当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> SipStack.i:321: Error: Unknown SWIG preprocessor directive:

SipStack.i:321: Error: Unknown SWIG preprocessor directive:

热度:67   发布时间:2023-12-11 17:56:59.0


java/../_common/SipStack.i:321: Error: Unknown SWIG preprocessor directive: typedef (if this is a block of target language code, delimit it with %{ and %})
java/../_common/SipStack.i:323: Error: Unknown SWIG preprocessor directive: tmedia (if this is a block of target language code, delimit it with %{ and %})
java/../_common/SipStack.i:325: Error: Unknown SWIG preprocessor directive: tmedia (if this is a block of target language code, delimit it with %{ and %})
Java(Google Dalvik)...

