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【Ubuntu下 ftp应用】【窗口没有最大化最小化】【调整关闭按钮到菜单栏右侧】【Movie Player和Gnome MPlayer 中文字幕问题】【修改Ubuntu启动项】

热度:77   发布时间:2024-01-11 09:51:03.0

1. FTP 客户端

直接在ubuntu software center 搜索gftp, 界面简洁功能齐全 ,而且速度很不错,强烈推荐!

gftp is your choice for a other free GUI ftp client. It uses gtk2 (1.x uses gtk) and has all the features you expect from a modern ftp client. The interface is old school and simple, but not very userfriendly.

gftp supports bookmarking of sites, logging, ssl and bandwith limiting. The bookmark editor is, like most of the other features, quite hard to use. By hard I mean that doing common tasks requires too much effort.

2. ubuntu 窗口没有最大化最小化的解决办法!!!

     1.通过ubuntu软件安装中心 安装这三个软件:OpenGL window andcompositing manager、Compiz、高级桌面效果设置(ccsm)。这三个缺少哪个就安装哪个。

gtk-window-decorator--replace 即可。看看是不是有效果,没有就注销一下。 (这样之后再换回之前的命令其实还可以,不知到怎么回事)