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ClickHouse 数仓

热度:11   发布时间:2024-01-05 10:23:22.0




ClickHouse首先是一个开源的SQL数仓,并且带有高性能,成熟,像数据 Sybase IQ, Vertica, and Snowflake一样稳定.有以下特性

  • 列存储,并且可以有万亿的行和数千列
  • 已经压缩并且编解码显著减少I/O
  • 可以线性扩展通过矢量查询和sharding
  • 具有高容错并且读扩容是由于内建复本
  • 当插入数据时可快速被快速检测到
  • 通过物化视图聚合功能非常突出
  • 有专门的特性可以解决实际问题,像漏斗分析和last point queries

Learn More at ClickHouse.tech

Low Latency Analytics, Everywhere

ClickHouse excels at business problems that require consistent low-latency response across petabyte tables. It can handle data arrival rates of millions of rows per second. Achievable response times include:

  • Ad-Hoc queries on source data: 1 second or less
  • Queries on aggregates:  10 milliseconds or less
  • Ingestion to query response: 500 milliseconds

ClickHouse dominates in use cases like web analytics, real-time network management, service log analysis, real-time ad bidding, asset valuation in financial markets, and security threat identification. 

Who’s Using ClickHouse

Developer Friendly

Thanks to Apache 2.0 licenses for ClickHouse and ecosystem projects, developers can build innovative analytics without spending a cent for proprietary licenses or expensive cloud services. However, there’s a lot more to make a developer happy:

  • Builds that install in 60 seconds or less
  • Run ClickHouse and your entire analytic stack in Kubernetes
  • Robust client connectivity: Python, Javascript, C++, Golang, Java, ODBC
  • Simple integration with Kafka for rapid data ingestion
  • A wealth of features designed to solve problems like funnel analysis, last point queries, and pivoting results
  • Ability to read directly from S3, MySQL, PostgresQL, Redis, and ODBC data sources
  • Tight integration with popular visualization tools like Grafana, Superset, and Tableau.

Run ClickHouse on Kubernetes

Unrivaled Cost-Efficiency and Flexibility

ClickHouse runs anywhere that Linux does: public clouds, Kubernetes, and on-prem environments. Resource stingy algorithms keep operating costs low while maximizing performance on available hardware. The permissive Apache 2.0 license makes ClickHouse an ideal choice for applications ranging from multi-tenant cloud services to embedded applications.

Learn about managed ClickHouse in Altinity.Cloud

Switching to Clickhouse has allowed us to reduce costs, improve performance, as well as unlock features we would have never been able to deliver with existing systems.  Clickhouse has successfully replaced several of our systems, both internal and customer-facing, and has become Mux’s default for analytics workloads.
