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一个新的敏捷过程TBD(Tracer Bullet Develpment)

热度:41   发布时间:2023-12-15 13:44:42.0
刚看完Pragmatic programmer的《ship it》,其中提出了一个新的敏捷过程“Tracer Bullet Develpment”,按照《The Pragmatic Programmer》的翻译,可以称作“曳光弹开发”。核心思想是“即时反馈”,基本过程是“Propose system objects”-》propose interfaces-》connect interfaces-》add functions-》refactor,refine,repeat-》 如此循环、迭代。该过程非常容易切分使得项目团队可以并行运作从而实现大项目。
The goal is software, not compliance

Architect as a group

If production use it, you should too

Solve the hardest problem first

An encapulated architecture is a scalable architecture
