环境: gitlab-runner version: 13.3.1 docker version: 19.03.2 centOS7 【报错】Gitlab runner docker Could not resolve host 【问题】docker 容器内无法获取gitlab 仓库代码 本地虚拟机gitlab runner运行没有问题,布署到线上服务器出现这个报错,各种尝试后并不能结决问题 【解决方案】 参考 :https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50325932/gitlab-runner-docker-could-not-resolve-host 设置 network_mode 为 host 也有说设为 gitlab_default 但不适用当前情况vi /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml[runners.docker]network_mode = "host" 重启gitlab runner gitlab-runner restart
Gitlab runner docker Could not resolve host
热度:79 发布时间:2024-01-21 08:46:08.0
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