You are given a positive integer nn, written without leading zeroes (for example, the number 04 is incorrect).
In one operation you can delete any digit of the given integer so that the result remains a positive integer without leading zeros.
Determine the minimum number of operations that you need to consistently apply to the given integer nn to make from it the square of some positive integer or report that it is impossible.
An integer xx is the square of some positive integer if and only if x=y2x=y2 for some positive integer yy.
The first line contains a single integer nn (1≤n≤2?1091≤n≤2?109). The number is given without leading zeroes.
If it is impossible to make the square of some positive integer from nn, print -1. In the other case, print the minimal number of operations required to do it.
In the first example we should delete from 83148314 the digits 33 and 44. After that 83148314 become equals to 8181, which is the square of the integer 99.
In the second example the given 625625 is the square of the integer 2525, so you should not delete anything.
In the third example it is impossible to make the square from 333333, so the answer is -1.
但是还是不是那么容易对的,wa了几发,因为在截取位的时候,我们需要用一个搜索的递归变量来标识这个数现在已经删除了几位数字,有一种情况! 就是前导零的时候,比如 101 、 70000729这种数字,都是需要处理前导零的,因为你截取7以后,在我手写的get数字的时候会直接变成729,所以就变成了删除一位数,但是实际上需要删除5位,所以得到一个字符串以后,判断一下前导零,如果有的话,就把它也加到标记变量中(其实处理方式还有很多种,看个人思维怎么想都可以的)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int Maxn = 4e4 + 5000;
int vis[Maxn];
string str;
int ans = 0,flag = 0;
map<long long,bool>mp;
void Init() {mp.clear();for(int i = 1; i < Maxn; i++) {mp[i * i] = 1;}return ;
}long long getnum(string s) {long long ans1 = 0;for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)ans1 = ans1 * 10 + s[i] - '0';return ans1 ;
void dfs(string s,int cnt) {if(mp[getnum(s)]) {int id = 0;if(s[0] == '0')while(s[id] == '0')id++;flag = 1;ans = min(cnt + id,ans);}for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {string ss = s.substr(0,i) + s.substr(i + 1,s.size() - i - 1);if(ss != "")dfs(ss,cnt + 1);}}
int main() {Init();while(cin >> str) {ans = 999999,flag = 0;dfs(str,0);if(flag) cout << ans << endl;elsecout << - 1 << endl;}return 0;