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AndroidAnnotation events




Since AndroidAnnotations 1.0

The  @Click annotation indicates that an activity  method must be called when the corresponding view is  clicked.
  @Click 注解表示当相对应的视图被单击时,一个activity的方法必须被调用。

The view id can be set in the annotation parameter, ie  @Click(R.id.myButton).
可以在注解参数中设置 视图id,像   @Click(R.id.myButton)

If the view id is  not set, the  name of the method will be used to guess the view id.

The method may have zero or one parameter, and this parameter can only be a View (the view that was clicked). The method must not be private. Two different methods cannot handle the same view.

Usage example:用例:

void myButtonWasClicked() {
void anotherButton() {
void yetAnotherButton(View clickedView) {

Other events 其他事件

AndroidAnnotations supports other kind of events, and it works exactly as with  @Click.
AndroidAnnotations  支持其他类型的事件,和   @Click 类似。

Currently,  AndroidAnnotations supports the following  events on views:
目前, AndroidAnnotations   支持如下这些   events   视图事件:

  • Clicks with @Click
  • Long clicks with @LongClick
  • Touches with @Touch