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【CMDB】iTop 开源cmdb/ITIL软件部署

热度:95   发布时间:2023-12-20 12:17:32.0

centos 7.5



Software requirements
iTop is based on MySQL and PHP.

Plus of-course a web server: Apache, IIS or any web server supporting PHP.
Graphviz is needed to display the impact analysis graph.
php-gd is optionnal but required to be able to add images with CKEditor and resize automatically images within HTML fields.
Check Encrypted data for what to install to managed EncryptedString attribute
To select a database version, check MariaDB release notes by version and MySQL release notes 5.7
Version requirement are:
Minimum PHP 5.6, recommended?PHP 7.x (7.0, 7.1 or 7.2)
Only the version 2.6.1 and above are compatible with PHP 7.3
Minimum MySQL 5.6 (or MariaDB 10.1), recommended MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB 10.2
iTop does not work on PHP 7.3 and MySQL 8    #不支持PHP7.3和Mysql8

/usr/sbin/setenforce 0

vi /etc/selinux/config

yum install epel-release
rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm

rpm -qa |grep php
yum remove php*

yum install -y php56w php56w-pdo php56w-gd php56w-mcrypt php56w-soap php56w-mbstring php56w-ldap 
yum install -y php56w-mysql php56w-imap php56w-xml php56w-cli php56w-opcache php56w-common php56w-intl graphviz

unzip iTop-2.6.1-4463.zip

mv web /var/www/html/itop
mkdir -p /var/www/html/itop/{conf,data,log,env-production,env-production-build}
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/itop/{conf,data,log,env-production,env-production-build}
cd /var/www/html/itop/
chmod 755 index.php 
systemctl restart httpd

create database itopdb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;
grant all on itopdb.* to 'itop'@'%' identified by 'itop';
flush privileges ;






