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AndroidAnnotations——Injecting html注入html文本

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  1. Injecting html注入html
    1. HtmlRes
    2. FromHtml
  2. 本文档的简单示例下载

Injecting html注入html

Since AndroidAnnotations 2.2

If you want to inject HTML text in a TextView (may it be to format it or because you love HTML), there are two annotations that can help you:
假如你想在 TextView 控件中注入HTML文本(可能它需要格式化,或者因为你喜欢HTML ),有两个注解可以帮助你:
  • @FromHtml
  • @HtmlRes

Let's say you have the following string resource:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources><string name="hello_html"><![CDATA[Hello <b>World</b>!]]></string>


This annotation acts as @StringRes (retrieves a String resource) and wraps the result with a call to HTML.fromHtml():
这个注解表现的和 @StringRes 类似(获取 String 资源)并调用 HTML.fromHtml() 覆盖结果。

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
        // Injects R.string.hello_html@HtmlRes(R.string.hello_html)Spanned myHelloString;// Also injects R.string.hello_html@HtmlResCharSequence helloHtml;}

Note that Spanned implements CharSequence, thus you can use both for a @HtmlRes.请注意 Spanned 实现了 CharSequence,因此你可以用 @HtmlRes注解它们。


This annotation must be used on a TextView already annotated with @ViewById. The purpose of this annotation is to set HTML text in a TextView:
这个注解必须在加了 @ViewById 注解的 TextView 上使用。它的目的是设置HTML文本到 TextView上:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
        @ViewById(R.id.my_text_view)@FromHtml(R.string.hello_html)TextView textView;// Injects R.string.hello_html into the R.id.hello_html view@ViewById@FromHtmlTextView helloHtml;}

