当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> Camera1 对焦(二) 对焦区域计算的几种伪代码算法(Touch to Focus)

Camera1 对焦(二) 对焦区域计算的几种伪代码算法(Touch to Focus)

热度:9   发布时间:2024-01-10 22:27:49.0

Touch Focus对焦区域计算

  • 一、摘要
  • 二、算法
  • 三、计算方法
    • 3.1 网上常用方法
    • 3.2 最佳计算方法
      • 构造`CoordinateTransformer.java`类
      • 具体计算
    • 3.3 官方touch focus区域计算源码



  1. 算法解析
  2. 网上常用方法
  3. 最佳计算方法
  4. 官方源码


  1. Camera1 对焦(一) UI坐标系和相机坐标系
  2. 【Android Camera1】Camera1 对焦(三) 对焦功能标准化流程
  3. Camera1 Parameters参数详解(二)—— 3A算法 (对焦、曝光、白平衡)
  4. Android AF Work Flow安卓自动对焦工作流程



  1. 获取点击对应的Point(x, y)
  2. Point(x, y)根据相机的orient方向,来判断是否进行x, y互换【后置从UI到相机参考系需要逆时针旋转-90度】
  3. Point(x, y) 从(0, 0, mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight) => (-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000)
  4. Point(x, y) [camera] 根据AspectRatio和区域Size => Rect[Camera]


  1. Point(x,y):触摸点的坐标
  2. isFront:相机是否前后置
  3. mPreviewUIWidth, mPreviewUIHeight:UI Size
  4. orientation:CameraInfo.orientation
  5. curZoomValue: 当前缩放值:在未锁放下可不考虑
  6. isFocus:用于区分是计算对焦区域还是计算曝光区域
  7. weight:区域的权重 :可默认1000
  8. aspectRatio:宽高比:可不考虑直接返回正方形的rect


3.1 网上常用方法



3.2 最佳计算方法


  1. 构造CoordinateTransformer.java类。
  2. 具体计算


// ui坐标系转换到相机坐标系的Matrix
private final Matrix mTransformMatrix;
// 相机的范围RectF
private RectF mCamera1RectF;
// ui坐标范围
private int mPreviewUIWidth,mPreviewUIHeight;/** *@isCameraFront : 相机是否前置、前置需要做一次水平翻转 *@rotateDegree:matrix旋转角度 为相机的rotation *@mCamera1RectF:camera1坐标系 *@previewRect:ui坐标系 *@mTransformMatrix transform Matrix **/
public Camera2CoordinateTransformer(boolean isCameraFront, int rotateDegree, int mPreviewUIWidth,int mPreviewUIHeight) {
    this.mPreviewUIWidth = mPreviewUIWidth;this.mPreviewUIHeight = mPreviewUIHeight;mCamera1RectF = new RectF(-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000);RectF previewRect = new RectF(0,0,mPreviewUIWidth,mPreviewUIHeight);mTransformMatrix = previewToCameraTransform(isCameraFront, rotateDegree, previewRect);
private Matrix previewToCameraTransform(boolean mirrorX, int sensorOrientation,RectF previewRect) {
    Matrix transform = new Matrix();//前置的话需要镜像,scaleX进行反转transform.setScale(mirrorX ? -1 : 1, 1);//ui的坐标系和相机的坐标系有夹角,需要做rotate处理//如后置,这里传入的是90度,ui坐标系转换为相机坐标系就需要顺时针旋转90度 即postRotate(-90)transform.postRotate(-sensorOrientation);// 先在previewRect添加旋转操作transform.mapRect(previewRect);// Map preview coordinates to driver coordinatesMatrix fill = new Matrix();fill.setRectToRect(previewRect, mDriverRectF, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);// fill做坐标转换映射到镜像和旋转transform.setConcat(fill, transform);// finally get transform matrixreturn transform;
}/*** ui坐标系下的rect转换到相机坐标系的rect* Transform a rectangle in preview view space into a new rectangle in* camera view space.* @param source the rectangle in preview view space* @return the rectangle in camera view space.*/
private RectF toCameraCoorRectF(RectF source) {
    RectF result = new RectF();mPreviewToCameraTransform.mapRect(result, source);return result;
public Camera.Area getArea(float x, float y,boolean isFocusArea) {
    if (isFocusArea) {
    return calcTapArea(x,y,mPreviewUIWidth / 6f,1000);} else {
    return calcTapArea(x,y,mPreviewUIWidth / 3f,1000);}
}private Rect toFocusRect(RectF rectF) {
    Rect mFocusRect = new Rect();mFocusRect.left = Math.round(rectF.left);mFocusRect.top = Math.round(rectF.top);mFocusRect.right = Math.round(rectF.right);mFocusRect.bottom = Math.round(rectF.bottom);return mFocusRect;
}private Camera.Area calcTapArea(float currentX, float currentY, float areaSize,int weight) {
    float left = currentX - areaSize / 2f;float top = currentY - areaSize / 2f;RectF rect = new RectF(left, top, left + areaSize, top + areaSize);return new Camera.Area(toRect(toCameraCoorRectF(rectF)), weight));



public void handleTouchFocus(float x, float y){
    //判读如果不支持FOCUS_MODE_AUTO 就返回,注意要try catchif(! supportFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO)){
    return;}//先取消cancelAutoFocustry {
    mCamera.cancelAutoFocus();} catch (Exception e) {
    }//注意处理zoomValue情况if (curZoomValue > 1.0f) {
    //zoomX - centerX = (sorceX - centerX)*zoomValue;//sourceX = (zoomX - centerX)/zoomValue+ centerX;//这里的x是zoom之后的x坐标x = (x- previewUIWidth / 2f) / curZoomValue + previewUIWidth / 2f;y = (y - previewUIHeight / 2f) / curZoomValue + previewUIHeight / 2f;}//CoordinateTransformer类方法Camera.Area focusArea = transformer.getArea(x, y, true);Camera.Area meterArea = transformer.getArea(x, y, false);...if(supportFocusArea){


  1. 判断1:是否支持FOCUS_MODE_AUTOtouch focus需要FOCUS_MODE_AUTO模式,像前置就不支持;
  2. 判断2:是否支持supportFocusArea和supportMeterArea,具体可参考Camera1 Parameters参数详解(二)—— 3A算法 (对焦、曝光、白平衡)
  3. touch focus之前需要mCamera.cancelAutoFocus();
  4. 判断,设置,更新参数需要try-catch
  5. zoom Value处理,这里需要特别注意zoom放大后的坐标计算。因为不管缩放多大,最终都是以zoom = 1.0f的坐标系参考

3.3 官方touch focus区域计算源码


public boolean onTouch(MotionEvent e) {
    if (!mInitialized || mState == STATE_FOCUSING_SNAP_ON_FINISH) return false;// Let users be able to cancel previous touch focus.if ((mFocusArea != null) && (mState == STATE_FOCUSING ||mState == STATE_SUCCESS || mState == STATE_FAIL)) {
    cancelAutoFocus();}// Initialize variables.int x = Math.round(e.getX());int y = Math.round(e.getY());int focusWidth = mFocusIndicatorRotateLayout.getWidth();int focusHeight = mFocusIndicatorRotateLayout.getHeight();int previewWidth = mPreviewFrame.getWidth();int previewHeight = mPreviewFrame.getHeight();if (mFocusArea == null) {
    mFocusArea = new ArrayList<Area>();mFocusArea.add(new Area(new Rect(), 1));mMeteringArea = new ArrayList<Area>();mMeteringArea.add(new Area(new Rect(), 1));}// Convert the coordinates to driver format.// AE area is bigger because exposure is sensitive and// easy to over- or underexposure if area is too small.calculateTapArea(focusWidth, focusHeight, 1f, x, y, previewWidth, previewHeight,mFocusArea.get(0).rect);calculateTapArea(focusWidth, focusHeight, 1.5f, x, y, previewWidth, previewHeight,mMeteringArea.get(0).rect);// Set the focus area and metering area.mListener.setFocusParameters();if (mFocusAreaSupported && (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)) {
    autoFocus();} else {
      // Just show the indicator in all other cases.updateFocusUI();// Reset the metering area in 3 seconds.mHandler.removeMessages(RESET_TOUCH_FOCUS);mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(RESET_TOUCH_FOCUS, RESET_TOUCH_FOCUS_DELAY);}return true;
}public void calculateTapArea(int focusWidth, int focusHeight, float areaMultiple,int x, int y, int previewWidth, int previewHeight, Rect rect) {
    int areaWidth = (int)(focusWidth * areaMultiple);int areaHeight = (int)(focusHeight * areaMultiple);int left = Util.clamp(x - areaWidth / 2, 0, previewWidth - areaWidth);int top = Util.clamp(y - areaHeight / 2, 0, previewHeight - areaHeight);RectF rectF = new RectF(left, top, left + areaWidth, top + areaHeight);mMatrix.mapRect(rectF);Util.rectFToRect(rectF, rect);

2. calculateTapArea中,最终通过mMatrix.mapRect(rectF);把ui坐标系映射成为相机坐标系

public void initialize(View focusIndicatorRotate, View previewFrame,FaceView faceView, Listener listener, boolean mirror, int displayOrientation) {
    mFocusIndicatorRotateLayout = focusIndicatorRotate;mFocusIndicator = (FocusIndicatorView) focusIndicatorRotate.findViewById(R.id.focus_indicator);mPreviewFrame = previewFrame;mFaceView = faceView;mListener = listener;Matrix matrix = new Matrix();Util.prepareMatrix(matrix, mirror, displayOrientation,previewFrame.getWidth(), previewFrame.getHeight());// In face detection, the matrix converts the driver coordinates to UI// coordinates. In tap focus, the inverted matrix converts the UI// coordinates to driver coordinates.matrix.invert(mMatrix);if (mParameters != null) {
    mInitialized = true;} else {
    Log.e(TAG, "mParameters is not initialized.");}
}public static void prepareMatrix(Matrix matrix, boolean mirror, int displayOrientation,int viewWidth, int viewHeight) {
    // Need mirror for front camera.matrix.setScale(mirror ? -1 : 1, 1);// This is the value for android.hardware.Camera.setDisplayOrientation.matrix.postRotate(displayOrientation);// Camera driver coordinates range from (-1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000).// UI coordinates range from (0, 0) to (width, height).matrix.postScale(viewWidth / 2000f, viewHeight / 2000f);matrix.postTranslate(viewWidth / 2f, viewHeight / 2f);


  1. 这里计算逻辑是计算从相机坐标系到ui坐标系 然后matrix.invert(mMatrix); 取返就得到ui坐标系映射到相机坐标系。
  2. 【3.2】中是直接计算ui坐标系到相机坐标系。
  3. 相机坐标系到ui坐标系先处理镜像,然后postRotate(displayOrientation) invert之后正好对应【3.2】中postRotate(-rotateDegree)。最后把from (-1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000)范围映射成为(0, 0) to (width, height)。


  • FocusManager里先prepareMatrix为相机坐标系->ui坐标系。
  • 然后通过Matrix.invert得到ui坐标系-> 相机坐标系。
  • 最后在onTouch函数里calculateTapArea -> mMatrix.mapRect(rectF) -> Util.rectFToRect(rectF, rect);从ui坐标系下到RectF得到相机坐标系下到Rect。