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HDUOJ 6533 Build Tree

热度:53   发布时间:2024-02-21 19:23:51.0

HDUOJ 6533 Build Tree


Problem Description

You need to construct a full n-ary tree(n叉树) with m layers.All the edges in this tree have a weight.But this weight cannot be chosen arbitrarily you can only choose from set S,the size of S is k,each element in the set can only be used once.Node 0 is the root of tree.

We use d(i) for the distance from root to node i.Our goal is to minimize the following expression:

Please find the minimum value of this expression and output it.Because it may be a big number,you should output the answer modul p.


The input file contains 2 lines.

The first line contains 4 integers,these respectively is k,m,n,p。(2 ≤ k ≤200000,2 ≤ p≤ 1e15)

The second line contains k integers,represent the set S,the elements in the set guarantee less than or equal to 1e15.

We guarantee that k is greater than or equal to the number of edges.


The output file contains an integer.represent the answer.

Sample Input

5 2 3 10
1 2 3 4 5

Sample Output


下面讲一下我的思路,首先可以算出 mmm 层满 nnn 二叉树的边数:
很容易发现越上层的边用到的次数越多,所以我们要对数组排序,将权值最小的放上层,这样才能使答案最少,因为对同一层边的使用次数是相同的,所以我们可以计算出前缀和,这样对每一层的计算就等于该层所有边权值的前缀和乘上调用次数,下面只需要考虑每一层的调用次数即可,我们就拿 n=2,m=4n=2,m=4n=2,m=4 举例:

  /  \   ------>调用7=1+2+4/\  /\  ------>调用3=1+2/\/\/\/\ ------>调用1=1

很容易发现对第 iii 层,调用次数即为 n1+n2+?+nm?i?1n^1+n^2+\cdots+n^{m-i-1}n1+n2+?+nm?i?1 次,就是一个简单的等比数列求和,答案就是每一层加起来即可,注意要多组输入,AC代码如下:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N=2e5+5;
ll n,m,k,p,a[N],sum[N];
ll Pow(ll n,ll m){
    ll ans=1;while(m--) ans=(ans*n)%p;return ans;
}ll Sum(ll n,ll m){
    ll ans=0;for(ll i=0;i<m;i++) ans=(ans+Pow(n,i))%p;return ans;
}int main() {
    while(~scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld",&k,&m,&n,&p)) {
    memset(sum,0,sizeof(sum));ll num=(Pow(n,m)- n)/(n-1),ans=0;for(ll i=1;i<=k;i++) scanf("%lld",&a[i]);sort(a+1,a+1+k);for(ll i=1;i<=num;i++) sum[i]=(a[i]+sum[i-1])%p;for(ll i=1,j=m-1;i<=num&&j>0;i+=Pow(n,m-j),j--) {
    ans=(ans + Sum(n,j)*(sum[i+Pow(n,m-j)- 1]-sum[i - 1])%p)%p;if(ans<0) ans=(p-(-ans)%p)%p;}printf("%lld\n",ans);}return 0;