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packetdrill: tun device open: SUCCESS

热度:84   发布时间:2023-12-08 17:02:49.0

用packetdirll学习Linux内核网络协议栈,脚本写完后遂在本地测试,遇到了这样的问题,无论运行脚本多少次,终端只显示tun device open:SUCCESS。

ip link set tun0 down

引发问题的原因,是packetdrill中创建的虚拟网卡tun0没有释放,从而在local mode下,packetdrill确实打开了net0,但触发了netdevice.c的loop条件,并以die_perror("open tun device");的形式给出测试不成功的警告。


	/* Open the tun device, which "clones" it for our purposes. */int tun_fd;
#ifdef linuxint nb = 0;loop:if (++nb > 10)die_perror("open tun device");
#endiftun_fd = open(TUN_PATH, O_RDWR);if (tun_fd < 0)die_perror("open tun device");netdev->tun_fd = tun_fd;#ifdef linux/* Create the device. Since we do not specify a device name, the* kernel will try to allocate the "next" devi