HDUOJ 6825 Set1
Problem Description
You are given a set S={1…n}. It guarantees that n is odd. You have to do the following operations until there is only 1 element in the set:
Firstly, delete the smallest element of S. Then randomly delete another element from S.
For each i∈[1,n], determine the probability of i being left in the S.
It can be shown that the answers can be represented by PQ, where P and Q are coprime integers, and print the value of P×Q?1 mod 998244353.
The first line containing the only integer T(T∈[1,40]) denoting the number of test cases.
For each test case:
The first line contains a integer n .
It guarantees that: ∑n∈[1,5e6].
For each test case, you should output n integers, i-th of them means the probability of i being left in the S.
Sample Input
Sample Output
0 499122177 499122177
问题:给定一个的集合S,每次删除当前集合中最小的元素,再随机删掉1个元素,直到 ∣s∣=1|s|=1∣s∣=1,求每个元素最后被留下来的概率。
- 考虑元素 iii 被留下来的方案数,前面有 i?1i-1i?1 个元素,后面有 n?in-in?i 个元素。
- 当前仅当 n?i≤i?1n-i\leq i-1n?i≤i?1的时候, iii 才可能被留下。
- 每次删除最小的元素为操作 1,随机删掉一个元素为操作 2
- 大于元素 iii 的个元素一定是被操作 2 给删除的
iii 被留下来的情况,一定是后面所有的元素( n?in-in?i 个),全部被前面 i?1i-1i?1 个元素中的某个 111 对 111 的选择(使用操作 2) -
- 那么对后个元素,它们被选择的方案数是 Ci?1n?i?(n?i)!=Ai?1n?iC_{i-1}^{n-i}*(n-i)!=A_{i-1}^{n-i}Ci?1n?i??(n?i)!=Ai?1n?i?
- 然后剩下的个元素 (i?1)?(n?i)=2?i?n?1(i-1)-(n-i)=2*i-n-1(i?1)?(n?i)=2?i?n?1 两两删除。
- 那么被留下来的方案数为 (2?i?n?1)!(2?i?n?12)!?22?i?n?12\frac{(2*i-n-1)!}{(\frac{2*i-n-1}{2})!*2^{\frac{2*i-n-1}{2}}}(22?i?n?1?)!?222?i?n?1?(2?i?n?1)!?
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const ll mod=998244353;
const ll N=5e6+5;
int t;
ll n,F[N+1],I[N+1],cnt[N+1];
ll power(ll a,ll b){
return b?power(a*a%mod,b/2)*(b%2?a:1)%mod:1;}
void init(){
F[0]=1;for(ll i=1;i<=N;i++) F[i]=F[i-1]*i%mod;I[N]=power(F[N],mod-2);for(ll i=N;i--;){
}ll C(ll n,ll k){
return F[n]*I[n-k]%mod*I[k]%mod;
}int main(){
scanf("%lld",&n);ll sum=0;for(ll i=1;i<=n;i++){
if(2*i-n-1<0) cnt[i]=C(i-1,n-i)*F[n-i]%mod;else cnt[i]=C(i-1,n-i)*F[n-i]%mod*F[2*i-n-1]%mod*power(power(2,mod-2),(2*i-n-1)/2)%mod*I[(2*i-n-1)/2]%mod;sum=(sum+cnt[i])%mod;}for(ll i=1;i<=n;i++){
if(i>1) printf(" ");printf("%lld",cnt[i]*power(sum,mod-2)%mod);}printf("\n");}return 0;