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Halcon classification(一)Introduction

热度:18   发布时间:2023-12-14 20:37:27.0
  • 原文链接   halcon帮助文档

  • What is classification?

Classifying an object means to assign an object to one of several available classes. When working with images, the objects usually are pixels or regions. Objects are described by features, which comprise, e.g., the color or texture for pixel objects, and the size or specific shape features for region objects. To assign an object to a specific class,the individual class boundaries have to be known. These are built in most cases by a training using the features of sample objects for which the classes are known. Then, when classifying an unknown object, the class with the largest correspondence between the feature values used for its training and the feature values of the unknown object is returned.


  • What can you do with classification?

Classification is reasonable in all cases where objects have similarities, but within unknown variations. If you search for objects of a certain fixed shape, and the points of a found contour may not deviate from this shape more than a small defined distance, a template matching will be faster and easier to apply. But if the shapes of your objects are similar, but you can not define exactly what the similarities are and what distinguishes these objects from other objects in the image, you can show a classifier some samples of known objects (with a set of features that you roughly imagine to describe the characteristics of the object types) and let the classifier find the rules to distinguish between the object types. Classification can be used for a lot of different tasks. You can use classification, e.g., for


? image segmentation, i.e., you segment images into regions of similar color or texture,

? object recognition, i.e., you find objects of a specific type within a set of different object types,

? quality control, i.e., you decide if objects are good or bad,

? novelty detection, i.e., you detect changes or defects of objects, or

? optical character recognition (OCR).



  • Step 1:create classifier创建

  • Step 2: Add training samples to the classifier添加样例

  • Step 3: Train the classifier训练

  • Step 4: Classify new objects分类未知的物

  • 百家号地址:机器视觉halcon
