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热度:16   发布时间:2024-02-12 18:18:46.0

Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020:Retrospective and Outlook

Author: Mihail C. Roco, Mark C. Hersam, Chad A. Mirkin

This volume presents a comprehensive perspective on the global scientific, technological, and societal impact of nanotechnology since 2000, and explores the opportunities and research directions in the next decade to 2020. The vision for the future of nanotechnology presented here draws on scientific insights from U.S. experts in the field, examinations of lessons learned, and international perspectives shared by participants from 35 countries in a series of high-level workshops organized by Mike Roco of the National Science Foundation (NSF), along with a team of American co-hosts that includes Chad Mirkin, Mark Hersam, Evelyn Hu, and several other eminent U.S. scientists. The study performed in support of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) aims to redefine the R&D goals for nanoscale science and engineering integration and to establish nanotechnology as a general-purpose technology in the next decade. It intends to provide decision makers in academia, industry, and government with a nanotechnology community perspective of productive and responsible paths forward for nanotechnology R&D.
本卷全面介绍了2000年以来纳米技术对全球科学、技术和社会的影响,并探讨了到2020年的下一个十年的机遇和研究方向。这里介绍的纳米技术的未来远景借鉴了美国该领域专家的科学见解、经验教训的审查以及来自35个国家的参与者在国家科学基金会(nsf)的迈克·罗科(mike roco)组织的一系列高级别研讨会上分享的国际观点,还有一个由美国共同主办的小组,其中包括查德·米尔金、马克·赫萨姆、伊夫林·胡和其他几位美国著名科学家。这项支持美国国家纳米技术计划(nni)的研究旨在重新定义纳米科学和工程集成的研发目标,并在未来十年内将纳米技术确立为通用技术。它旨在为学术界、工业界和政府的决策者提供一个纳米技术社区视角,为纳米技术研发提供富有成效和负责任的道路。

“Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 is a wonderful piece of work. This book reflects the bible for nanotechnology for the next decades for the whole world. Well done.” (Prof. Marcel van de Voorde, Delft University of Technology, Delft, November 2010)
“2020年面向社会需求的纳米技术研究方向是一项了不起的工作。这本书反映了未来几十年全世界纳米技术的圣经。干得好。”(marcel van de voorde教授,代尔夫特理工大学,代尔夫特,2010年11月)

“This book provides a comprehensive vision and an overarching roadmap for the nanotechnology community. It comes at a great time as we move into the next decade of nano-enabled commercialization.” (Vincent Caprio, Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association, November 2010).

“The National Nanotechnology Initiative story could provide a useful case study for newer research efforts into fields such as synthetic biology, renewable energy or adaptation to climate change.” (David Rejeski, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, September 2010)
“国家纳米技术倡议的故事可以为合成生物学、可再生能源或适应气候变化等领域的新研究工作提供一个有用的案例研究。”(david rejeski,woodrow wilson国际学者中心,2010年9月)

“Some of these [nanotechnology] research goals will take 20 or more years to achieve. But that is why there is such a critical role for the federal government.” (President Bill Clinton, Speech announcing NNI at Caltech, January 2000)