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利用 python-docx 处理word文档

热度:61   发布时间:2024-01-05 00:25:36.0

最近背单词时整理了一份词根词缀,用word记录的,但是记的很紊乱,于是想进行一次排序。搜索发现有个叫 python-docx 的轮子,粗略的翻了下文档,用了几个基本的api完成了这次的需求。
倒是因为python3的sort和cmp的变化折腾了很久… python3的sort中的cmp参数删除了,如果要用旧版cmp自定义排序的话要利用functools 库的 cmp_to_key。

节选了其中一部分,作为参考格式,按照前缀- 后缀- 其他词根的顺序来排序:

ab- = away, off; intensive	远离;脱离;加强语气
ad- (as-) (al-) = to, towards, intensive	朝着;靠近;加强语气
co- (com-) = together; intensive	一起;全;加强语气
de- = not; removal; down	表否定;除去;向下
-able = 构成adj;能…的,易…的
-age = 构成名词;表状态和行为等
-fy = 构成动词;使…
-ic = 构成形容词
-ure = 构成抽象名词
bev = to drink	喝
bulg = leather bag	皮包
ced = cess = to go	走,去
cis = to cut, to kill	砍,杀
concil = meeting	会议
crit = to judge	评论,判断


from docx import Document
from functools import cmp_to_key# 排序方法
def cmp(a, b):a = a.split()[0]b = b.split()[0]# 前缀if a[-1] == '-' and b[-1] != '-':return -1if a[-1] != '-' and b[-1] == '-':return 1# 后缀if a[0] == '-' and b[0] != '-':return -1if a[0] != '-' and b[0] == '-':return 1# 其他词根if a < b:return -1if a > b:return 1return 0src = "C:\\Users\\11018\\Desktop\\词根词缀.docx"
file = Document(src)
strList = []for i in file.paragraphs:strList.append(i.text)strList.sort(key=cmp_to_key(cmp))for i, x in enumerate(strList):print(x)file.paragraphs[i].text = xfile.save(src)