作者:张华 发表于:2016-11-09
( http://blog.csdn.net/quqi99 )
1, Prepare MAAS Nodes
sudo apt-get install -y maas-cli
echo '<key-in-<MAASIP>/MAAS/r/account/prefs/api-keys>' > ~/maas-apikey
maas login admin `cat ~/maas-apikey`
maas admin tags read# https://juju.is/docs/maas-cloud
sudo bash -c 'cat > /tmp/mymmas.yaml' << EOF
clouds:mymmas:type: maasauth-types: [oauth1]endpoint: http://<MAASIP>/MAAS
juju remove-cloud --local mymmas
juju add-cloud --local mymmas /tmp/mymmas.yaml
juju list-clouds
juju show-cloud mymmas --local
sudo bash -c 'cat > /tmp/credential.yaml' << EOF
credentials:mymmas:zhhuabj:auth-type: oauth1maas-oauth: <key-in-<MAASIP>/MAAS/r/account/prefs/api-keys>
juju remove-credential --local mymmas zhhuabj
juju add-credential --local mymmas -f /tmp/credential.yaml
juju credentials --local
juju show-credential --local mymmas zhhuabj
cat ~/.local/share/juju/credentials.yamljuju bootstrap --debug segmaas --no-gui --config image-stream=daily --config default-series=focal --constraints="tags=virtual"
# hit this error https://discourse.maas.io/t/bootstrap-instance-started-but-did-not-change-to-deployed-state-instance-8epqeq-failed-to-deploy/2237/3
# workaround for above issue,
# first change rootfs to use lvm for the virutal host z-rotomvm14, then add a tag 'z-rotomvm14' for it as well
# finnally use the following two tags to try this host again.
juju bootstrap --debug segmaas --no-gui --config image-stream=daily --config default-series=focal --constraints="tags=virtual,z-rotomvm14"
this is the bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/1876258
series: &series bionic
debug: &debug True
verbose: &verbose True
openstack_origin: &openstack_origin cloud:bionic-ussuri
source: &source cloud:bionic-ussuri machines:'0':constraints: "tags=shuckle"series: *series'1':constraints: "tags=virtual"series: *seriesseries: *series
applications:ntp:charm: cs:ntpnum_units: 0mysql:charm: cs:~openstack-char