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Leetcode 46/47/31/60 Permutations 专题

热度:32   发布时间:2023-12-25 19:56:38.0

Leetcode 46 Permutations

Given a collection of distinct integers, return all possible permutations.

Input: [1,2,3]


method 1


void helper(vector<int>& nums, vector<vector<int>>& ans, vector<int> tmp){
    if (tmp.size() == nums.size()) ans.push_back(tmp);else{
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){
    if (find(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), nums[i]) != tmp.end()) continue;tmp.push_back(nums[i]);helper(nums, ans, tmp);tmp.pop_back();}}
}vector<vector<int>> permute(vector<int>& nums) {
    vector<vector<int>> ans;if (nums.size() == 0) return ans;for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){
    vector<int> tmp;tmp.push_back(nums[i]);helper(nums, ans, tmp);}return ans;

method 2


void function(vector<vector<int>>& re, vector<int> temp, int index){
    if (index == temp.size())re.push_back(temp);for (int i = index; i<temp.size(); i++){
    swap(temp[index], temp[i]);			//不停地交换,得到新的序列function(re, temp, index + 1);swap(temp[index], temp[i]);}}
vector<vector<int>> permute2(vector<int>& nums) {
    vector<vector<int>> re;if (nums.size() == 0)return re;function(re, nums, 0);return re;

Leetcode 47. Permutations II

Given a collection of numbers that might contain duplicates, return all possible unique permutations.


Input: [1,1,2]

method 1


void helper3(vector<int>& nums, vector<vector<int>>& ans, vector<int> tmp){
    if (tmp.size() == nums.size()) ans.push_back(tmp);else{
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){
    if (!i || nums[i] != nums[i - 1]){
    int c1 = 0, c2 = 0;for (int j = 0; j < tmp.size(); j++) {
     if (nums[i] == tmp[j]) c1++; }for (int j = 0; j < nums.size(); j++) {
     if (nums[i] == nums[j]) c2++; }if (c1 < c2){
    tmp.push_back(nums[i]);helper3(nums, ans, tmp);tmp.pop_back();}}}}
}vector<vector<int>> permuteUnique(vector<int>& nums) {
    sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());vector<vector<int>> ans;if (nums.size() == 0) return ans;vector<int> tmp;helper3(nums, ans, tmp);return ans;

method 2


void recursion(vector<int> num, int index, vector<vector<int> > &res) {
    if (index == num.size() - 1) {
    res.push_back(num);return;}for (int k = index; k < num.size(); k++) {
    if (index != k && num[index] == num[k]) continue;    //排序的前提下,如果是相同的字符/已经加入过的字符,为了避免重复,就不再加入了swap(num[index], num[k]);recursion(num, index + 1, res);}
vector<vector<int> > permuteUnique2(vector<int> &num) {
    sort(num.begin(), num.end());vector<vector<int> >res;recursion(num, 0, res);return res;

Leetcode 31. Next Permutation

Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexicographically next greater permutation of numbers.

If such arrangement is not possible, it must rearrange it as the lowest possible order (ie, sorted in ascending order).

The replacement must be in-place and use only constant extra memory.

Here are some examples. Inputs are in the left-hand column and its corresponding outputs are in the right-hand column.
1,2,3 → 1,3,2
3,2,1 → 1,2,3
1,1,5 → 1,5,1


method 1


  1. 在从右往左看的递增序列中找到第一个pivot
  2. 从右往左找第一个大于pivot的元素a
  3. 交换pivot和a
  4. 对pivot右边的序列进行reverse
public void nextPermutation(int[] nums) {
    int i = nums.length - 2;while (i >= 0 && nums[i + 1] <= nums[i])i--;if (i >= 0) {
    int j = nums.length - 1;while (j >= 0 && nums[j] <= nums[i]) {
    j--;}swap(nums, i, j);}reverse(nums, i + 1);}private void reverse(int[] nums, int start) {
    int i = start, j = nums.length - 1;while (i < j) {
    swap(nums, i, j);i++;j--;}}private void swap(int[] nums, int i, int j) {
    int temp = nums[i];nums[i] = nums[j];nums[j] = temp;}

Leetcode 60. Permutation Sequence

The set [1,2,3,…,n] contains a total of n! unique permutations.

By listing and labeling all of the permutations in order, we get the following sequence for n = 3:

Given n and k, return the kth permutation sequence.

method 1


void helper(vector<int>& nums, int& cur, int k, vector<int>& tmp){
    if (tmp.size() == nums.size()){
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){
    if (find(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), nums[i]) != tmp.end()) continue; //这样才可以得到正确的顺序,但是会超时tmp.push_back(nums[i]);helper(nums, cur, k, tmp);if (cur == k) return;tmp.pop_back();}}
}string getPermutation(int n, int k) {
    vector<int> str;for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)str.push_back(i);int cur = 0;vector<int> tmp;helper(str, cur, k, tmp);string vec;for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++)vec += ('0' + tmp[i]);return vec;


method 2


string getPermutation2(int n, int k) {
    string res;string nums = "123456789";int f[10] = {
    1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880};--k;for (int i = n; i >= 1; --i) {
    int j = k / f[i - 1];k %= f[i - 1];res.push_back(nums[j]);nums.erase(nums.begin() + j);}return res;


  1. 如果是要求第k个,那么往往可以根据大小关系,利用求余操作求