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【Level 08】U07 Mixed Feelings L6 State of the Nation

热度:62   发布时间:2024-01-26 01:54:35.0


  • Word Preparation
    • certain: 确定的
    • society: 社会
    • current event: 时事
    • all over: 到处
    • for a change: 为了改变一下
    • a breath of fresh air: 令人耳目一新的人(或物)
  • Grammar
    • The adverbs of frequency in English

Word Preparation

certain: 确定的

having no doubt or knowing exactly that something is true, or known to be true, correct, exact or effective

Are you certain you heard something coming from upstairs?

Jerry is certain he had his keys before he left the house.
Jerry 很确定他在出门前拿钥匙了。

society: 社会

a large group of people living together with the same laws, traditions, etc.

Every society has its own problems to fix.

These changes strike at the heart of British modern society.

current event: 时事

the latest news and events in a country or the world

I am only interested in reading about current events.

Most of the news she gets on current events come from the Internet.

all over: 到处

found everywhere or in every place

Gary has traveled all over the world and seen many different things.

You can find these kinds of products all over.

for a change: 为了改变一下

contrary or opposite of what usually happens

Why don’t we stay at home and relax for a change?

He decided to go on a walk and exercise for a change.

a breath of fresh air: 令人耳目一新的人(或物)

something new, different, and exciting

Angela’s like a breath of fresh air when she comes into the class.

After all the criticism, his positive comments came as a breath of fresh air.


The adverbs of frequency in English

在英语中表达频率的方式有很多种。例如,表达 “总是” 的除了常见的 always以外, 还可以用 constantly。如 He’s constantly changing his mind.

表达 “经常”,除了often以外,还可以使用 regularly,如 I go to the gym regularly.

表达 “难得,罕见” 的时候,可以用 rarely,如 We rarely see each other now.

在表示 “很少,几乎不” 时,可以使用 hardly,如 We hardly ever go to concerts.

  • I thought about him constantly, all the while hoping he would return.
  • Which newspaper do you read regularly?
  • I rarely have time to read a newspaper.
  • I’m hardly ever hungry when I get up in the morning.