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go without/graduate from/hand over等动词词组

热度:33   发布时间:2024-02-11 12:55:34.0

本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day3 Week 2”


go against 违背;不利于

  • If a person or his behaviour goes against your wishes,beliefs,or expectations,his behaviour is the opposite of what you wnat,believe in,or expect.
  • If a decision,vote,or result goes against you,you do not get the decision,vote,or result that you wanted.

go ahead (with) 着手去做;进行

  • If someone goes ahead with something they again to do it or make it,especially after planning promising,or asking permission to do it.
  • If a process or an organized event goes ahead ,it takes place or is carried out.

go away 离开

  • If you go away, you leave a place or a person’s company.

go down 下降;(太阳)下山

  • If a price,level,or amount goes down,it becomes lower or less than it was.
  • When the sun goes down,it goes below the horizon.

go for 选择

  • If you go for a particular thing or way of doing something,you choose it.

go on 继续;发生;继续下去;继续存在;(时间)流逝

  • If you go on doing something,you continue to do it.
  • If something is going on,it is happening .
  • If a process or insitution goes on,it continues to happen or exist.
  • If you say that period of time goes on,you mean that it passes.

go out (with) 外出娱乐;恋爱,约会;(灯,火)熄灭

  • If you go out,you leave your home in order to do something enjoyable,for example,for example to go to a party,a bar,or the movies.
  • If you go out with someone,the two of you spend time together socially,and have a romantic relationship.
  • If a light goes out,it stops shining.
  • If something that is burning goes out,it stops burning.

go up 上涨

  • If a price,amount,or level goes up,it becomes higher or greater than it was.

go with 伴随…而享有;伴随…而存在

  • If one thing goes with another thing,the two things officially belong together,so that if you get one,you also get the other.
  • If one thing goes with another thing,it is usually found or experienced together with the other thing.

go without 得不到,不去做

  • If you go without something that you need or usually have or do,you do not gei it or do it.

graduate from 毕业

  • When a student graduates from a school or university,they complete their studies successfully and leave it.

grow up 长大成人,发展壮大

  • When someone grows up,they gradually change from being a child into being an adult.
  • If something grows up,it strats to exist and them becomes larger or more important.

hand in 上交(作业或失物);递交(辞呈)

  • If you hand in something such as homework or something that you have found,you give it to a teacher,police officer,or other person in authority.
  • If you hand in your notice or regnation,you tell your employer, in speech or in writing ,that you no longer wish to work there.

hand over 移交;交付…负责

  • If you hand something over to someone,you give them the responsibility for dealing with a particular situation or problem.
  • If you hand over to someone or hand something over to them,you give them the responsibility for dealing with particular situation or problem.

hang out 挂出;闲逛

  • If you hang out clothes that you have washed,you hang them on a clothes line to dry.
  • If you hang out in a particular place or area,you go and stay there for no particular reason,or spend a lot of time there.

happen to 发生于,碰巧

  • When something ,especially something unpleasant ,happens to you,it takes place and affects you.
  • If you happen to do something ,you do it by chance.

head for 朝…进发

  • If you head for somewhere ,you go or cause to go towards that place.

hear from 接到(信或电话)

  • If you hear from someone,you receive a letter or telephone call from them.

help out 帮忙,借钱

  • IF you help someone out, you help them by doing some work for them or by landing them some money.

hold back 阻止;隐瞒;克制(情绪)

  • To hold someone or something back means to prevent someone from doing something,or to prevent something from happening.
  • If you hold something back,you do not include it in the information you are giving about something.
  • If you hold back something such as tears or laughter,or if you hold back,you make an effort to stop yourself from showing how you feel.



动词词组 中文含义
hand in 上交(作业或失物);递交(辞呈)
go up 上涨
go with 伴随…而享有;伴随…而存在
hang out 挂出;闲逛
hand over 移交;交付…负责
graduate from 毕业
hold back 阻止;隐瞒;克制(情绪)
go on 继续;发生;继续下去;继续存在;(时间)流逝
go out (with) 外出娱乐;恋爱,约会;(灯,火)熄灭
head for 朝…进发
go away 离开
hear from 接到(信或电话)
go ahead (with) 着手去做;进行
grow up 长大成人,发展壮大
go against 违背;不利于
go down 下降;(太阳)下山
go without 得不到,不去做
happen to 发生于,碰巧
go for 选择
help out 帮忙,借钱



  1. Nowadays even to ___ an ordinary university,you have to write a thesis.
  2. This region’s crime rate has reported to ____ by 70 percent.
  3. Happiness doesn’t necessarily ___ an increase in money.
  4. The government intends to ___ its privatization plans.
  5. She got them to ____ all their money by a wicked deceit.
  6. It is always futile to try to ___ the progress of history.
  7. All these presents cost more money than I had,so my mother had to ___ me ___.
  8. Even if it should rain tomorrow,they will ___ an outing.
  9. She has wiped tears away now,and can ___ again properly.
  10. Children must be educated to serve their country when they ___ .
  11. Don’t do anything that should ____ your own will.
  12. I ___ have the latest populationi statistics with me.
  13. I often __ Cynthia but it’s purely Platonic love between us.
  14. It is pointless to __ washing when it is raining.
  15. Next time you feel ill at home,please ___ the drugstore directly.
  16. We must put quality before quantity and would rather ___ something of low quality.
  17. Maybe if we pretend the problem isn’t there,it will ___.
  18. Shall we __ the stairs or take the lift instead?
  19. I do not know when she can ___ her school assignment.
  20. Remember me with affection,should you never ___ me again.


  1. graduate from
  2. go down
  3. go with
  4. go ahead with
  5. hand over
  6. hold back
  7. help out
  8. go for
  9. go on
  10. grow up
  11. go against
  12. happen to
  13. go out with
  14. hang out
  15. hand for
  16. go without
  17. go away
  18. go up
  19. hand in
  20. hear from

博主上一篇博文(day2 week2):

gain from/gaze at/get across等动词词组
