persistentmembers = yes ;在使用real-time时,asterisk 重启是否自动读入dynamic memebers
keepstats =no ;在reload期间保留Queue 统计
autofill = yes ;
autopause =yes ;未能成功应答也置pause
maxlen=0 ;q中最大等待用户数
;setinterfacevar=no 如果设置为yes,则在q成员接通电话前以下变量被设置
MEMBERINTERFACE ,interface name like:agent/1234
MEMBERNAME ,membername
MEMBERDYNAMIC ,是否为动态members
;setqueueentryvar=no ;如果为yes,将设置如下变量,QECHOLDTIME ,主叫hold time,
;setqueuevar=no 设置为yes 则在主叫连接前和退出队列前,设置以下变量
; QUEUENAME name of the queue
; QUEUEMAX maxmimum number of calls allowed
; QUEUESTRATEGY the strategy of the queue;
; QUEUECALLS number of calls currently in the queue
; QUEUEHOLDTIME current average hold time
; QUEUECOMPLETED number of completed calls for the queue
; QUEUEABANDONED number of abandoned calls
; QUEUESRVLEVEL queue service level
; QUEUESRVLEVELPERF current service level performance
;membermacro= yourmacro ;在接通到q member时执行该脚本,该选项可以被queue appliction 选项覆盖
;monitor-format=gsm|wav|wav49 ,允许接通时方开始录音,录音文件名可以通过Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=foo)
; Otherwise it will use MONITOR_FILENAME=${UNIQUEID}
monitor-type=MixMonitor ;不设置将采用默认的monitor
;updatecdr=no ;update cdr dstchannels
shared_lastcall=no ;如果一个member属于多个q yes,在wrapuptime 上保持一致
queue 特定的配置:
musicclass= default
;servicelevel=60 ;接通时间不得超过指定的值,default=0
periodic-announce = thank-you-message
periodic-announce-frequency=60 ;每隔1分钟将向队列播放thank-you-message 录音
weight=0 ; 在多个队列情况下,q的weight 大的将优先获得可用通道。deadlock 现象
;joinempty=yes 控制呼入是否可以加入到一个无members的q
;yes 主叫可以进入无members或只有unavailable members 的Q中
;no 主叫不可进入无members 的Q
;strict 主叫不可以进入无members或只有unavailable members 的Q中
;loose 同strict,但paused Q members 不会作为unavailable members 统计
;leavewhenempty=yes ;在新主叫无法加入Q时,remove callers from Q,参考joinempty
;如果你使用Agents 作为Q members,总是把该参数设置为strict
;eventmemberstatus=no ;是否产生QueueMemberStatus Event
;reportholdtime=no ;是否在接到Q members 前提示 主叫等待的时间
;ringinuse=no ;避免Q 发送calls 到状态为"in use" 的member,不建议使用该选项,并且只有sip channel 才支持"in use"
;monitor-format=gsm|wav|wav49 ,默认disable
;announce-holdtime=yes|no|once ;是否估计hold time,小于1分钟则不发出通知
;queue-youarenext = "queue-youarenext" ; ("You are now first in line.")
;queue-thereare = "queue-thereare" ; ("There are")
;queue-callswaiting = "queue-callswaiting" ; ("calls waiting.")
;queue-holdtime = "queue-holdtime" ; ("The current est. holdtime is")
;queue-minutes = "queue-minutes" ; ("minutes.")
;queue-thankyou = "queue-thankyou" ; ("Thank you for your patience.")
;announce-position=yes |no ;If turned off, only the holdtime will be announced
;min-announce-frequency ;defines a minimum time which must pass between position/holdtime announcements
;wrapuptime=15 ;接到一个call后,需要等待多长时间方置为空闲
;memberdelay=5 ; 连接和应答延时时间
;timeoutrestart=yes ;agents useful
strategy=ringall ;派call 策略
;ringall :ring 所有可用channels 直到应答为止
;roundrobin :轮流ring 每个可用interface,1calls :1->2->3,2calls:2->3->1;3calls:3->1->2
;leastrecent :ring 进来最少在队列中最少被呼叫的interface,有可能一直响某台分机
;fewestcalls :ring one 最少completed calls
;random :随机ring
;rrmemory :在内存中把最后一个ring pass 放到最左边,即不会一直ring某个分机
;linear :根据配置文件中的顺序ring(v1.6)
;wrandom :(V1.6)
;Timeout=15 ;phone ring before timeout
;retry=5 ;再次trying all members again,需要等待多久,设置为0 默认为5秒。
;context= default 用户按single exten 退出Q后的context
announce= xxxx ;将在电话接通的时候播放xxxx,
Asterisk 1.6.0:
Asterisk 1.4:
Asterisk 1.0 through 1.2:
Queues an incoming call in a particular call queue as defined in queues.conf or dynamic realtime.
The option string may contain zero or more of the following characters:
d — data-quality (modem) call (minimum delay).
h — allow callee to hang up by pressing *.
H — allow caller to hang up by pressing *.
n — no retries on the timeout; will exit this application and go to the next step.
r — ring instead of playing MOH.
t — allow the called user to transfer the calling user.
T — allow the calling user to transfer the call.
w — allow the called user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor.
W — allow the calling user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor.
c — continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).
i — ignore call forward requests from queue members and do nothing when they are requested (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).
k — Allow the called party to enable parking of the call by sending the DTMF sequence defined for call parking in features.conf (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).
K — Allow the calling party to enable parking of the call by sending the DTMF sequence defined for call parking in features.conf (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).
x — allow the called user to write the conversation to disk via MixMonitor (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).
X — allow the calling user to write the conversation to disk via MixMonitor (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).
roundrobin和rrmemory看起来好像并没有什么不同,但它们之间还是有区别。最大的区别在于roundrobin记住上次开始的分 机,然后从下一个开始。假设有1,2,3三个分机,如果第1个电话是1->2->3的顺序呼叫队列的话,第2个电话将会是 2->3->1的顺序呼叫队列,第3个电话就是3->1->2。而rrmemory记住上次最后呼叫的分机,然后从下一个开始。 假设还是有1,2,3三个分机,第1个电话呼叫顺序是1->2,分机2接了或者电话挂断;那么第2个电话来将是按3->1->2的顺序 来呼叫,如果是roundrobin,第2个电话进来应该是按2->3->1的顺序呼叫。