程序结构也很相似。 不同的是,transport实质性地参与了联邦的仿真过程,而manager仅仅是一个仿真过程的控制联邦。
//advance time in steps until SimulationEnds received
_targetTime = new LogicalTimeDouble(0.0);
_targetTime.setTo(_logicalTime); //设置要TAR的时间点初始时间为0.0
while (!_simulationEndsReceived) {
//advance by a step
_targetTime.increaseBy(_advanceInterval); //时间请求按步长进行,每次1.0
_userInterface.post("This is before TAR: "+_targetTime);
_rti.timeAdvanceRequest(_targetTime); //时间推进请求TAR
//chew through all the events we receive from the RTI
boolean wasTimeAdvanceGrant;
do {
Callback callback = _callbackQueue.dequeue(); //获取外部时间队列中的第一个事件(注意callbackQueue是排序的)
wasTimeAdvanceGrant = callback.dispatch(); //通过调用该事件的dispatch函数来处理事件,并返回是否是time grant的布尔量
if (_simulationEndsReceived) break timeLoop; //如果是SimulationEnds交互则推出外层循环
} while (!wasTimeAdvanceGrant); //直到收到time grant事件
updateInternalStateAtNewTime(); //在新的time grant时间点,更新所有对象实例(transport联邦发布的Boat和Serving)的属性
RTIambassador created
Federation execution restaurant_1 already exists.
Joined as federate 9
Enabling time constraint...
...constraint enabled at time<0.0>
Enabling time regulation...
...regulation enabled at time<0.0>
Waiting for ReadyToPopulate... //注意下面,在同步时调用 result = barrier.await();将导致可能的控制权转移,因此下面出现了几个回调函数的调用。
...federation synchronized.
Waiting for ReadyToRun...
...federation synchronized.
This is before TAR: time<1.0> //TAR 1.0,步长为1.0
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<1.0> //直接获得了RTI的time grant回调
This is before TAR: time<2.0> //TAR 2.0
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_8_0 167 //回调,发现了所订阅的对象实例
Discovered Serving 167(S_8_0)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_8_1 168 //同上
Discovered Serving 168(S_8_1)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_8_2 169 //同上
Discovered Serving 169(S_8_2)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 169 se.pitch.prti.prti302@18488ef //所发现对象实例的属性更新回调
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 168 se.pitch.prti.prti302@b1cd0 //同上
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 167 se.pitch.prti.prti302@2f729e //同上
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<2.0> //time grant回调
This is before TAR: time<3.0> //TAR 3.0
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 168 HashSet( 100 ) //回调,production联邦发现transport联邦发布的某Boat对象实例和位置(达到足够近的要求),请求装载某Serving实例。
Boat 150 agrees to acquire servingS_8_1 //transport联邦同意用某Boat实例装载某Serving实例
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 168 HashSet( 100 ) //回调,production实例同意把某Serving实例的position属性的ownership交付给transport联邦
Acquired serving S_8_1
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<3.0> //time grant 回调
This is before TAR: time<4.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_8_3 170
Discovered Serving 170(S_8_3)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_8_4 171
Discovered Serving 171(S_8_4)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_8_5 172
Discovered Serving 172(S_8_5)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 172 se.pitch.prti.prti302@1980630
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 171 se.pitch.prti.prti302@1be4777
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 170 se.pitch.prti.prti302@12f1bf0
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<4.0>
下面运行log中有关于AODNcallback的调用--time grant <17.0>之后
RTIambassador created
Federation execution restaurant_1 already exists.
Joined as federate 4
Enabling time constraint...
...constraint enabled at time<0.0>
Enabling time regulation...
...regulation enabled at time<0.0>
Waiting for ReadyToPopulate...
...federation synchronized.
Waiting for ReadyToRun...
...federation synchronized.
This is before TAR: time<1.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<1.0>
This is before TAR: time<2.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_0 125
Discovered Serving 125(S_3_0)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_1 126
Discovered Serving 126(S_3_1)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_2 127
Discovered Serving 127(S_3_2)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 127 se.pitch.prti.prti302@20f443
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 126 se.pitch.prti.prti302@18488ef
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 125 se.pitch.prti.prti302@3a1834
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<2.0>
This is before TAR: time<3.0>
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 126 HashSet( 100 )
Boat 112 agrees to acquire servingS_3_1
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 126 HashSet( 100 )
Acquired serving S_3_1
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_3 128
Discovered Serving 128(S_3_3)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 128 se.pitch.prti.prti302@28305d
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<3.0>
This is before TAR: time<4.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<4.0>
This is before TAR: time<5.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_4 129
Discovered Serving 129(S_3_4)
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_5 130
Discovered Serving 130(S_3_5)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 130 se.pitch.prti.prti302@1f02b85
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 129 se.pitch.prti.prti302@15d4de6
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 129 HashSet( 100 )
Boat 121 agrees to acquire servingS_3_4
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 129 HashSet( 100 )
Acquired serving S_3_4
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<5.0>
This is before TAR: time<6.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_6 131
Discovered Serving 131(S_3_6)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 131 se.pitch.prti.prti302@ee3aa7
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<6.0>
This is before TAR: time<7.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_7 132
Discovered Serving 132(S_3_7)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 132 se.pitch.prti.prti302@1d9e282
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<7.0>
This is before TAR: time<8.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<8.0>
This is before TAR: time<9.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<9.0>
This is before TAR: time<10.0>
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 127 HashSet( 100 )
Boat 116 agrees to acquire servingS_3_2
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 130 HashSet( 100 )
Boat 122 agrees to acquire servingS_3_5
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 127 HashSet( 100 )
Acquired serving S_3_2
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 130 HashSet( 100 )
Acquired serving S_3_5
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<10.0>
This is before TAR: time<11.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_8 133
Discovered Serving 133(S_3_8)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 133 se.pitch.prti.prti302@c5aa00
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<11.0>
This is before TAR: time<12.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<12.0>
This is before TAR: time<13.0>
This is DiscoverObjectInstanceCallback's dispatch S_3_9 134
Discovered Serving 134(S_3_9)
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 134 se.pitch.prti.prti302@1be2893
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<13.0>
This is before TAR: time<14.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<14.0>
This is before TAR: time<15.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<15.0>
This is before TAR: time<16.0>
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<16.0>
This is before TAR: time<17.0>
This is AODNcallback's dispatch 126 HashSet( 100 )
Divesting serving S_3_1
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 125 HashSet( 100 )
Boat 124 agrees to acquire servingS_3_0
This is RAOAcallback 's dispatch 128 HashSet( 100 )
Boat 119 agrees to acquire servingS_3_3
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 125 HashSet( 100 )
Acquired serving S_3_0
This is AOANcallback's dispatch 128 HashSet( 100 )
Acquired serving S_3_3
This is ReflectAttributeValuesEvent 's dispatch 126 se.pitch.prti.prti302@3bc20e
This is GrantEvent 's dispatch
...granted to time<17.0>