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『缩点·树的直径』CF734E Anton and Tree

热度:57   发布时间:2023-12-17 10:42:33.0

P r o b l e m \mathrm{Problem} Problem

给一棵 n ( n ≤ 200000 ) n(n\le 200000) n(n200000)个节点的树,每个点为黑色或白色。



S o l u t i o n \mathrm{Solution} Solution


其中 L 3 L_3 L3? 是直径上的最后一段,显然有 L 1 , 2 ≤ L 3 L_{1,2}\le L_3 L1,2?L3?

且分叉出去的节点颜色是相同的,那么这意味着在完成 L 3 L_3 L3?染色之前, L 1 / L 2 L_1/L_2 L1?/L2?的染色一定会被染色完成。

观察规律,我们发现答案一定是: ? ( m a x l e n + 1 ) / 2 ? \lfloor (\mathrm{maxlen+1})/2 \rfloor ?(maxlen+1)/2?

C o d e \mathrm{Code} Code

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;
const int N = 5e5;int n, res;
int f[N], fa[N], x[N], y[N], col[N];
vector < int > a[N];long long read(void)
    int s = 0, w = 0; char c = getchar();while (c < '0' || c > '9') w |= c == '-', c = getchar();while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') s = s*10+c-48, c = getchar();return w ? -s : s;
}void Dfs(int x, int fa)
    f[x] = 0;for (int i=0;i<a[x].size();++i){
    int y = a[x][i];if (y == fa) continue;Dfs(y, x);res = max(res, f[x] + f[y] + 1);f[x] = max(f[x], f[y] + 1);}return;
}int get(int x) {
    if (fa[x] == x) return x;return fa[x] = get(fa[x]);
}int main(void)
    n = read();for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) {
    col[i] = read();fa[i] = i;}for (int i=1;i<n;++i) {
    x[i] = read(), y[i] = read();if (col[x[i]] == col[y[i]]) fa[get(x[i])] = get(y[i]); } for (int i=1;i<n;++i) {
    x[i] = get(x[i]);y[i] = get(y[i]);if (x[i] == y[i]) continue;a[x[i]].push_back(y[i]);a[y[i]].push_back(x[i]);}Dfs(get(1), 0);cout << (res + 1 >> 1);return 0;