当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> Android应用程序绑定服务(bindService)的过程


热度:9   发布时间:2024-02-10 22:01:50.0


Step 1. ContextWrapper.bindService


public class ContextWrapper extends Context {  Context mBase;  ......  @Override  public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn,  int flags) {  return mBase.bindService(service, conn, flags);  }  ......  


Step 2. ContextImpl.bindService


class ContextImpl extends Context {  ......  @Override  public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn,  int flags) {  IServiceConnection sd;  if (mPackageInfo != null) {  sd = mPackageInfo.getServiceDispatcher(conn, getOuterContext(),  mMainThread.getHandler(), flags);  } else {  ......  }  try {  int res = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().bindService(  mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), getActivityToken(),  service, service.resolveTypeIfNeeded(getContentResolver()),  sd, flags);  ......  return res != 0;  } catch (RemoteException e) {  return false;  }  }  ......  }  



Step 3. ActivityThread.getHandler

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  final H mH = new H();  ......  private final class H extends Handler {  ......  public void handleMessage(Message msg) {  ......  }  ......  }  ......  final Handler getHandler() {  return mH;  }  ......  


回到Step 2中的ContextImpl.bindService函数中,获得了这个Handler对象后,就调用mPackageInfo.getServiceDispatcher函数来获得一个IServiceConnection接口,这里的mPackageInfo的类型是LoadedApk。

Step 4. LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher


final class LoadedApk {  ......  public final IServiceConnection getServiceDispatcher(ServiceConnection c,  Context context, Handler handler, int flags) {  synchronized (mServices) {  LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = null;  HashMap<ServiceConnection, LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> map = mServices.get(context);  if (map != null) {  sd = map.get(c);  }  if (sd == null) {  sd = new ServiceDispatcher(c, context, handler, flags);  if (map == null) {  map = new HashMap<ServiceConnection, LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>();  mServices.put(context, map);  }  map.put(c, sd);  } else {  sd.validate(context, handler);  }  return sd.getIServiceConnection();  }  }  ......  static final class ServiceDispatcher {  private final ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection mIServiceConnection;  private final ServiceConnection mConnection;  private final Handler mActivityThread;  ......  private static class InnerConnection extends IServiceConnection.Stub {  final WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher> mDispatcher;  ......  InnerConnection(LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd) {  mDispatcher = new WeakReference<LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher>(sd);  }  ......  }  ......  ServiceDispatcher(ServiceConnection conn,  Context context, Handler activityThread, int flags) {  mIServiceConnection = new InnerConnection(this);  mConnection = conn;  mActivityThread = activityThread;  ......  }  ......  IServiceConnection getIServiceConnection() {  return mIServiceConnection;  }  ......  }  ......  



Step 5. ActivityManagerProxy.bindService


class ActivityManagerProxy implements IActivityManager  
{  ......  public int bindService(IApplicationThread caller, IBinder token,  Intent service, String resolvedType, IServiceConnection connection,  int flags) throws RemoteException {  Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();  Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();  data.writeInterfaceToken(IActivityManager.descriptor);  data.writeStrongBinder(caller != null ? caller.asBinder() : null);  data.writeStrongBinder(token);  service.writeToParcel(data, 0);  data.writeString(resolvedType);  data.writeStrongBinder(connection.asBinder());  data.writeInt(flags);  mRemote.transact(BIND_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);  reply.readException();  int res = reply.readInt();  data.recycle();  reply.recycle();  return res;  }  ......  


Step 6. ActivityManagerService.bindService

public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative  implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {  ......  public int bindService(IApplicationThread caller, IBinder token,  Intent service, String resolvedType,  IServiceConnection connection, int flags) {  ......  synchronized(this) {  ......  final ProcessRecord callerApp = getRecordForAppLocked(caller);  ......  ActivityRecord activity = null;  if (token != null) {  int aindex = mMainStack.indexOfTokenLocked(token);  ......  activity = (ActivityRecord)mMainStack.mHistory.get(aindex);  }  ......  ServiceLookupResult res =  retrieveServiceLocked(service, resolvedType,  Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid());  ......  ServiceRecord s = res.record;  final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();  ......  AppBindRecord b = s.retrieveAppBindingLocked(service, callerApp);  ConnectionRecord c = new ConnectionRecord(b, activity,  connection, flags, clientLabel, clientIntent);  IBinder binder = connection.asBinder();  ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = s.connections.get(binder);  if (clist == null) {  clist = new ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>();  s.connections.put(binder, clist);  }  clist.add(c);  b.connections.add(c);  if (activity != null) {  if (activity.connections == null) {  activity.connections = new HashSet<ConnectionRecord>();  }  activity.connections.add(c);  }  b.client.connections.add(c);  clist = mServiceConnections.get(binder);  if (clist == null) {  clist = new ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>();  mServiceConnections.put(binder, clist);  }  clist.add(c);  if ((flags&Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE) != 0) {  ......  if (!bringUpServiceLocked(s, service.getFlags(), false)) {  return 0;  }  }  ......  }  return 1;  }             ......  



Intent bindIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, CounterService.class);  
bindService(bindIntent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);  


接下来,就是把传进来的参数connection封装成一个ConnectionRecord对象。注意,这里的参数connection是一个Binder对象,它的类型是LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection,是在Step 4中创建的,后续ActivityManagerService就是要通过它来告诉MainActivity,CounterService已经启动起来了,因此,这里要把这个ConnectionRecord变量c保存下来,它保在在好几个地方,都是为了后面要用时方便地取回来的。


Step 7. ActivityManagerService.bringUpServiceLocked

public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative  implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {  ......  private final boolean bringUpServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r,  int intentFlags, boolean whileRestarting) {  ......  final String appName = r.processName;  ProcessRecord app = getProcessRecordLocked(appName, r.appInfo.uid);  if (app != null && app.thread != null) {  try {  realStartServiceLocked(r, app);  return true;  } catch (RemoteException e) {  ......  }  }  // Not running -- get it started, and enqueue this service record // to be executed when the app comes up. if (startProcessLocked(appName, r.appInfo, true, intentFlags,  "service", r.name, false) == null) {  ......  }  ......  }  ......  



Step 8. ActivityManagerService.realStartServiceLocked

public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative  implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {  ......  private final void realStartServiceLocked(ServiceRecord r,  ProcessRecord app) throws RemoteException {  ......  r.app = app;  ......  app.services.add(r);  ......  try {  ......  app.thread.scheduleCreateService(r, r.serviceInfo);  ......  } finally {  ......  }  requestServiceBindingsLocked(r);  ......  }  ......  




Step 9. ApplicationThreadProxy.scheduleCreateService

class ApplicationThreadProxy implements IApplicationThread {  ......  public final void scheduleCreateService(IBinder token, ServiceInfo info)  throws RemoteException {  Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();  data.writeInterfaceToken(IApplicationThread.descriptor);  data.writeStrongBinder(token);  info.writeToParcel(data, 0);  mRemote.transact(SCHEDULE_CREATE_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, null,  IBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY);  data.recycle();  }  ......  


Step 10. ApplicationThread.scheduleCreateService

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  private final class ApplicationThread extends ApplicationThreadNative {  ......  public final void scheduleCreateService(IBinder token,  ServiceInfo info) {  CreateServiceData s = new CreateServiceData();  s.token = token;  s.info = info;  queueOrSendMessage(H.CREATE_SERVICE, s);  }  ......  }  ......  


Step 11. ActivityThread.queueOrSendMessage

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  // if the thread hasn't started yet, we don't have the handler, so just // save the messages until we're ready. private final void queueOrSendMessage(int what, Object obj) {  queueOrSendMessage(what, obj, 0, 0);  }  private final void queueOrSendMessage(int what, Object obj, int arg1) {  queueOrSendMessage(what, obj, arg1, 0);  }  private final void queueOrSendMessage(int what, Object obj, int arg1, int arg2) {  synchronized (this) {  ......  Message msg = Message.obtain();  msg.what = what;  msg.obj = obj;  msg.arg1 = arg1;  msg.arg2 = arg2;  mH.sendMessage(msg);  }  }  ......  

Step 12. H.sendMessage


public final class ActivityThread {  ......  private final class H extends Handler {  ......  public void handleMessage(Message msg) {  ......  switch (msg.what) {  ......  case CREATE_SERVICE:  handleCreateService((CreateServiceData)msg.obj);  break;  ......  }  }  }  ......  

Step 13. ActivityThread.handleCreateService

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  private final void handleCreateService(CreateServiceData data) {  ......  LoadedApk packageInfo = getPackageInfoNoCheck(  data.info.applicationInfo);  Service service = null;  try {  java.lang.ClassLoader cl = packageInfo.getClassLoader();  service = (Service) cl.loadClass(data.info.name).newInstance();  } catch (Exception e) {  ......  }  try {  ......  ContextImpl context = new ContextImpl();  context.init(packageInfo, null, this);  Application app = packageInfo.makeApplication(false, mInstrumentation);  context.setOuterContext(service);  service.attach(context, this, data.info.name, data.token, app,  ActivityManagerNative.getDefault());  service.onCreate();  mServices.put(data.token, service);  ......  } catch (Exception e) {  ......  }  }  ......  




这一步完成之后,我们还要回到Step 8中去,执行下一个操作,即调用ActivityManagerService.requestServiceBindingsLocked函数,这个调用是用来执行CounterService的onBind函数的。

Step 15. ActivityManagerService.requestServiceBindingsLocked

public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative  implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {  ......  private final void requestServiceBindingsLocked(ServiceRecord r) {  Iterator<IntentBindRecord> bindings = r.bindings.values().iterator();  while (bindings.hasNext()) {  IntentBindRecord i = bindings.next();  if (!requestServiceBindingLocked(r, i, false)) {  break;  }  }  }  private final boolean requestServiceBindingLocked(ServiceRecord r,  IntentBindRecord i, boolean rebind) {  ......  if ((!i.requested || rebind) && i.apps.size() > 0) {  try {  ......  r.app.thread.scheduleBindService(r, i.intent.getIntent(), rebind);  ......  } catch (RemoteException e) {  ......  }  }  return true;  }  ......  

这里的参数r就是我们在前面的Step 6中创建的ServiceRecord了,它代表刚才已经启动了的CounterService。函数requestServiceBindingsLocked调用了requestServiceBindingLocked函数来处理绑定服务的操作,而函数requestServiceBindingLocked又调用了app.thread.scheduleBindService函数执行操作,前面我们已经介绍过app.thread,它是一个Binder对象的远程接口,类型是ApplicationThreadProxy。

Step 16. ApplicationThreadProxy.scheduleBindService

class ApplicationThreadProxy implements IApplicationThread {  ......  public final void scheduleBindService(IBinder token, Intent intent, boolean rebind)  throws RemoteException {  Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();  data.writeInterfaceToken(IApplicationThread.descriptor);  data.writeStrongBinder(token);  intent.writeToParcel(data, 0);  data.writeInt(rebind ? 1 : 0);  mRemote.transact(SCHEDULE_BIND_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, null,  IBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY);  data.recycle();  }  ......  

Step 17. ApplicationThread.scheduleBindService

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  public final void scheduleBindService(IBinder token, Intent intent,  boolean rebind) {  BindServiceData s = new BindServiceData();  s.token = token;  s.intent = intent;  s.rebind = rebind;  queueOrSendMessage(H.BIND_SERVICE, s);  }  ......  

这里像上面的Step 11一样,调用ActivityThread.queueOrSendMessage函数来发送消息。

Step 18. ActivityThread.queueOrSendMessage

参考上面的Step 11,不过这里的消息类型是H.BIND_SERVICE。

Step 19. H.sendMessage

参考上面的Step 12,不过这里最终在H.handleMessage函数中,要处理的消息类型是H.BIND_SERVICE:

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  private final class H extends Handler {  ......  public void handleMessage(Message msg) {  ......  switch (msg.what) {  ......  case BIND_SERVICE:  handleBindService((BindServiceData)msg.obj);  break;  ......  }  }  }  ......  

Step 20. ActivityThread.handleBindService

public final class ActivityThread {  ......  private final void handleBindService(BindServiceData data) {  Service s = mServices.get(data.token);  if (s != null) {  try {  data.intent.setExtrasClassLoader(s.getClassLoader());  try {  if (!data.rebind) {  IBinder binder = s.onBind(data.intent);  ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().publishService(  data.token, data.intent, binder);  } else {  ......  }  ......  } catch (RemoteException ex) {  }  } catch (Exception e) {  ......  }  }  }  ......  

在前面的Step 13执行ActivityThread.handleCreateService函数中,已经将这个CounterService实例保存在mServices中,因此,这里首先通过data.token值将它取回来,保存在本地变量s中,接着执行了两个操作,一个操作是调用s.onBind,即CounterService.onBind获得一个Binder对象,另一个操作就是把这个Binder对象传递给ActivityManagerService。

Step 21. CounterService.onBind

public class CounterService extends Service implements ICounterService {  ......  private final IBinder binder = new CounterBinder();    public class CounterBinder extends Binder {    public CounterService getService() {    return CounterService.this;    }    }    @Override    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {    return binder;    }    ......  




Step 22. ActivityManagerProxy.publishService

class ActivityManagerProxy implements IActivityManager  
{  ......  public void publishService(IBinder token,  Intent intent, IBinder service) throws RemoteException {  Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();  Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();  data.writeInterfaceToken(IActivityManager.descriptor);  data.writeStrongBinder(token);  intent.writeToParcel(data, 0);  data.writeStrongBinder(service);  mRemote.transact(PUBLISH_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);  reply.readException();  data.recycle();  reply.recycle();  }  ......  

Step 23. ActivityManagerService.publishService

public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative  implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {  ......  public void publishService(IBinder token, Intent intent, IBinder service) {  ......  synchronized(this) {  ......  ServiceRecord r = (ServiceRecord)token;  ......  ......  if (r != null) {  Intent.FilterComparison filter  = new Intent.FilterComparison(intent);  IntentBindRecord b = r.bindings.get(filter);  if (b != null && !b.received) {  b.binder = service;  b.requested = true;  b.received = true;  if (r.connections.size() > 0) {  Iterator<ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>> it  = r.connections.values().iterator();  while (it.hasNext()) {  ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = it.next();  for (int i=0; i<clist.size(); i++) {  ConnectionRecord c = clist.get(i);  ......  try {  c.conn.connected(r.name, service);  } catch (Exception e) {  ......  }  }  }  }  }  ......  }  }  }  ......  

这里传进来的参数token是一个ServiceRecord对象,它是在上面的Step 6中创建的,代表CounterService这个Service。在Step 6中,我们曾经把一个ConnectionRecord放在ServiceRecord.connections列表中:

	ServiceRecord s = res.record;  ......  ConnectionRecord c = new ConnectionRecord(b, activity,  connection, flags, clientLabel, clientIntent);  IBinder binder = connection.asBinder();  ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = s.connections.get(binder);  if (clist == null) {  clist = new ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>();  s.connections.put(binder, clist);  }  


	Iterator<ArrayList<ConnectionRecord>> it  = r.connections.values().iterator();  while (it.hasNext()) {  ArrayList<ConnectionRecord> clist = it.next();  for (int i=0; i<clist.size(); i++) {  ConnectionRecord c = clist.get(i);  ......  try {  c.conn.connected(r.name, service);  } catch (Exception e) {  ......  }  }  }


这就是我们在Step 4中创建的LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection对象了。因此,这里执行c.conn.connected函数后就会进入到LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher.InnerConnection.connected函数中去了。

Step 24. InnerConnection.connected

final class LoadedApk {  ......  static final class ServiceDispatcher {  ......  private static class InnerConnection extends IServiceConnection.Stub {  ......  public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) throws RemoteException {  LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher sd = mDispatcher.get();  if (sd != null) {  sd.connected(name, service);  }  }  ......  }  ......  }  ......  


Step 25. ServiceDispatcher.connected

final class LoadedApk {  ......  static final class ServiceDispatcher {  ......  public void connected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {  if (mActivityThread != null) {  mActivityThread.post(new RunConnection(name, service, 0));  } else {  ......  }  }  ......  }  ......  

我们在前面Step 4中说到,这里的mActivityThread是一个Handler实例,它是通过ActivityThread.getHandler函数得到的,因此,调用它的post函数后,就会把一个消息放到ActivityThread的消息队列中去了。

Step 26. H.post


Step 27. RunConnection.run

final class LoadedApk {  ......  static final class ServiceDispatcher {  ......  private final class RunConnection implements Runnable {  ......  public void run() {  if (mCommand == 0) {  doConnected(mName, mService);  } else if (mCommand == 1) {  ......  }  }  ......  }  ......  }  ......  


Step 28. ServiceDispatcher.doConnected

final class LoadedApk {  ......  static final class ServiceDispatcher {  ......  public void doConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {  ......  // If there is a new service, it is now connected. if (service != null) {  mConnection.onServiceConnected(name, service);  }  }  ......  }  ......  

这里主要就是执行成员变量mConnection的onServiceConnected函数,这里的mConnection变量的类型的ServiceConnection,它是在前面的Step 4中设置好的,这个ServiceConnection实例是MainActivity类内部创建的,在调用bindService函数时保存在LoadedApk.ServiceDispatcher类中,用它来换取一个IServiceConnection对象,传给ActivityManagerService。

Step 29. ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {    ......  private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {    counterService = ((CounterService.CounterBinder)service).getService();    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Counter Service Connected");    }    ......  };    ......  

这里传进来的参数service是一个Binder对象,就是前面在Step 21中从CounterService那里得到的ConterBinder对象,因此,这里可以把它强制转换为CounterBinder引用,然后调用它的getService函数。


Step 30. CounterBinder.getService

public class CounterService extends Service implements ICounterService {    ......  public class CounterBinder extends Binder {    public CounterService getService() {    return CounterService.this;    }    }    ......  




  1. Step 1 - Step 14,MainActivity调用bindService函数通知ActivityManagerService,它要启动CounterService这个服务,ActivityManagerService于是在MainActivity所在的进程内部把CounterService启动起来,并且调用它的onCreate函数;
  2. Step 15 - Step 21,ActivityManagerService把CounterService启动起来后,继续调用CounterService的onBind函数,要求CounterService返回一个Binder对象给它;
  3. Step 22 - Step 29,ActivityManagerService从CounterService处得到这个Binder对象后,就把它传给MainActivity,即把这个Binder对象作为参数传递给MainActivity内部定义的ServiceConnection对象的onServiceConnected函数;
  4. Step 30,MainActivity内部定义的ServiceConnection对象的onServiceConnected函数在得到这个Binder对象后,就通过它的getService成同函数获得CounterService接口。