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《Team Geek: A Software Developer's Guide to Working Well with Others》读书笔记(四)

热度:78   发布时间:2023-12-14 21:09:16.0
Chapter 4 Dealing with Poisonous People
  A good culture should include: things like consensus-based development, high-quality code, code reviews, and an environment where people feel comfortable to try new things and to fail fast.
  Instead of running your team as an elite fraternity with a mission to repel mean people, it’s healthier to create a culture that simply refuses to tolerate certain negative behaviors. It’s the behaviors you want to filter out, not particular individuals. It’s naive to think of individuals as purely good or bad; it’s more constructive and practical to identify and reprimand the intolerable behaviors.
  When a team is started by a group of angry jerks, the effort tends to attract more and more individuals of the same sort. —endless bickering, chest thumping, and sniping.
  The team may get a lot of work done, but the overall efficiency of its operation is doubtful. How much more work would get done if so much energy weren’t being spent on personal attacks?
  The best defense is to fortify your culture through a strong set of best practices and procedures.
  Identifying the Threat 识别威胁
  What’s specifically at risk is your team’s attention and focus. Attention and focus are the scarcest resources you have. The bigger the team, the more capacity the team has to focus on writing software and solving interesting problems—but it’s always a finite amount. If you don’t actively protect these things, it’s easy for poisonous people to disrupt your team’s flow. Your team ends up bickering, distracted, and emotionally drained. Everyone ends up spending all their attention and focus on things other than writing great software.
  Not Respecting Other People’s Time 不尊重别人的时间
  There are certain people out there who simply are unable to figure out what’s going on in a project. Their damage is most often in the form of wasting the team’s time. Rather than spending a few minutes of their own time reading fundamental project documentation, mission statements, FAQs, or the latest email discussion threads, they repeatedly distract the entire team with questions about things they could easily figure out on their own.
  Perhaps ego isn’t the perfect word here, but we’re using the term to describe anyone who is incapable of accepting a consensus decision, incapable of listening to or respecting other points of view, and incapable of reaching compromises.
  Immature or Confusing Communication
  Perfectionism 完美主义者
  He was preventing us from making forward progress as a group.
  Repelling the Poison 排毒
  we don’t advocate throwing people out just because they’re being antisocial or rude. In our prior examples notice that we didn’t focus on booting the person, but rather on booting the behavior.
  Redirect the Energy of Perfectionists
  Once a good-enough solution is found for the original problem, point the perfectionist to a different problem that still needs attention.
  Don’t Feed the Energy Creature
  When the person realizes nobody’s paying attention, he typically loses interest and just leaves. Note that it often takes quite a bit of willpower to not respond. Stay strong!
  Don’t Get Overly Emotional
  When somebody accuses you of making a bad design decision or of conspiracy, or simply wastes your time by asking too many questions whose answers are obvious, it’s easy to get upset.
  Repel Trolls with Niceness
  Know When to Give Up
  Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you simply need to flip the bozo bit and move on. Even if you’ve already spent a lot of attention and focus trying to correct bad behaviors, you need to know how to recognize a lost cause.
  Focus on the Long Term
  To be totally explicit: it’s not worth compromising your culture for the short-term gains—particularly if it’s about a brilliant contributor who doesn’t acknowledge the importance of HRT.