信道编号 |
中心频率/MHz |
信道间隔/MHz |
频率上限/MHz |
频率下限/MHz |
k=0 |
868.3 |
-- |
868.6 |
868.0 |
k=1,2,…,10 |
906+2(k-1) |
2 |
928.0 |
902.0 |
k=11,12,…,26 |
2401+5(k-11) |
5 |
2483.5 |
2400.0 |
/* Default channel is Channel 11 - 0x0B */
// Channels are defined in the following:
// 0 : 868 MHz 0x00000001
// 1 - 10 : 915 MHz 0x000007FE
// 11 - 26 : 2.4 GHz 0x07FFF800
//-DMAX_CHANNELS_868MHZ 0x00000001
//-DMAX_CHANNELS_915MHZ 0x000007FE
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x04000000 // 26 - 0x1A
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x02000000 // 25 - 0x19
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x01000000 // 24 - 0x18
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00800000 // 23 - 0x17
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00400000 // 22 - 0x16
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00200000 // 21 - 0x15
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00100000 // 20 - 0x14
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00080000 // 19 - 0x13
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00040000 // 18 - 0x12
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00020000 // 17 - 0x11
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00010000 // 16 - 0x10
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00008000 // 15 - 0x0F
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00004000 // 14 - 0x0E
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00002000 // 13 - 0x0D
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00001000 // 12 - 0x0C
-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00000800 // 11 - 0x0B 这里默认使用的是编号为11的信道
若要在应用中查看信道,可以这样获得,_NIB.nwkLogicalChannel,读取这个就OK了。(NIB -NWK Information base-. 其中包含一些网络属性 PANID ,NETWORK ADDRESS 等等。其中_nib.nwkpanID是本网的ID标识,_NIB.extendedPANID按照字面意思是外网ID)
/* Define the default PAN ID.
* Setting this to a value other than 0xFFFF causes
* ZDO_COORD to use this value as its PAN ID and
* Routers and end devices to join PAN with this ID
传送范围的大小是和发射功率还有信道环境有关, 传送速率和传送范围之间没有直接联系。所以呢,适当的增大发射功率可增大传送范围。但也是有一定的限制的。具体详见datasheet。
#define MAC_RADIO_SET_CHANNEL(x) st( FSCTRLL = FREQ_2405MHZ + 5 * ((x) - 11); )
#define MAC_RADIO_SET_TX_POWER(x) st( TXCTRLL = x; )
#define MAC_RADIO_SET_PAN_ID(x) st( PANIDL = (x) & 0xFF; PANIDH = (x) >> 8; )
void macRadioInit(void)
/* variable initialization for this module */
uint8 macRadioRandomByte(void);
void macRadioSetPanCoordinator(uint8 panCoordinator);
void macRadioSetPanID(uint16 panID);
void macRadioSetShortAddr(uint16 shortAddr);
void macRadioSetIEEEAddr(uint8 * pIEEEAddr);
void macRadioSetTxPower(uint8 txPower);
void macRadioSetChannel(uint8 channel);
void macRadioStartScan(uint8 scanType);
void macRadioStopScan(void);
void macRadioEnergyDetectStart(void);
uint8 macRadioEnergyDetectStop(void);
CC2530 设置RF的发送功率寄存器为TXPOWER,全局搜索一下可以看到以下代码
- #define MAC_RADIO_SET_CHANNEL(x) st( FREQCTRL = FREQ_2405MHZ + 5 * ((x) - 11); )
- #define MAC_RADIO_SET_TX_POWER(x) st( TXPOWER = x; )</font>
- #define MAC_RADIO_SET_PAN_ID(x) st( PAN_ID0 = (x) & 0xFF; PAN_ID1 = (x) >> 8; )
- #define MAC_RADIO_SET_SHORT_ADDR(x) st( SHORT_ADDR0 = (x) & 0xFF; SHORT_ADDR1 = (x) >> 8; )
- /**************************************************************************************************
- * @fn macRadioUpdateTxPower
- *
- * @brief Update the radio's transmit power if a new power level has been requested
- *
- * @param reqTxPower - file scope variable that holds the last request power level
- * macPhyTxPower - global variable that holds radio's set power level
- *
- * @return none
- **************************************************************************************************
- */
- MAC_INTERNAL_API void macRadioUpdateTxPower(void)
- {
- halIntState_t s;
- /*
- * If the requested power setting is different from the actual radio setting,
- * attempt to udpate to the new power setting.
- */
- if (reqTxPower != macPhyTxPower)
- {
- /*
- * Radio power cannot be updated when the radio is physically transmitting.
- * If there is a possibility radio is transmitting, do not change the power
- * setting. This function will be called again after the current transmit
- * completes.
- */
- if (!macRxOutgoingAckFlag && !MAC_TX_IS_PHYSICALLY_ACTIVE())
- {
- /*
- * Set new power level; update the shadow value and write
- * the new value to the radio hardware.
- */
- macPhyTxPower = reqTxPower;
- <font color="#ff0000"> MAC_RADIO_SET_TX_POWER(macPhyTxPower);</font>
- }
- }
- }
在这里我们可以看到TXPOWER的设置值实际上应该是reqTxOower,让我看一下reqTxOower在哪里设置吧,继续跟踪可以发现reqTxPower在函数MAC_INTERNAL_API uint8 macRadioSetTxPower(uint8 txPower)中得到更新,一路跟踪下去可以在函数uint8 MAC_MlmeSetReq(uint8 pibAttribute, void *pValue)看到以下代码
- /* Legacy transmit power attribute */
- !defined HAL_PA_LNA && !defined HAL_PA_LNA_CC2590
- /* Legacy transmit power attribute value for CC2530 alone,
- * or runtime selection support build means a negative absolute value.
- * However, when used as register power values or
- * with HAL_PA_LNAxxx definition (without runtime selection)
- * the attribute value is not a negative absolute value. */
- macPib.phyTransmitPower = (uint8)(-(int8)macPib.phyTransmitPower);
- #endif /* !defined HAL_MAC_USE_REGISTER_POWER_VALUES && ... */
- /* pass through to next case -- do not break*/
- (void)macRadioSetTxPower(macPib.phyTransmitPower);
- break;
到这里为止Z-Stack发送功率的设置流程已经明确,但是我找遍Z-Stack的工程也没有找到调用uint8 MAC_MlmeSetReq(uint8 pibAttribute, void *pValue)的地方想来应该是封装在TI提供的LIB文件中了,
修改TXPOWER的方法有两种:一、在uint8 macRadioSetTxPower(uint8 txPower)函数中通过修改 macPib.phyTransmitPower = (uint8)(-(int8)macPib.phyTransmitPower);的值来修改TXPOWER参数,系统复位后将使用调用该函数设置发送功率。修改 macPib.phyTransmitPower = (uint8)(-(int8)macPib.phyTransmitPower);可以通过修改以下结构体中的红色部分来修改
- static CODE const macPib_t macPibDefaults =
- {
- 54, /* ackWaitDuration */
- FALSE, /* associationPermit */
- TRUE, /* autoRequest */
- FALSE, /* battLifeExt */
- 6, /* battLifeExtPeriods */
- NULL, /* *pMacBeaconPayload */
- 0, /* beaconPayloadLength */
- MAC_BO_NON_BEACON, /* beaconOrder */
- 0, /* beaconTxTime */
- 0, /* bsn */
- {0, SADDR_MODE_EXT}, /* coordExtendedAddress */
- MAC_SHORT_ADDR_NONE, /* coordShortAddress */
- 0, /* dsn */
- FALSE, /* gtsPermit */
- 4, /* maxCsmaBackoffs */
- 3, /* minBe */
- 0xFFFF, /* panId */
- FALSE, /* promiscuousMode */
- FALSE, /* rxOnWhenIdle */
- MAC_SHORT_ADDR_NONE, /* shortAddress */
- MAC_SO_NONE, /* superframeOrder */
- 0x01F4, /* transactionPersistenceTime */
- FALSE, /* assocciatedPanCoord */
- 5, /* maxBe */
- 1220, /* maxFrameTotalWaitTime */
- 3, /* maxFrameRetries */
- 32, /* ResponseWaitTime */
- 0, /* syncSymbolOffset */
- TRUE, /* timeStampSupported */
- FALSE, /* securityEnabled */
- /* Proprietary */
- #if defined (HAL_PA_LNA)
- 19, /* phyTransmitPower for CC2591 */
- #elif defined (HAL_PA_LNA_CC2590)
- 11, /* phyTransmitPower for CC2590 */
- #else
- <span style="color:#ff0000;">0, /* phyTransmitPower without frontend */</span>
- #endif
- MAC_CHAN_11, /* logicalChannel */
- {0, SADDR_MODE_EXT}, /* extendedAddress */
- 1, /* altBe */
- MAC_BO_NON_BEACON, /* deviceBeaconOrder */
- };
- const uint8 CODE macRadioDefsTxPwrBare[] =
- {
- 3, /* tramsmit power level of the first entry */
- (uint8)(int8)-22, /* transmit power level of the last entry */
- /* 3 dBm */ 0xF5, /* characterized as 4.5 dBm in datasheet */ //0
- /* 2 dBm */ 0xE5, /* characterized as 2.5 dBm in datasheet */
- /* 1 dBm */ 0xD5, /* characterized as 1 dBm in datasheet */
- /* 0 dBm */ 0xD5, /* characterized as 1 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -1 dBm */ 0xC5, /* characterized as -0.5 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -2 dBm */ 0xB5, /* characterized as -1.5 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -3 dBm */ 0xA5, /* characterized as -3 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -4 dBm */ 0x95, /* characterized as -4 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -5 dBm */ 0x95,
- /* -6 dBm */ 0x85, /* characterized as -6 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -7 dBm */ 0x85,
- /* -8 dBm */ 0x75, /* characterized as -8 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -9 dBm */ 0x75,
- /* -10 dBm */ 0x65, /* characterized as -10 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -11 dBm */ 0x65,
- /* -12 dBm */ 0x55, /* characterized as -12 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -13 dBm */ 0x55,
- /* -14 dBm */ 0x45, /* characterized as -14 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -15 dBm */ 0x45,
- /* -16 dBm */ 0x35, /* characterized as -16 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -17 dBm */ 0x35,
- /* -18 dBm */ 0x25, /* characterized as -18 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -19 dBm */ 0x25,
- /* -20 dBm */ 0x15, /* characterized as -20 dBm in datasheet */
- /* -21 dBm */ 0x15,
- /* -22 dBm */ 0x05 /* characterized as -22 dBm in datasheet */
- };
- void MT_SysSetTxPower(uint8 *pBuf)
- {
- /* A local variable to hold the signed dBm value of TxPower that is being requested. */
- uint8 signed_dBm_of_TxPower_requeseted;
- /*
- * A local variable to hold the signed dBm value of TxPower that can be set which is closest to
- * the requested dBm value of TxPower, but which is also valid according to a complex set of
- * compile-time and run-time configuration which is interpreted by the macRadioSetTxPower()
- * function.
- */
- uint8 signed_dBm_of_TxPower_range_corrected;
- /* Parse the requested dBm from the RPC message. */
- signed_dBm_of_TxPower_requeseted = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_DAT0];
- /*
- * MAC_MlmeSetReq() will store an out-of-range dBm parameter value into the NIB. So it is not
- * possible to learn the actual dBm value that will be set by invoking MACMlmeGetReq().
- * But this actual dBm value is a required return value in the SRSP to this SREQ. Therefore,
- * it is necessary to make this redundant pre-call to macRadioSetTxPower() here in order to run
- * the code that will properly constrain the requested dBm to a valid range based on both the
- * compile-time and the run-time configurations that affect the available valid ranges
- * (i.e. MAC_MlmeSetReq() itself will invoke for a second time the macRadioSetTxPower() function).
- */
- <font color="#ff0000"> signed_dBm_of_TxPower_range_corrected = macRadioSetTxPower(signed_dBm_of_TxPower_requeseted);</font>
- /*
- * Call the function to store the requested dBm in the MAC PIB and to set the TxPower as closely
- * as possible within the TxPower range that is valid for the compile-time and run-time
- * configuration.
- */
- (void)MAC_MlmeSetReq(MAC_PHY_TRANSMIT_POWER_SIGNED, &signed_dBm_of_TxPower_requeseted);
- /* Build and send back the response that includes the actual dBm TxPower that can be set. */
- MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_SRSP | (uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_SYS),
- &signed_dBm_of_TxPower_range_corrected);
- }