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评一篇文章(Experiments of the effectiveness of dataflow- and controlflow-based test adequacy criteria)

热度:26   发布时间:2023-12-16 07:32:50.0

这篇文章挺好玩,本来是讲软件测试的adequacy criteria的:

M. Hutchins, H. Foster, T. Goradia, and T. Ostrand, "Experiments of the effectiveness of dataflow- and controlflow-based test adequacy criteria," in Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Software engineering, Sorrento, Italy, 1994, pp. 191-200.

被引用了500多次,但是大部分引用它的论文都是因为用到其提出的数据集,大名鼎鼎的西门子数据集(Siemens Test Suite),例如下面这几篇文章:

R. Santelices and M. J. Harrold, "Exploiting program dependencies for scalable multiple-path symbolic execution," in Proceedings of the 19th international symposium on Software testing and analysis, Trento, Italy, 2010, pp. 195-206.

H. Cheng, D. Lo, Y. Zhou, X. Wang, and X. Yan, "Identifying bug signatures using discriminative graph mining," in Proceedings of the eighteenth international symposium on Software testing and analysis, Chicago, IL, USA, 2009, pp. 141-152.

偶尔发现了一篇文章是引用其test adequacy criteria:

S. Elbaum, S. Kanduri and A. Andrews, "Trace anomalies as precursors of field failures: an empirical study," Empirical Softw. Engg., vol. 12, pp. 447-469, 2007.




1. SIR网站:http://sir.unl.edu/php/index.php (需要注册)

2. aristotle Lab的网站:http://pleuma.cc.gatech.edu/aristotle/Tools/subjects/ (不需要注册)

