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北林oj-算法设计与分析-Removing the Wall(C++,思路+代码)

热度:36   发布时间:2023-11-29 10:07:51.0


There is a wall in Tom's garden, which is builded by N different bricks. Bricks may have different height, but their width are the same. For example, when N is 7, and H=[1,2,6,1,1,7,1], this wall will be look like:

One day, Tom bought a new car and he wants to park it in his garden. So he needs to remove some parts of the wall. In order to reduce the cost, the sum of height of the removing part should be as low as possible.


Each test case starts with two integers N, K (1<=N<=1*10^3,1<=K<=N). n means this wall is builded by N different bricks, and K means the width of the car. The next line will be n integers H1,H2,..,Hn(1<=Hi<=100), representing the height of the N bricks. The input will be terminated at the end of file (EOF).


For each test case, you must print an integer M which means removing from the Mth brick. If there is more than one position, print the most left one.

输入样例 1 

7 3
1 2 6 1 1 7 1

输出样例 1



In the sample, the sum of the numbers of the 3rd, 4th, 5th bricks is 8, which is the lowest, so the wall should be removed from the 3rd position.





拿测试用例1 2 6 1 1 7 1举例,车宽是3,初始位置slow在[0]号,指的是1;fast在[2]号,指的是6,所以第一次要拆的数量就是1 + 2 + 6 = 9。


设置计算最小数量的值mini = 30000(数尽量大,不大会过不了)按这样每次计算好test以后,和现在的mini比大小,如果比mimi小,就记录mini = test,同时记录slow所指向的位置 + 1用于输出。





using namespace std;int main()
{int n, k;while (cin >> n && cin >> k){//构造墙数组vector<int> v(n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)cin >> v[i];int fast = k - 1, slow = 0; //这是那个车的宽度(在数组中所以减1)int anspos = 0; //最后要输出的位置long mini = 30000; //拆除的最小砖块数,这个数小了会是WAlong test = 0; //每次遍历所要拆的砖块数量,临时变量//先算第一次testfor (int i = slow; i <= fast; i++)test += v[i];//这里注意是n - 1while (fast < n - 1){//fast后移一位,test加上fast++;test += v[fast];//test减去最前面的值,加上后移一位的值test -= v[slow];slow++;	//判断,可能记录ansposif (mini > test){mini = test;anspos = slow + 1;}}cout << anspos << endl;}return 0;
