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Gopher China 2018 讲师专访-?Manish Dgraph

热度:74   发布时间:2023-12-06 02:50:10.0

Most of China Gopher know you from your blog, Please introduce yourself briefly?(What is the reason and when to start with Go?)

I’m Manish. The prime author of Dgraph and Badger. Before Dgraph, I worked at Google Mountain View for 6.5 years (including a very long internship) in the Web Search and Knowledge Graph infrastructure group. I got to work on real-time distributed systems on the largest database installation at Google at the time. Later, I lead a project to unite and index all structured data at Google along with the knowledge graph to serve it from google.com.

我是 Manish。Dgraph 和 Badger 的主要作者。在Dgraph之前,我在 Google Mountain View 工作了6.5年(包括一个很长的实习),在 Web 搜索和知识图谱基础设施组。我当时在 Google 的最大数据库安装上进行实时分布式系统的工作。之后,我领导一个项目,将 Google 的所有结构化数据和知识图结合起来,在 Google.com 上提供服务。

Why do you like Golang so much? What are your favorite features?

Having worked in Google Search team, I was a big fan of C++. At the same time, I felt that popular scripting languages produced code which was not only slow but very hacky and hard to maintain over time. When I started my first company, I happened to stumble upon Go (never used it at Google), and since then, I’ve been absolutely in love.

Go brings the best of both worlds. It is a high-level language, which lets you iterate really fast. At the same time, it’s static, compiled, concurrent and fast. In fact, Go started a new wave of language improvements, which others have now copied, for e.g., gofmt, which I found to be habit forming.

在谷歌搜索团队工作时,我是c++的忠实粉丝。与此同时,我觉得流行的脚本语言编写的代码不仅很慢,而且很粗糙、很难维护。当我开始成立第一家公司的时候,我偶然发现了 Go(从未在谷歌使用过),从那以后,我就完全爱上了它。

Go 带来最好的两个世界。它是一种高级语言,可以让您快速地迭代。同时,它是静态的、编译的、并发的和快速的。事实上,Go 开始了一种新的语言改进浪潮,其他人现在已经复制了,例如 gofmt,我发现它是一个习惯形成的过程。

Have you been in contact with the Golang official team? How do you think of them?

Rob Pike has been a regular at the Go meetup in Sydney, Australia, which I was the main organizer of. I also bumped into Russ Cox at Gophercon Denver. I think they are really smart people with a lot of experience. They have pushed the envelope for what a language can do, and it shows.

罗布·派克(Rob Pike)是我在澳大利亚悉尼组织的 Go meetup 的一名常客。我还在丹佛的 Gophercon 上遇到了 Russ Cox。我认为他们是非常聪明的人,有很多经验。他们推动了一门语言能做的事情,这表明了这一点。

We all know Golang boasts many successful projects such as Docker and Kubernetes, do you know why do they all choose Golang?

Every language comes with its compromises. For e.g., C++ is fast, but slow to iterate in. Python and Javascript are fast to iterate in but slow at runtime. Java doesn’t let you do advanced memory management.

Go is a language with the least compromises. You get a solid high-level language, while also being able to do advanced memory management tricks with pointers to decrease the GC workload. Code written in Go is maintainable and fast. Overall, Go is an absolute delight to work with.

每一种语言都有它的妥协。例如,c++ 是快速的,但是在迭代中很慢。Python 和 Javascript 的迭代速度很快,但运行时很慢。Java 不允许您进行高级内存管理。

Go 是一种妥协最少的语言。你获得了一种可靠的高级语言,同时还能够使用指针来处理高级内存管理技巧,以减少 GC 工作负载。编写的代码是可维护和快速的。总的来说,用 Go 是一种绝对的乐趣。

For all the silicon valley startups you know, how many of them are using Golang?

I’d say more and more are using Go language. Many big companies have switched to Go. And many startups are building their entire tech in Go. In particular, many database startups are using Go. Of course, Dgraph. But also TiDB, CockroachDB, Minio (object storage), etc. It’s hard to keep count of them.

越来越多的人在使用 Go 语言。许多大公司已经转向 Go 了。许多初创公司都在用 Go 开发他们的全部技术。特别是,许多数据库初创公司正在使用 Go。比如 Dgraph,还有 TiDB, CockroachDB, Minio(对象存储)等等,很难计数。

From your experience, how to master a new programming language quickly? What would you like to suggest for new Gopher?What is the best practice to learn Go and any book recommendation?

When I started with Go, I read the online Go tutorial for 2 days. The third day I started coding. In under 2 weeks, I had the initial version of our product out. So, I’m tempted to say, Go is really easy. In fact, if you are a C++ coder building concurrent systems, switching to Go should be a cakewalk.

My approach to learning a new language is to build an open source project. Pick a task, doesn’t matter what, and just build it in the language that you want to learn. In the end, you have learned a new language, and the world has a new software. Win-win!

I’d also highly encourage new Gophers to continuously learn “the Go way” of doing things, so the code is robust and readable.

当我开始学习的时候,我读了2天的在线教程。第三天开始编码。在不到两周的时间里,就有了我们产品的最初版本。所以,我想说,Go 真的很简单。如果你是一个 c++ 程序员构建并发系统,那么切换到 Go 应该是易如反掌之事。


我还强烈建议新的 Gophers 不断学习“the Go way”的方法,因此代码是健壮的和可读的

GopherChina is the most popular in the world. What’s your opinion when you know that?

It’s unreal! Knowing that Gophercon China competes with Gophercon Denver in terms of popularity, just goes to show how Go usage has spread in China. At the same time, it also indicates how far Chinese startup culture has evolved. Chinese startups are becoming more and more global, and their focus on Go means the next biggest Go companies are going to come out of China.

这是不真实的!了解到 Gophercon 中国与 Gophercon 丹佛在地位和流行程度上的竞争,这只是展示了如何使用在中国传播。与此同时,它也表明了中国的创业文化已经发展了多少。中国的初创企业正变得越来越全球化,他们对 Go 的关注意味着,下一个最大的上市公司将来自中国。

It’s your first time to attend GopherChina, What is the expectation of the first GopherChina conference

I’m really excited. I’ve seen many Chinese gophers create issues and contribute to both Dgraph and Badger. So, this would be a chance to meet some of them in person, and hear how they’re using these projects. I’m also a tad bit nervous about giving the talk. Most importantly, I can’t wait to eat Shanghai dumplings!

我真的很兴奋。我看到过很多中国的 gopher 创建问题,为Dgraph和Badger做出了贡献。所以,这将是一个与他们中的一些人见面的机会,并聆听他们如何使用这些项目。我对演讲也有点紧张。最重要的是,我等不及要吃上海饺子了!

What do you think about the future of Go?

I think Go has a very bright future. It’s a solid language, which is fast, able to utilize server efficiently, and is well suited to solve the problems of tomorrow. Go is here to stay.

我认为 Go 有一个非常光明的未来。它是一种可靠的语言,速度快,能够有效地利用服务器,并且非常适合解决明天的问题。Go 会一直存在。

第四届 Gopher China 大会4月将在上海举办,今年也是第一次增加了会前的 培训 。本届的大会无论从规模,内容都将有更多值得大家期待的!


重磅发布-2018 Gopher China 议题揭晓

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