declare @total int,@pgcount int exec splitpage 1,10,@total output,@pgcount output
create proc [dbo].[splitpage]( @page int, --第@page页 @size int, --每页@size行 @total int output, --总行数@pgcount int output --总页数)asbegin select @total=count(1) from dl_capitalselect @pgcount=CEILING((@total+0.0)/@size) select *,@total as total,@pgcount as pgcountfrom dl_capitalorder by id offset (@page-1)*@size rows fetch next @size rows onlyend;
sql server2014分页存储过程(offset fetch next)
热度:77 发布时间:2023-12-13 15:44:41.0
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- 报错Notice: Undefined offset: 一
- Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object异常
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