- come on, guess that what 's the meanning of the phrase 'a long shot'解决方法
- come on, guess that what 's the meanning of the phrase 'a long shot'.解决方案
- [求助]shot,int区别
- come on, guess that what 's the meanning of the phrase 'a long shot'该怎么处理
- 零次学习(Zero-Shot Learning)入门
- TL-SSD: Detecting Traffic Lights by Single Shot Detection 论文复现
- Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation via Attentive Graph Neural Networks论文解读
- SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector)中的框回归详解(真的详细!!!)
- 最强换脸算法:Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models论文解读
- Leveraging the Feature Distribution in Transfer-based Few-Shot Learning——论文翻译笔记
- Adversarial Style Mining for One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
- 《Few-Shot Learning with Graph Neural Networks》
- Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning
- Frustratingly Simple Few-Shot Object Detection (2020 ICML)
- RepMet: Representative-based metric learning for classification and few-shot object detection (2019)
- (2021CVPR)One-shot action recognition in challenging therapy scenarios
- 人脸识别 论文阅读 (2)- S3FD: Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector]
- Learning Spatial Fusion for Single-Shot Object Detection
- 元学习 Meta Learning Few-Shot Learning 三 || Pretraining and Fine Tuning
- SSD(single-shot multibox detector)源码学习笔记
- few-shot learning(三):Pretraining and Fine Tuning
- few-shot learning(二):Siamese Network
- few-shot learning(一)
- Single Shot MultiBox Detector论文翻译——中文版
- Single Shot MultiBox Detector论文翻译——中英文对照
- 2017nips few-Shot Adversarial Domain Adaptation
- A Two-phase Prototypical Network Model for Incremental Few-shot Relation Classification 论文总结
- lightoj1292Laser Shot【共线判断求共线的最多点数】
- 学习论文 Edge-Labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning笔记