当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop value of type number supplied to Textinput, expected string

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop value of type number supplied to Textinput, expected string

热度:33   发布时间:2023-12-12 13:47:24.0

react-native 使用TextInput标签时会遇到这个警告:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop value of type number supplied to Textinput, expected string in Textinput (at Appointmentnumber is: 112) in Appointmentnumber(created by Context. Consumen)in withnavigation(Appointmentnumber)(created bySceneview



<TextInputstyle={styles.textinput}placeholder="站厅预约人数"placeholderTextColor = "#cccccc"keyboardType = "numeric"value={`${this.state.num}`} //这里改进一下就OKonChangeText={(num)=> {this.setState({num})}}

