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Leetcode 269. Alien Dictionary(python)

热度:80   发布时间:2023-11-26 06:53:10.0

Leetcode 269. Alien Dictionary

  • 题目
  • 解法:拓扑排序
  • 二刷
  • 三刷





class Solution:def alienOrder(self, words: List[str]) -> str:# create adject matrx of the graphadj_list = collections.defaultdict(set)# create initial indegrees 0 for all distinct wordsindegrees = {
    }for word in words:for c in word:if c in indegrees:continueindegrees[c] = 0# construct the graph and indegreesfor first_word,second_word in zip(words,words[1:]):for c,d in zip(first_word,second_word):if c!=d:# this line is needed, otherwise the indegrees of d will be repeatedly addedif d not in adj_list[c]:adj_list[c].add(d)indegrees[d]+=1break# this 'else' will still match with the 'if' inside the for loop, it means if after any zip pairs c and d is not equal, codes in 'else' won't be runned. only when all pairs are equal, then codes in 'else' will be runned. In other words, the 'else' match to the final 'if' of the for loopelse:# check if the second word is a prefix of the first wordif len(second_word)<len(first_word):return ''# pick all nodes with zero indegree and put it into queueq = collections.deque()for k,v in indegrees.items():if v==0:q.append(k)# pick off zero indegree nodes level by level,and add to the outputans = []while q:c = q.popleft()ans.append(c)for d in adj_list[c]:indegrees[d] -= 1if indegrees[d]==0:q.append(d)# if there are letter that not appear in the output, means there is a cycle in the graph, because on the indegrees of nodes in a cycle will all be non-zeroif len(ans)<len(indegrees):return ''return "".join(ans)




二刷的时候用C++写了一遍,思路更清晰,也写了更多注释。总体思路就是利用拓扑排序,关键在于如何构建图,如果图构建好了,那么拓扑序就是我们要的答案。在构建图是,比较相邻两个words,逐个比较两个words相同位置的字符,直到找到第一个字符不相同的位置,这个位置的两个字符我们可以获得有效信息,也就是这两个字符在alien order中的相对顺序。需要注意的是也就是这个位置有用,因为后面的不同位置我们无法获取任何信息。



class Solution {
public:string alienOrder(vector<string>& words) {
    // key of the graph is the char appeared in the words, values are the chars comes after the key char in alien order(the relative relationship is derived from the words)unordered_map<char,vector<char>> graph;unordered_map<char,int> indegrees;// we must initialize the indegrees, because indegrees is a hashmap, if we does not initialize the indegrees of the chars to 0, then the chars with no indegree will not appear in the indegrees hashmap after we build the graph and calculate the indegrees for(auto word : words){
    for(auto c : word){
    indegrees[c] = 0;}}// build the graphfor(int i=0;i<words.size()-1;i++){
    // for every sequential pair of words, we can derive the relationship of the chars appeared in the two wordsstring w1 = words[i], w2 = words[i+1];// first we need to eliminate the invalid case when w2 is a prefix of w1if(w1.size() > w2.size() && w1.find(w2) == 0){
    return "";}// compare the two words char by char, find the first position where the chars at the same position of two words are different, we can have relative order of these two chars. And this is the only information we can get from these two wordsfor(int j=0;j<min(w1.size(),w2.size());j++){
    char c1 = w1[j], c2 = w2[j];if(c1 != c2){
    graph[c1].push_back(c2);indegrees[c2] += 1;// we need to break here, because the information after the first two different position cannot tell us anythingbreak;}}}// then we come to standard topology sortqueue<char> q;// find all the chars with 0 indegrees, these chars can be used as the beginning of the alien orderfor(auto it : indegrees){
    if(it.second == 0){
    q.push(it.first);}}// bfs for topology sortstring ans = "";while(!q.empty()){
    char node = q.front();q.pop();ans += node;for(auto nei : graph[node]){
    indegrees[nei] -= 1;if(indegrees[nei] == 0){
    q.push(nei);}}}// if indegrees of all the chars are 0, means no cycle, otherwise cycle existedfor(auto it : indegrees){
    if(it.second != 0){
    return "";}}return ans;}


题目被锁了,很难受,只能自己开了个ide写,用了些local的test case
这里有些good question to ask during interview:

  • what if one word is a prefix of the other one?
  • whill the words always give valid answer?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>using namespace std;string alienOrder(vector<string> words){
    unordered_map<char,unordered_set<char>> neighs;vector<int> indegrees(26,-1);for(auto& w : words){
    for(auto& c : w){
    indegrees[c-'a'] = 0;}}for(int i=0;i<words.size();i++){
    for(int j=i+1;j<words.size();j++){
    int pi = 0;int pj = 0;while(words[i][pi] == words[j][pj] && pi < words[i].size() && pj < words[j].size()){
    pi++;pj++;}if(pi < words[i].size() && pj < words[j].size()){
    if(!neighs[words[i][pi]].count(words[j][pj])) {
    neighs[words[i][pi]].insert(words[j][pj]);indegrees[words[j][pj]-'a']++;}if(neighs[words[j][pj]].count(words[i][pi])) return "";}}}queue<char> q;for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
    // cout << char(i+'a') << " " << indegrees[i] << endl;if(indegrees[i] == 0) {
    q.push(char(i+'a'));// cout << char(i+'a') << endl;}}string ans = "";while(!q.empty()){
    char top = q.front();q.pop();ans = ans + top;for(auto& neigh : neighs[top]){
    indegrees[neigh-'a']--;if(indegrees[neigh-'a'] == 0) q.push(neigh);}}return ans;}int main()
    // vector<string> words{"wrt","wrf","er","ett","rftt"};// vector<string> words{"z","x","w"};// vector<string> words{"zx","zxw","w"};vector<string> words{
    "z","x","z"};string res = alienOrder(words);cout << res << endl;return 0;