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机器/深度学习笔记:吴恩达机器学习 | (4) ex4-NN back propagation

热度:88   发布时间:2024-02-21 23:40:44.0


""" 神经网络-反向传播多分类问题 案例: 手写数字识别 """import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report # 这个包是评价报告def load_data(path, transpose=True):data = sio.loadmat(path)y = data.get('y')  # (5000,1)y = y.reshape(y.shape[0])  # make it back to column vectorX = data.get('X')  # (5000,400) 每一行是一个数字图(20×20)if transpose:# for this dataset, you need a transpose to get the orientation right# X = np.array([im.reshape((20, 20)).T for im in X]) # 把每一行还原为20×20的二维数组形式,共5000行,每一行一个二维数组# and I flat the image again to preserve the vector presentationX = np.array([im.reshape(400) for im in X])return X, ydef load_weight(path):data = sio.loadmat(path)return data["Theta1"], data["Theta2"]def expand_y(y):"""expand 5000*1 into 5000*10where y=10 -> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]: ndarrayfrom sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoderencoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)y_onehot = encoder.fit_transform(y)y_onehot.shape #这个函数与expand_y(y)一致"""res = []for i in y:  # y分类标签1-10y_array = np.zeros(10)y_array[i - 1] = 1res.append(y_array)return np.array(res)def serialize(a, b):return np.append(a.flatten(), b.flatten())def deserialize(theta_serialize):"""into ndarray of (25, 401), (10, 26)"""theta1 = theta_serialize[:25 * 401].reshape(25, 401)theta2 = theta_serialize[25 * 401:].reshape(10, 26)return theta1, theta2def sigmoid(z):return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))def feed_forward(theta_serialize, X):  # 前向传播theta1, theta2 = deserialize(theta_serialize)a1 = Xz2 = a1 @ theta1.Ta2 = sigmoid(z2)a2 = np.insert(a2, 0, values=1, axis=1)z3 = a2 @ theta2.Th = sigmoid(z3)return a1, z2, a2, z3, hdef cost(theta_serialize, X, y):  # 不带正则化的损失函数a1, z2, a2, z3, h = feed_forward(theta_serialize, X)J = -np.sum(y * np.log(h) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - h)) / len(X)return Jdef regularized_cost(theta_serialize, X, y, λ=1):  # 带正则化的损失函数"""the first column of t1 and t2 is intercept theta, ignore them when you do regularization"""t1, t2 = deserialize(theta_serialize)  # t1: (25,401) t2: (10,26)m = X.shape[0]reg_t1 = (λ / (2 * m)) * np.power(t1[:, 1:], 2).sum()  # this is how you ignore first colreg_t2 = (λ / (2 * m)) * np.power(t2[:, 1:], 2).sum()return cost(theta_serialize, X, y) + reg_t1 + reg_t2def sigmoid_gradient(z): # sigmoid函数的导数实现return sigmoid(z) * (1 - sigmoid(z))def gradient(theta_serialize, X, y):  # 无正则化梯度theta1, theta2 = deserialize(theta_serialize)a1, z2, a2, z3, h = feed_forward(theta_serialize, X)d3 = h - yd2 = d3 @ theta2[:, 1:] * sigmoid_gradient(z2)D2 = (d3.T @ a2) / len(X)D1 = (d2.T @ a1) / len(X)return serialize(D1, D2)def reg_gradient(theta_serialize, X, y, λ=1):  # 带正则化梯度D = gradient(theta_serialize, X, y)D1, D2 = deserialize(D)theta1, theta2 = deserialize(theta_serialize)D1[:, 1:] = D1[:, 1:] + theta1[:, 1:] * λ / len(X)D2[:, 1:] = D2[:, 1:] + theta2[:, 1:] * λ / len(X)return serialize(D1, D2)def nn_training(X, y, λ=1): # 训练模型init_theta = np.random.uniform(-0.12, 0.12, 10285) # 随机初始化theta值res = minimize(fun=regularized_cost,x0=init_theta,args=(X, y, λ),method='TNC',jac=reg_gradient,options={
    'maxiter': 400})return resdef plot_hidden_layer(theta):  # 可视化隐藏层theta1, _ = deserialize(theta)hidden_layer = theta1[:, 1:]  # 25,400 去掉偏差单元fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=5, nrows=5, figsize=(8, 8), sharex=True, sharey=True)for r in range(5):for c in range(5):ax[r, c].matshow(hidden_layer[5 * r + c].reshape((20, 20)), cmap=matplotlib.cm.binary)plt.xticks([])plt.yticks([])# -------梯度校验---------
def expand_array(arr):"""replicate array into matrix[1, 2, 3][[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3]]"""# turn matrix back to ndarrayreturn np.array(np.mat(np.ones(arr.shape[0])).T @ np.mat(arr))def gradient_checking(theta, X, y, epsilon, regularized=False):def a_numeric_grad(plus, minus, regularized=False):"""calculate a partial gradient with respect to 1 theta"""if regularized:return (regularized_cost(plus, X, y) - regularized_cost(minus, X, y)) / (epsilon * 2)else:return (cost(plus, X, y) - cost(minus, X, y)) / (epsilon * 2)theta_matrix = expand_array(theta)  # expand to (10285, 10285)epsilon_matrix = np.identity(len(theta)) * epsilonplus_matrix = theta_matrix + epsilon_matrixminus_matrix = theta_matrix - epsilon_matrix# calculate numerical gradient with respect to all thetanumeric_grad = np.array([a_numeric_grad(plus_matrix[i], minus_matrix[i], regularized)for i in range(len(theta))])# analytical grad will depend on if you want it to be regularized or notanalytic_grad = reg_gradient(theta, X, y) if regularized else gradient(theta, X, y)# If you have a correct implementation, and assuming you used EPSILON = 0.0001# the diff below should be less than 1e-9# this is how original matlab code do gradient checkingdiff = np.linalg.norm(numeric_grad - analytic_grad) / np.linalg.norm(numeric_grad + analytic_grad)print('If your backpropagation implementation is correct,\nthe relative difference will be smaller than 10e-9 (assume epsilon=0.0001).\nRelative Difference: {}\n'.format(diff))if __name__ == '__main__':X_raw, y_raw = load_data('ex4data1.mat', transpose=False)X = np.insert(X_raw, 0, np.ones(X_raw.shape[0]), axis=1)  # 增加全部为1的一列theta1, theta2 = load_weight('ex4weights.mat')y = expand_y(y_raw) # y-->(5000,10),标签分类范围0-9theta = serialize(theta1, theta2)  # 扁平化参数,25*401+10*26=10285,(10285,)print(theta.shape)print(regularized_cost(theta, X, y))# 反向传播res = nn_training(X, y, 1)_, _, _, _, h = feed_forward(res.x, X)y_pred = np.argmax(h, axis=1) + 1print('Accuracy={}'.format(np.mean(y_raw == y_pred)))plot_hidden_layer(res.x)  # 显示的是第一组θ的值# gradient_checking(res.x, X, y, epsilon=0.0001) # 这个运行很慢,谨慎运行,占用很大内存# If your backpropagation implementation is correct,# the relative difference will be smaller than 10e-9 (assume epsilon=0.0001).# Relative Difference: 2.1455623285988868e-09# 混淆矩阵精度验证print(classification_report(y_raw, y_pred))plt.show()