µ±Ç°Î»Ö㺠´úÂëÃÔ >> ×ÛºÏ >> Fiddler ĬÈÏÃüÁî

Fiddler ĬÈÏÃüÁî

Èȶȣº58   ·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2024-01-04 06:39:07.0

ת×Ô£º http://blog.csdn.net/spring21st/article/details/5843495\


Command Action Sample usage

µ±ÄãÊäÈëÏë²éÕÒijЩÎı¾(×Ö·û´®)£¬Fiddler»á¸ßÁÁÏÔʾÔÚsessions ÁбíÖгöÏÖ¸ÃÎı¾µÄµÄURL


ɸѡ³ösessionsÖУ¬×Ö½ÚÊý´óÓÚ size µÄÏìÓ¦

>40000 <-- Select responses over 40kb

ɸѡ³ösessionsÖУ¬×Ö½ÚÊýСÓÚ size µÄÏìÓ¦

<5k <-- Select responses under 5kb
ɸѡ³ösessionsÖУ¬ response status = status or request method =method. =301 <-- Select 301 redirect responses
=POST <-- Select POST requests


@msn.com <-- Select www.msn.com, login.msn.com, etc

Mark any future sessions in bold if the url contains the target string


bold /bar.aspx

bold        <-- Call with no parameter to clear



bpafter /favicon.ico

bpafter        <-- Call with no parameter to clear



bps 404

bps        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

bpv orbpm


bpv POST

bpv        <-- Call with no parameter to clear



bpu /myservice.asmx

bpu        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

cls orclear Çå¿Õ session Áбí cls
dump dump all sessions to a zip archive in C:/ dump
g or go ÖØÖÃsessionsÀïµÄËùÓÐÏìÓ¦ g
help ÏÔʾ°ïÖúÒ³Ãæ help
hide ÔÚϵͳTrayÖÐÒþ²ØFiddler hide
urlreplace Replace any string in URLs with a different string.  Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will cancel the replacement. urlreplace SeekStr ReplaceWithStr

urlreplace        <-- Call with no parameters to clear

start ×¢²áÒ»¸öеÄϵͳ´úÀí start
stop Í£Ö¹Ö¸¶¨µÄϵͳ´úÀí stop
show Restore Fiddler from system tray -- more useful when triggering rules from ExecAction.exe (see below) show
select Select any session where the response Content-Type header contains the specified string. select image

select css

select htm

allbut orkeeponly Hide all sessions except those where Content-Type header contains the specified string. allbut xml

allbut java

quit ¹Ø±ÕFiddler quit






Command Action Sample usage
?sometext As you type sometext, Fiddler will highlight sessions where the URL contains sometext.  Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches. ?searchtext
>size Select sessions where response size is greater than size bytes. >40000 <-- Select responses over 40kb
<size Select sessions where response size is less than size bytes. <5k <-- Select responses under 5kb
Select sessions where response status = status or request method =method. =301 <-- Select 301 redirect responses
=POST <-- Select POST requests
@host Select sessions where the request host contains host.  Hit Enter to set focus to the selected matches. @msn.com <-- Select www.msn.com, login.msn.com, etc
bold Mark any future sessions in bold if the url contains the target string bold /bar.aspx

bold        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

bpafter Break any response where the RequestURI contains the specified string bpafter /favicon.ico

bpafter        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

bps Break any response where the status code matches bps 404

bps        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

bpv orbpm Create a request breakpoint for the specified HTTP method.  Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint. bpv POST

bpv        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

bpu Create a request breakpoint for URIs containing the specified string.  Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will disable the breakpoint. bpu /myservice.asmx

bpu        <-- Call with no parameter to clear

cls orclear clear the session list cls
dump dump all sessions to a zip archive in C:/ dump
g or go Resume all breakpointed sessions g
help show this page help
hide Hide Fiddler in System tray hide
urlreplace Replace any string in URLs with a different string.  Setting this command will clear any previous value for the command; calling it with no parameter will cancel the replacement. urlreplace SeekStr ReplaceWithStr

urlreplace        <-- Call with no parameters to clear

start Register as the system proxy start
stop Unregister as the system proxy stop
show Restore Fiddler from system tray -- more useful when triggering rules from ExecAction.exe (see below) show
select Select any session where the response Content-Type header contains the specified string. select image

select css

select htm

allbut orkeeponly Hide all sessions except those where Content-Type header contains the specified string. allbut xml

allbut java

quit Shutdown Fiddler. quit