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Database System -the first theory class 20/03/02

热度:24   发布时间:2024-01-27 04:36:02.0




课程成绩评判标准: 作业60%(期末5+期中1)+实验课24%(5个小实验&一个大实验)+报告8%+考勤8%

先举了一个例子,商店购物所涉及到的数据库balaba(虽然我觉第一个笑话一点也 好笑/所以这里就不说了)



双语教学, Database Archirecture 数据库结构

  • what is a database ?
    A very large ,integrated collection of data.
    关键词: structured , interrelated , integrated
    models real-world (enterprises or organizations)
    Entites & Relationships
  • what is a Database Management System(DBMS) ?
    A software package designed to store and manage databases.
    Function: manages large amount of data
    supports efficient access
    supports concurrent access
    supports secure , atomic access
  • people working with DBMS
    end users / database designers / database application developers / database adminstrators(DBA) / DBMS implementors
    DBA’s duties: schema definition
    strorage structure and access mehod definition
    schema and physical organization modification
    granting user authority to access the database
    specifying integrity constraints
    monitoring performance and responding to change in requirements
  • Data Models:Data structures & relationships & contraints
    Entity-Relation data model / Relational model / XML
  • View of Data