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【金融量化分析】#HW1 (bootstrap;implicit finite difference method;CRR binomial tree;Bisection method)

热度:47   发布时间:2023-12-11 22:44:11.0


  • Q1 bootstrap the zero-rates
  • Q2 implicit finite difference method
  • Q3 CRR binomial tree (European call option prices )
  • Q4 Bisection method

Q1 bootstrap the zero-rates

Given the 50USD (face value) bond price below:

Time to maturity Coupon rate(paid semi-annually) Bond price
0.5 0 $49.05
1 0 $48.09
1.5 1% $47.81
2 1% $47.03
2.5 1.2% $46.51
3 1.2% $45.75
3.5 1.5% $45.45
4 1.5% $44.73
4.5 1.8% $44.63
5 1.8% $43.91
5.5 2% $42.95
6 2% $41.45

Write a matlab programme to
i) bootstrap the zero-rates;
ii) and plot the yield curve over time using spline interpolation.

matlab code

%% Q1
clear all;Face=50;
Cr=[0 0 1 1 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 2 2]/100;
BondPrice=[49.05 48.09 47.81 47.03 46.51 45.75 45.45 44.73 44.63 43.91 42.95 41.45];
for i=1:length(Cr)PaymentTime2=Maturity(1:i);% points that payment givenZeroRate(i)=(log(Face+Coupon(i))-log(BondPrice(i)-sum(Coupon(i)*exp(-ZeroRate(1:i-1).*PaymentTime2(1:end-1)))))/Maturity(i);
%see the mathmatic formula below%using griddedInterpolation draw yield curve through Matlab 
F= griddedInterpolant(x,v,'spline')
xq = linspace(0.5,6,500);
vq = F(xq);
hold on
legend('Sample Points','Interpolated Values')
title('yield curve')%  interp1

the formula of kind of bond calculate

Q2 implicit finite difference method

Given the risk-free rate 4.1% and the current stock price 115 RMB with volatility 30%. Use the implicit finite difference method to compute the 1-year American put option price with strike level 135 RMB.

clear all;S0=115; K=135; r=0.041; T=1; sigma=0.3; Smax=345; % must bigger than S0deltaS=1; dt=0.001;
% set up grid and adjust increments if necessary M = round(Smax/deltaS);
N = round(T/dt);
dt = T/N; 
Value = zeros(M+1,N+1); 
vecS = linspace(0,Smax,M+1)';
vecI = 0:M;
vecJ = 0:N;
% set up boundary conditions:call
% Value(:,N+1) = max(vecS-K,0);
% Value(1,:) = 0; 
% Value(M+1,:) = Smax*exp(-r*dt*(N-vecJ));% set up boundary conditions