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算法学习之“Big Oh Notation”

热度:62   发布时间:2024-01-09 07:51:00.0

一、Asymptotic analysis

Suppose we are considering two algorithms, A and B, for solving a given problem. Furthermore, let us say that we have done a careful analysis of the running times of each of the algorithms and determined them to be  and , respectively, where n is a measure of the problem size. Then it should be a fairly simple matter to compare the two functions  and  to determine which algorithm is the best!

这段话的意识,比较两种算法的时间成本来判定哪种算法更好。但实际应用中,T(n)是随着问题的规模n变化的,在事先不知道n的情况下,没法比较两种算法的优劣。由此,引入“Asymptotic behavior”,比较两种算法的T(n)在n比较大时的“增长级数”,例如:对数增长、线性增长、指数级增长。

二、Big Oh notation

In 1892, P. Bachmann  invented a notation for characterizing the asymptotic behavior of functions. His invention has come to be known as big oh notation:

Definition (Big Oh)        Consider a function  f( n) which is non-negative for all integers  . We say that `` f( n) is big oh  g( n),'' which we write  f( n)= O( g( n)), if there exists an integer