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APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 10.2]IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit) ** Checked for relevance on 24-Feb-2012** ** Checked for relevance on 05-AUG-2014 ** IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit) AIX5L Based Systems (64-bit) This problem affects all RDBMS releases on AIX5L Based Systems using data files on raw devices over the following OS maintenance levels. bos.rte.lvm (5200-09-03) and later bos.rte.lvm (5300-05-04) and later SYMPTOMSOracle reports errors while reading the header of some data files, or control files. For example, following erros could be reported during instace startup. On data file: ORA-01122: database file 26 failed verification check On control file: Hex dump of Absolute File 0, Block 1 in trace file /oracle/app/oracle/admin/cc/udump/cc_ora_811272.trc dbv on the offending data file also reports all blocks as corrutped. For example: DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /dev/rccrac_deutb CHANGESProblem can be seen after a system reboot or after changes to Logical Volumes CAUSEProblem is due to Logical Volumes losing its DS_LVZ property. This causes Oracle to start reading the data files at the wrong offset (4k). For examople, consider a new Logical Volume created as: mklv -y'asm_tst_data' -t'jfs2' -a'e' -T O -w n -r n -S 64k asmtst 200 hdisk2 hdisk3 hdisk4 LM should have property DS_LVZ set, as -T O flag was used. Command: lslv -L asm_tst_data should show something like "DEVICESUBTYPE : DS_LVZ". Then, any operation that causes the Vary off in the Volume Group (for example a reboot or varyoffvg) would eliminate the DS_LVZ flag from the Logical Volume. This is, lslv -L would no longer display "DEVICESUBTYPE : DS_LVZ". Therefore, Oracle will read the datafile at incorrect offset and will report the errors. SOLUTIONTo implement the solution, please execute the following steps: Solution is to apply fix: (see http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IY94343 ) Comments from link: Note: Affected local volumes (LVs) could be fixed using command: # chlv -T O <lv name> REFERENCESNOTE:1088018.1 - Master Note for Handling Oracle Database Corruption Issues |