Problem E
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)
Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
题目链接→HDU 5689 Problem E
/*Sherlock and Watson and Adler*/
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
#define exp 1e-10
using namespace std;
int a[1007][37][2];
bool f[1007];
map<string,int> mp;
int n;
char str[1000010],op[3];
string s1;
int main()
{int i,j,k,cnt,pos,flag;int val;while(~scanf("%d",&n)){mp.clear();cnt = 0;getchar();for(i = 0;i < n;i++){for(j = 1;j <= 30;j++){a[i][j][0] = -1000001;a[i][j][1] = 1000001;}f[i] = true;memset(str,0,sizeof(str));gets(str);for(j = 0;str[j];j++){if(str[j] == ' ' || str[j] == ',') continue;s1 = "";while(str[j] >= 'a' && str[j] <= 'z')s1 += str[j++];if(mp[s1] == 0)mp[s1] = ++cnt;pos = mp[s1];while(str[j] == ' ') j++;memset(op,0,sizeof(op));op[0] = str[j];if(str[++j] == '='){op[1] = str[j++];op[2] = '\0';}elseop[1] = '\0';while(str[j] == ' ') j++;val = 0;while(str[j] && str[j] >= '0' && str[j] <= '9')val = val*10 + str[j++] - '0';// cout<<"_____"<<s1<<" "<<pos<<" "<<op<<" "<<val<<"_____"<<endl;// a[i][pos][0] a[i][pos][1]op valif(op[0] == '>' && op[1] == '\0'){if(val >= a[i][pos][1]) f[i] = false;else if(val >= a[i][pos][0]) a[i][pos][0] = val+1;}else if(op[0] == '<' && op[1] == '\0'){if(val <= a[i][pos][0]) f[i] = false;else if(val <= a[i][pos][1]) a[i][pos][1] = val-1;}else if(op[0] == '>' && op[1] == '='){if(val > a[i][pos][1]) f[i] = false;else if(val > a[i][pos][0]) a[i][pos][0] = val;}else if(op[0] == '<' && op[1] == '='){if(val < a[i][pos][0]) f[i] = false;else if(val < a[i][pos][1]) a[i][pos][1] = val;}else if(op[0] == '='){if(!(val >= a[i][pos][0] && val <= a[i][pos][1])) f[i] = false;else{a[i][pos][0] = val;a[i][pos][1] = val;}}// cout<<"_____"<<a[i][pos][0]<<" "<<a[i][pos][1]<<"_____"<<endl;if(!f[i]) break;}for(j = 0,flag = 0;j < i && f[i];j++){if(!f[j]) continue;for(k = 1;k <= 30;k++)if(a[i][k][0] > a[j][k][1] || a[i][k][1] < a[j][k][0])break;if(k != 31) continue;if(!flag){printf("%d",j+1);flag = 1;}else printf(" %d",j+1);}if(!flag) puts("unique");else puts("");// for(k = 1;k <= 30;k++)// cout<<k<<" "<<a[i][k][0]<<" "<<a[i][k][1]<<endl;}}return 0;