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- swagger配置
- 注释生成文档
- 授权设置
- OAuth 2.0授权服务
- 注释测试踩过的坑
- 返回体写法
- 注释太长占地方
- 存在问题
// koa2-swagger-ui UI视图组件 swagger-jsdoc 识别写的 /***/ 转 json
npm install koa2-swagger-ui swagger-jsdoc --save
const router = require('koa-router')(); // 引入路由函数
const path = require('path');
const swaggerJSDoc = require('swagger-jsdoc');
const swaggerDefinition = {
info: {
description:'This is a sample server Koa2 server. You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/). For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.',version: '1.0.0',title: 'Koa2_server Swagger',// 服务条款// termsOfService: 'http://swagger.io/terms/',contact: {
name: 'Contact developers',url: 'https://mail.qq.com/',email: '741167479@qq.com'},// 开源协议license: {
name: 'Apache 2.0',url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html'}},host: 'localhost:4000',basePath: '/', // Base path (optional), host/basePathschemes: ['http', 'https'],securityDefinitions: {
server_auth: {
type: 'oauth2',description: '登录账号密码鉴权',tokenUrl: 'http://localhost:4000/image/oauth',flow: 'password',scopes: {
token: 'modify pets in your account'}},token: {
type: 'apiKey',name: 'token',in: 'header'}}
const options = {
swaggerDefinition,// 写有注解的router的存放地址(当你新增swagger时文档里没显示出来的话那么就是这边地址没有加进去)apis: ['./routes/*.js', './routes/image/*.js'] // routes下所有的js文件和routes/image下所有js文件
const swaggerSpec = swaggerJSDoc(options);
// 通过路由获取生成的注解文件
router.get('/swagger.json', async ctx => {
ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');ctx.body = swaggerSpec;
});module.exports = router;
// 将页面暴露出去
// swagger配置
const swagger = require('./config/swagger');
app.use(swagger.routes(), swagger.allowedMethods());
routePrefix: '/swagger', // host at /swagger instead of default /docsswaggerOptions: {
url: '/swagger.json' // example path to json}})
swagger-jsdoc enables you to integrate Swagger using JSDoc comments in your code. Just add @swagger on top of your
DocBlock and declare themeaning of your code in YAML complying to the OpenAPI specification. If you prefer to keep
some parts of your specification aside your code in order to keep it lighter/cleaner, you can also pass these parts
as separate input YAML files.
这是swagger-jsdoc上给的提示,从提示中知道注释可以参考OpenAPI规范,那我就找到了一个openAPI的文档=》editor swagger,依葫芦画瓢的试了一下。
下面就以鉴权模块的几个接口的注释来详细说明下open API的使用。详细js文件地址=》鉴权模块
/*** @swagger* /security/login: # 接口地址* post: # 请求体* description: 用户登入 # 接口信息* tags: [用户鉴权模块] # 模块名称* produces: * - application/x-www-form-urlencoded # 响应内容类型* parameters: # 请求参数* - name: password* description: 用户密码* in: formData # 参数的位置,可能的值有 "query", "header", "path" 或 "cookie" 没有formData,但是我加了不报错* required: true* type: string* - name: name* description: 用户名* in: formData* required: true* type: string # 可能的值有string、number、file(文件)等* responses:* '200':* description: Ok* schema: # 返回体说明* type: 'object'* properties:* code:* type: 'number'* data:* type: 'object'* description: 返回数据* message:* type: 'string'* description: 消息提示* '400':* description: 请求参数错误* '404':* description: not found*/
router.post('/login', async (ctx, next) => {
const requestParam = ['name', 'password'];const user = ctx.request.body;console.log(user);if (paramCheck.check(user, requestParam) !== true) {
ctx.error([0, paramCheck.check(user, requestParam)]);} else {
const password = user.password.replace(/\s+/g, '+'); // 防止公钥有空格存在user.password = key.decrypt(password, 'utf8'); // 解密// eslint-disable-next-line quotesconst sql = "select * from `user` where `name`='" + user.name + "' and `password`='" + user.password + "'";const result = await mysql.query(sql);if (result[0] && result[0].is_cancel === 0) {
const tk = ctx.getToken({
name: result[0].name, id: result[0].id }); // token中要携带的信息,自己定义ctx.success({
id: result[0].id,token: tk});} else {
ctx.error([0, '用户名或密码错误']);}}
});/*** @swagger* /security/publicKey:* get:* description: 获取加密公钥* tags: [用户鉴权模块]* responses:* '200':* description: Ok* schema:* type: 'object'* properties:* code:* type: 'number'* description: 状态码* data:* type: 'string'* description: 加密公钥* message:* type: 'string'* description: 消息提示* '400':* description: 请求参数错误* '404':* description: not found*/
// 加密公钥获取
router.get('/publicKey', async (ctx, next) => {
const publicKey = key.exportKey('public'); // 生成公钥ctx.success(publicKey);
});/*** @swagger* /security/logout:* post:* description: 退出* tags: [用户鉴权模块]* produces:* - application/json* parameters:* -name:* description:* in: query* type: string* responses:* 200:* description: 退出成功*/
router.post('/logout', async (ctx, next) => {
const decryptTk = ctx.decryptToken(ctx.request.header.token);const sql = `DELETE FROM online_token WHERE token = '${
decryptTk}'`;const result = await mysql.query(sql);if (result.affectedRows === 1) {
ctx.success(true);} else {
ctx.error([0, '退出失败!']);}
摘取其中三个接口可以发现注释是以@swagger开头得,swagger-jsdoc 会识别@swagger,然后解析下面的注释,解析完给koa2-swagger-ui显示成页面,总的流程就是这样。效果如下:
- OpenAPI 规范摘要
- The OpenAPI Specification | 开放API规范
- OpenAPI 英文版
- swagger-editor
鉴权设置在swagger.js文件的swaggerDefinition对象里添加securityDefinitions属性就好了,文档出处:[OpenAPI-Security Scheme Object]
注意: 打开会发现在右侧导航栏找不到specification-schema-Security Scheme Object,此时需要把页面缩小才能看到(是不是觉得文档做的很垃圾),像下面这样缩放到75%:
在这里有很多关于安全认证的文档,不过有些按照文档写的不行。例如type文档里说有四种:“apiKey”, “http”, “oauth2”, “openIdConnect”。但是我试了只有两种:apiKey和oauth2可以,不知道是不是我缺了其他的东西,有知道的大佬可以在评论区教学一番,十分感谢!!
// 配置,在swagger.js文件下
securityDefinitions: {
// 这种形式还没整明白server_auth: {
type: 'oauth2',description: '密码式',tokenUrl: 'http://localhost:4000/image/oauth', // oauth服务接口flow: 'password',scopes: {
token: 'modify pets in your account' // 可选项}},// 最简单的tokentoken: {
type: 'apiKey',name: 'token',in: 'header'}}// 使用,在每个接口的swagger注释里,例如:
/*** @swagger* /security/publicKey:* get:* description: 获取加密公钥* tags: [用户鉴权模块]* responses:* '200':* description: Ok* schema:* type: 'object'* properties:* code:* type: 'number'* description: 状态码* data:* type: 'string'* description: 加密公钥* message:* type: 'string'* description: 消息提示* '400':* description: 请求参数错误* '404':* description: not found* security:* - token: {}* - server_auth:* - token*/
说明: 在security里虽然有两个鉴权方法:token(apiKey)、server_auth(oauth2)但是后者我还没搞清楚,不知道是不是没有配置对 OAuth 2.0授权服务
OAuth 2.0授权服务
服务所在地址:OAuth 2.0授权服务地址
router.post('/oauth', (ctx, next) => {
access_token: '36034ff7-7eea-4935-a3b7-5787d7a65827',token_type: 'bearer',refresh_token: '4baea735-3c0d-4dfd-b826-91c6772a0962',expires_in: 36931,scope: 'token'});
在The OpenAPI Specification | 开放API规范里Responses 对象是写成这样的:
responses:'200':description: a pet to be returnedcontent:application/json:schema:...default:description: Unexpected errorcontent:application/json:schema:...
但是我按着这么写法并没有效果。最后在swagger editor里找到了答案,不需要content和application/json,直接用schema就可以了
现在简单的接口文档会写了,但是发现一个注释好长好长,后来我使用了// #region和// #endregion的注释把这一个接口文档折叠了起来,代码如下
// #region
/*** @swagger* /image/{id}:* get:* summary: Returns a list of users.* description: 图片测试* tags: [图片公共模块]* parameters:* - name: id* description: 用户id* in: path* required: true* type: string* responses:* '200':* description: Ok* schema:* type: 'object'* properties:* code:* type: 'number'* data:* type: 'object'* description: 返回数据* message:* type: 'string'* description: 消息提示* '400':* description: 请求参数错误* '404':* description: not found*/
// #endregion// 效果
// #region...
- oauth2鉴权不知道怎么弄
- 如何使用$ref
上一篇:node从入门到放弃系列之(7)koa2 token令牌生成、验证、注销