential equations, because the derivative of each scalar function yky_kyk? depends only on yky_kyk?.

Since y1′=λ1y1y_1' = \lambda_1y_1y1?=λ1?y1?, we have y1(t)=c1eλ1ty_1(t)= c_1e^{\lambda_1t}y1?(t)=c1?eλ1?t , with similar formulas for y2,...,yny_2,..., y_ny2?,...,yn?. Thus


To obtain the general solution x\boldsymbol xx of the original system, compute

This is the eigenfunction expansion constructed as in Example 1.

Complex Eigenvalues

In the next example, a real matrix AAA has a pair of complex eigenvalues λ\lambdaλ and λ?\overline \lambdaλ, with associated complex eigenvectors v\boldsymbol vv and v?\overline\boldsymbol vv. So two solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'= A\boldsymbol xx=Ax are

It can be shown that x2(t)=x1(t)?\boldsymbol x_2(t)=\overline{\boldsymbol x_1(t)}x2?(t)=x1?(t)? by using a power series representation for the complex exponential function.

The real and imaginary parts of x1\boldsymbol x_1x1? are (real) solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'= A\boldsymbol xx=Ax, because they are linear combinations of the solutions in (6):

To understand the nature of Re(veλt)Re(\boldsymbol ve^{\lambda t})Re(veλt), recall from calculus that for any number xxx, the exponential function exe^xex can be computed from the power series:

This series can be used to define eλte^{\lambda t}eλt when λ\lambdaλ is complex

By writing λ=a+bi\lambda= a + biλ=a+bi (with aaa and bbb real), and using similar power series for the cosine
and sine functions, one can show that



So two real solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'= A\boldsymbol xx=Ax are

It can be shown that y1\boldsymbol y_1y1? and y2\boldsymbol y_2y2? are linearly independent functions (when b≠0b \neq 0b??=0).

Since x2(t)\boldsymbol x_2(t)x2?(t) is the complex conjugate of x1(t)\boldsymbol x_1(t)x1?(t), the real and imaginary parts of x2(t)\boldsymbol x_2(t)x2?(t) are y1(t)\boldsymbol y_1(t)y1?(t) and ?y2(t)-\boldsymbol y_2(t)?y2?(t), respectively. Thus one can use either x1(t)\boldsymbol x_1(t)x1?(t) or x2(t)\boldsymbol x_2(t)x2?(t), but not both, to produce two real linearly independent solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'= A\boldsymbol xx=Ax.

The circuit in Figure 4 can be described by the equation

Suppose R1R_1R1? is 5 ohms, R2R_2R2? is .8 ohm, CCC is .1 farad, and LLL is .4 henry. Find formulas for iLi_LiL? and vCv_CvC? , if the initial current through the inductor is 3 amperes and the initial voltage across the capacitor is 3 volts.

For the data given,

The complex solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'= A\boldsymbol xx=Ax are complex linear combinations of

The real and imaginary parts of x1\boldsymbol x_1x1? provide real solutions:

Since y1\boldsymbol y_1y1? and y2\boldsymbol y_2y2? are linearly independent functions, they form a basis for the two-dimensional real vector space of solutions of x′=Ax\boldsymbol x'= A\boldsymbol xx=Ax. Thus the general solution is

To satisfy x(0)=[33]\boldsymbol x(0)=\begin{bmatrix} 3\\3 \end{bmatrix}x(0)=[33?],

See Figure 5.

In Figure 5, the origin is called a spiral point(螺旋极点) of the dynamical system. The rotation is caused by the sine and cosine functions that arise from a complex eigenvalue. The trajectories spiral inward because the factor e?2te^{-2t}e?2t tends to zero. Recall that ?2-2?2 is the real part of the eigenvalue in Example 3. When AAA has a complex eigenvalue with positive real part, the trajectories spiral outward. If the real part of the eigenvalue is zero, the trajectories form ellipses around the origin.
