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leetcode刷题笔记-回溯 Backtracking

热度:77   发布时间:2024-01-18 08:17:54.0

306. Additive Number


class Solution:def isAdditiveNumber(self, num: str) -> bool:# backtrackingfor i in range(1, len(num)-1):if i > 1 and num[0] == '0':  # 如果0 开头,只能第一位数字是0,第一位数字其他情况都不用考虑breakfor j in range(i+1, len(num)):# 判断第二位数字 是不是0开头的2位数if j > i + 1 and num[i] == '0':breakfirst = int(num[:i])second = int(num[i:j])  tmp = str(first + second)if num[j:] == tmp:return Trueif num[j:].startswith(tmp):if self.isAdditiveNumber(num[i:]):return Truereturn False


967. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences

class Solution:def numsSameConsecDiff(self, n: int, k: int) -> List[int]:self.re = []def dfs(pre, size, path):if not size:self.re.append(path)returnfor cur in {pre + k, pre - k}:  # set  k 可以为0if -1 < cur < 10:dfs(cur, size - 1, path + str(cur))for first in range(1, 10):dfs(first, n - 1, str(first))return self.re

753. Cracking the Safe

class Solution:def crackSafe(self, n: int, k: int) -> str:"""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRdlLahVZDc  12分16秒:type n: int:type k: int:rtype: str"""def dfs(curr, counted, total):  # counted 存的是一个个长度为n的字符串,把他们串起来并且共享前n-1位,就是答案if len(counted)==total:return currfor i in range(k):tmp = curr[-(n-1):]+str(i) if n!=1 else str(i)if tmp not in counted:counted.add(tmp)res = dfs(curr+str(i), counted, total)if res:return rescounted.remove(tmp)return dfs("0"*n, set(["0"*n]), k**n)

679. 24 Game

class Solution:def judgePoint24(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:return self.helper(nums)def helper(self, nums):if len(nums) == 1 and abs(nums[0] - 24) <= 0.001: return True  # 4/(1-2/3)for i in range(len(nums)):for j in range(len(nums)):if i == j:continuerest = [n for k, n in enumerate(nums) if k != i and k != j]if self.helper(rest + [nums[i] + nums[j]]): return Trueif self.helper(rest + [nums[i] - nums[j]]): return True  # 4张卡组合出24,不用管顺序if self.helper(rest + [nums[j] - nums[i]]): return True if self.helper(rest + [nums[i] * nums[j]]): return Trueif nums[i] != 0 and self.helper(rest + [nums[j] / nums[i]]): return Trueif nums[j] != 0 and self.helper(rest + [nums[i] / nums[j]]): return Truereturn False

140. Word Break II

class Solution(object):def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict):return self.helper(s, wordDict, {})def helper(self, s, wordDict, memo):if s in memo: return memo[s]if not s: return []res = []for word in wordDict:if not s.startswith(word): continueif len(word) == len(s):res.append(word)else:resultOfRest = self.helper(s[len(word):], wordDict, memo)for restWords in resultOfRest:res.append(word + ' ' + restWords)memo[s] = resreturn res

491. Increasing Subsequences

Given an integer array, your task is to find all the different possible increasing subsequences of the given array, and the length of an increasing subsequence should be at least 2 .


Input: [4, 6, 7, 7]
Output: [[4, 6], [4, 7], [4, 6, 7], [4, 6, 7, 7], [6, 7], [6, 7, 7], [7,7], [4,7,7]]


class Solution(object):def findSubsequences(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""res = []self.helper(nums, 0, [], res)return resdef helper(self, nums, index, temp, res):if len(temp) >= 2:res.append(temp[:])used = {}for i in xrange(index, len(nums)):# 判断递增if len(temp) and temp[-1] > nums[i]: continue# 判断同个位置是否用过if nums[i] not in used:used[nums[i]] = Trueelse:continueself.helper(nums, i+1, temp+[nums[i]], res)

46. Permutations


class Solution(object):def permute(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""res = []self.helper(nums, res, [])return resdef helper(self, nums, res, cur):if len(cur) == len(nums):res.append(cur)else:for i in xrange(len(nums)):if nums[i] not in cur:self.helper(nums, res, cur+[nums[i]])

131. Palindrome Partitioning

class Solution(object):def partition(self, s):""":type s: str:rtype: List[List[str]]"""res = []self.helper(s, [], res)return resdef helper(self, s, cur, res):if not s:res.append(cur)returnfor i in xrange(1, len(s) + 1):if self.isPal(s[:i]):self.helper(s[i:], cur + [s[:i]], res)def isPal(self, s):return s == s[::-1]

282. Expression Add Operators

class Solution(object):def addOperators(self, num, target):""":type num: str:type target: int:rtype: List[str]"""res = []self.helper(num, target, res, '', 0, 0, 0)return resdef helper(self, num, target, res, path, pos, totalVal, multi):if pos == len(num):if target == totalVal:res.append(path)returnfor i in xrange(pos, len(num)):if num[pos] == '0' and i != pos:break  #  105 , 0 as a single digit is acceptable but not acceptable as 05curVal = int(num[pos: i+1])if pos == 0:self.helper(num, target, res, str(curVal), i + 1, curVal, curVal)else:self.helper(num, target, res, path + '+' + str(curVal), i + 1, totalVal + curVal, curVal)self.helper(num, target, res, path + '-' + str(curVal), i + 1, totalVal - curVal, -curVal)self.helper(num, target, res, path + '*' + str(curVal), i + 1, totalVal - multi + multi*curVal, multi*curVal)

51. N-Queens

class Solution(object):def solveNQueens(self, n):""":type n: int:rtype: List[List[str]]"""res = []self.dfs(res, [-1]*n, 0, [])return res# nums like [1, 3, 0, 2] 存的是列,索引是行,第0行的Q在列1, 第一行的Q在3# check 在之前就在curRow行加入了 num[curRow] = 某列 然后检查从0到该行的正确性def isValid(self, nums, curRow):for r in xrange(curRow):if nums[r] == nums[curRow] or abs(nums[r] - nums[curRow]) == curRow - r:return Falsereturn Truedef dfs(self, res, nums, curRow, path):if curRow == len(nums):res.append(path)return# backtracking 改行的所有列for col in xrange(len(nums)):nums[curRow] = colif self.isValid(nums, curRow):tmp = '.' * len(nums)self.dfs(res, nums, curRow+1, path + [tmp[:col] + 'Q' + tmp[col+1:]])

489. Robot Room Cleaner

class Solution(object):def cleanRoom(self, robot):""":type robot: Robot:rtype: None"""move = ([0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0])  # 每次向右旋转的方向def dfs(i, j, cleaned, cur_dir):robot.clean()cleaned.add((i, j))for k in xrange(4):x, y = move[(cur_dir+k) % 4]if (i+x, j+y) not in cleaned and robot.move():  # 这里前进了一步 后面就要返回dfs(i+x, j+y, cleaned, (cur_dir+k) % 4)robot.turnLeft()  # 返回原来位置robot.turnLeft()robot.move()robot.turnLeft()robot.turnLeft() robot.turnRight()  # 旋转90度 到下一个方向dfs(0, 0, set(), 0)  # 开始位置设置为0, 0 相对位置