当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> 【UVA11624】Fire!


热度:30   发布时间:2023-12-05 12:37:55.0


??Joe works in a maze. Unfortunately, portions of the maze have caught on fire, and the owner of the maze neglected to create a fire escape plan. Help Joe escape the maze.
??Given Joe’s location in the maze and which squares of the maze are on fire, you must determine whether Joe can exit the maze before the fire reaches him, and how fast he can do it.
??Joe and the fire each move one square per minute, vertically or horizontally (not diagonally). The fire spreads all four directions from each square that is on fire. Joe may exit the maze from any square that borders the edge of the maze. Neither Joe nor the fire may enter a square that is occupied by a wall.




求解完 g 值之后,从J的起点出发,设disij表示J到达该点的最短时间,如果该格子为‘#’,那么dis值为-1


O(T?n?k),k<script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-11">k</script>为常数


#define Lint long long int
using namespace std;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const int MAXN=1010;
struct node
{int x,y;
int dis[MAXN][MAXN];
int g[MAXN][MAXN];
int T,n,m;
queue<node> q;
int dx[5]={
int dy[5]={
void Prepare(int x,int y)
{node tmp;int tx,ty;g[x][y]=0;q.push( (node){ x,y } );while( !q.empty() ){tmp=q.front(),q.pop();for(int k=1;k<=4;k++){tx=tmp.x+dx[k],ty=tmp.y+dy[k];if( tx<1 || tx>n || ty<1 || ty>m || g[tx][ty]==-1 )   continue ;if( g[tx][ty]>g[tmp.x][tmp.y]+1 ){g[tx][ty]=g[tmp.x][tmp.y]+1;q.push( (node){ tx,ty } );}}}
void bfs(int x,int y)
{node tmp;int tx,ty;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)   for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)   dis[i][j]=INF;dis[x][y]=0,q.push( (node){ x,y } );while( !q.empty() ){tmp=q.front(),q.pop();for(int k=1;k<=4;k++){tx=tmp.x+dx[k],ty=tmp.y+dy[k];if( tx<1 || tx>n || ty<1 || ty>m || g[tx][ty]==-1 )   continue ;if( dis[tmp.x][tmp.y]+1>=g[tx][ty] || dis[tmp.x][tmp.y]+1>=dis[tx][ty] )   continue ;dis[tx][ty]=dis[tmp.x][tmp.y]+1;q.push( (node){ tx,ty } );}}
int main()
{int sx,sy,cnt,ans;string s;scanf("%d",&T);node p[MAXN*10];while( T-- ){scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);ans=INF;sx=sy=cnt=0;memset( g,INF,sizeof g );for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){cin>>s;for(int j=0;j<=m-1;j++)if( s[j]=='J' )   sx=i,sy=j+1,g[i][j+1]=INF;elseif( s[j]=='F' )   p[++cnt]=(node){ i,j+1 };else   g[i][j+1]= s[j]=='#' ? -1 : INF ;}for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)   Prepare( p[i].x,p[i].y );bfs( sx,sy );for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)   ans=min( min( ans,dis[i][1] ),dis[i][m] );for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)   ans=min( min( ans,dis[1][i] ),dis[n][i] );printf( ans==INF ? "IMPOSSIBLE\n" : "%d\n",ans+1 );}return 0;