failure of the “Grid Installation Configuration”
- Useful logs to look at are in \app\11.2.0\grid\cfgtoollogs\crsconfig – rootcrs_.log_OUT and rootcrs_.log
- We saw the same service errors as described in your post, as well as these error messages in the rootcrs_.log file:
StartService(OracleRemoteExecService) waiting for service to complete
service status 4, still waiting
service status 4, still waiting
service terminated (0×0)
Warning failed to Stop (OracleRemoteExecService) service. The service has not been started.
These errors do not seem to be a problem. We eventually were able to install RAC and then the DB successfully, and we still saw those errors. Everything seems to be working fine otherwise.
- In one case where the “Grid Installation Configuration” step failed, we saw these error messages:
DiskGroup DATA creation failed with the following message: ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be createdORA-15307: disk DATA_0000 not discoverable by CSS
This was because the required disks to be used for OCR/voting ASM volume were not ‘online’ on the remote node.
- In another case where the “Grid Installation Configuration” step failed, we could see no useful error messages in any of the logs, but it turned out that our node hostnames could not be resolved by DNS, or by hosts file. Fixing the hostname resolution allowed us to install RAC successfully.
Our conclusion is that the RAC installer is very poor at providing useful error messages :( I was expecting much better from Oracle…
Anyway, I hope this information helps someone!