- Liquid/Solid Surface-02
- Liquid Modeling
- Modeling in Moltemplate
- Relaxation in Lammps
- Wall Modeling
- Hybrid Process
- Ni-Ni LJ Potential
- Ni-UA Combining
- Relaxation Process
- *.data From VMD
- PE Relaxation Process
- Applied Force on The Upper Wall
Liquid/Solid Surface-02
建模参考的文献:Liquid/Solid Surface-01
建模软件:Moltemplate; Lammps;
可视化软件:VMD, 相关命令参考VMD使用
git clone https://github.com/YuanbaoQiang/LAMMPS_TOOLBOX.git
Liquid Modeling
Modeling in Moltemplate
力场参数:Liquid/Solid Surface-01中的SKS UA力场
联合原子 C H 2 CH_2 CH2?:ch2.lt
联合原子 C H 3 CH_3 CH3?:ch3.lt
力场文件: forcefield.lt,可参考2-bead polymer built by moltemplate_forcefield.lt(example file)
polymer_bond.py #定义键
polymer_dis.py #定义原子位置
moltemplate.sh system.lt #moltemplate运行命令
Relaxation in Lammps
文件:system.in, 弛豫过程参考moltemplate导出模型密度控制2.0,注意这次我的边界条件是s s s
Wall Modeling
EAM file:Ni_u3.eam
mpirun -np 6 lmp_mpi < in.wall #运行命令
Hybrid Process
Ni-Ni LJ Potential
? / k B = 7658.54 K \epsilon/k_B=7658.54 \ K ?/kB?=7658.54 K | KaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\r' in math mode at position 1: \?r? ?A |
? = 15.22 k c a l / m o l \epsilon=15.22 \ kcal/mol ?=15.22 kcal/mol | KaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\r' in math mode at position 1: \?r? ?A |
Chirita, V., and B. A. Pailthorpe. “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Ni(001) Surface.” Thin Solid Films, vol. 208, no. 1, 1992, pp. 149–152.
Ni-UA Combining
Ni与联合原子之间采用Lorentz-Berthelot原则,可以参考Combining rules
Relaxation Process
*.data From VMD
混合之后polymer和wall会有重叠, 拿vmd移动一下polymer,然后导出data文件。
PE Relaxation Process
文件:relax01.in #让PE在壁面及盒子边界范围内弛豫。
Applied Force on The Upper Wall
只有在这个过程我以及后续的滑移过程我会采用p p s边界。
文件:relax02.in #以一定压力进行下压